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研究生(外文):Ya-Hui Lee
論文名稱(外文):Related factors of edentulism among the middle-aged and the elderly in Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:the middle-aged and the elderlyedentulismprevalence
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」問卷樣本,針對45歲以上中老年人進行資料分析,本研究樣本數經整理後扣除資料不全得有效樣本數為11,340人,經加權計算後實際取得樣本數11,319人,男性5,704人(50.4%)女性5,614(49.6%)。此研究全口無牙定義:是採用問卷樣本進行面對面方式獲得為全口假牙者。利用SPSS套裝統計軟體的描述性統計、卡方檢定及logistic regression進行資料分析。
研究研究結果顯示,台灣45歲以上中老年人全口無牙盛行率為6.8%;65歲以上老年人全口無牙盛行率為18.0%。全口無牙率與基本人口學方面,女性8.2%高於男性5.5%,年齡層方面,隨著年紀的增加呈現增加的情形,教育程度方面,以不識字18.3%為最高,職業方面,以非(半)技術工及無業9.1%為最高。在logistic regression model中,經性別、年齡、教育程度與職業等因子調整後,在慢性疾病方面,僅有罹患糖尿病和骨質疏鬆症,全口無牙的機率有較高的現象。健康行為方面,並無達統計上顯著的相關性。口腔衛生行為方面,每次進食後刷牙和定期口腔檢查,全口無牙的機率有較低的現象。
According to the progress in the modern medicine and public health in recent years, the human’s average life span was more longer. The main health problem of human had already been replaced from the infectious diseases to chronic diseases. In those chronic diseases, poor healthy behaviors and poor oral hygiene may have significant correlation between severe periodontal disease and loss of teeth. This study focused on edentulous prevalence and the related factors among the middle-aged and the elderly (>45 y/o) in Taiwan.
The aim of our study was to understand the edentulous prevalence among the middle-aged and the elderly in Taiwan. In addition, we hope to find the difference and correlation between the edentulous condition and the variables including demographic characteristics, chronic diseases, health behaviors and oral health behaviors.
The study sample was based on the survey conducted in ”Survey on oral condition and related factors among the middle-aged and the elderly over 45 y/o in Taiwan”. The data of the middle-aged and the elderly (>45y/o) was analyzed. After we excluded subjects of incomplete data, our effective sample size was 11,340 and actually weighted sample size was 11,319, male and female numbers were 5,704(50.4%) and 5,614(49.6%).The edentulous was defined as complete denture case by the door-to-door interview questionnaire. The data was analyzed by statistical package SPSS for windows (version 10.0, Chicago), Chi-square and logistic regression.
The result revealed that the edentulous prevalence of the middle-aged and the elderly over 45 y/o was 6.8%, and the elderly over 65 y/o was 18.0% in Taiwan. The demographic characteristics of the edentulous prevalence showed that the prevalence of women (8.2%) was higher than men (5.5%) and increased with age. The education of the edentulous prevalence showed that the prevalence of the illiterate (18.3%) was higher. The occupation of the edentulous prevalence showed that the prevalence of non-technician and unemployed persons (9.1%) were significantly higher. The results of logistic regression analysis of the edentulous condition with adjustment of sex, age, education and occupation were showed as following. The edentulous prevalence of diabetes and osteoporosis were higher. The association between edentulous prevalence and health behavior were not significant. Concerning the association between the edentulous prevalence and oral hygiene behavior, it was noted that the edentulous prevalence of the persons who receive regular oral examination and brush teeth after each meal was lower.
This study can reveal the importance of oral hygiene care in the middle-aged and the elderly over 45 y/o in Taiwan by understanding the edentulous prevalence of them and its correlative factors. In addition, it will be a guideline for popularizing and improving middle- and old-aged oral hygiene care.
Keywords: the middle-aged and the elderly, edentulism, prevalence
第一章 緒論--------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景---------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的---------------------------------2
第二章 文獻探討-----------------------------4
第一節 2004年世界人口老化概況------------------4
第二節 中老年人的口腔狀況-----------------------5
第三節 影響中老年人口腔健康狀況因素-------------7
第四節 慢性疾病與牙齒喪失的相關性---------------9
第五節 抽煙、嚼食檳榔、喝酒與牙齒喪失的相關性--12
第六節 口腔衛生與牙齒喪失的相關性--------------13
第三章 材料與方法--------------------------15
第一節 研究對象--------------------------------15
第二節 抽樣設計--------------------------------15
第三節 研究設計--------------------------------19
第四節 研究架構--------------------------------22
第五節 統計方法--------------------------------23
第四章 結果---------------------------------24
第一節 基本資料分佈情形------------------------24
第二節 中老年人全口無牙之盛行率----------------24
第三節 性別、年齡之全口無牙率分析--------------25
第四節 基本人口學特性與全口無牙之相關性--------25
第五節 慢性疾病與全口無牙之相關性--------------26
第六節 健康行為與全口無牙之相關性--------------27
第七節 口腔衛生與全口無牙之相關性--------------27
第八節 基本人口學特性相關因子多變數之分析------27
第九節 慢性疾病相關因子多變數之分析------------28
第十節 健康行為相關因子多變數之分析------------29
第十一節 口腔衛生行為相關因子多變數之分析-----30
第五章 討論---------------------------------31
第一節 中老年人全口無牙之盛行率分析------------31
第二節 基本人口學相關資料分析------------------31
第三節 慢性疾病相關資料分析--------------------32
第四節 健康行為相關資料分析--------------------33
第五節 口腔衛生行為相關資料分析----------------33
第六章 結論與建議--------------------------35
第一節 結論------------------------------------35
第二節 建議------------------------------------36
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