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研究生(外文):Hsiu-Hui Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Indoor Volatile Organic Compounds and Subjective Symptoms – A Case Study of Teaching Building in Southern Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:Indoor air qualityvolatility organic compoundshealth risk assessmentsubjective symptomscontamination of laboratory
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本研究以南部某教學大樓為研究對象,首先利用問卷調查常滯留於該大樓內之人員,針對其所處室內空氣品質的滿意度與個人之自覺症狀。其次,再將其中滿意度較差的18間研究室、16間實驗室各樓層走廊及7間特殊教室,進行空氣採樣。經檢測分析所得數據再與問卷調查結果進行交叉分析,攸關健康風險評估部分,則利用美國環保署整合風險資料庫(Integrated Risk Information System;IRIS)之資料進行評估。
問卷調查結果顯示,有四成以上的人員,對該大樓研究室及實驗室之室內空氣品質表示不滿意;其中,七、八樓的不滿意度達五成,九樓更高達七成以上。而環境檢測數據則發現揮發性有機物質(VOCs) 有40餘種,其中檢測出Benzene(苯)於研究室6B及相鄰實驗室6D最高,分別為10.61ppb及13.73ppb,Chloroform (氯仿)於研究室7B及相鄰實驗室7D最高,分別為2.12ppm及2.32ppm,Dichloromethane (二氯甲烷)於研究室8B及相鄰實驗室8F最高,濃度為6.74ppm及5.91ppm,Hexane (正己烷)於研究室8B及相鄰實驗室8F較高,研究室5E亦不低,其濃度分別為1.19ppm、0.81ppm及1.14ppm。顯然實驗室內部之研究室,受到使用揮發性化學藥品實驗之影響極大。其原因與實驗過程曾使用該揮發性藥品,長期累積殘留於空氣中、實驗人員缺乏正確操作流程、通風設計不良、室內障礙物影響氣流的流線、以及實驗室與研究室間的門戶管理不善等有關。事實上,有進行實驗之樓層(7、8樓) 其揮發性有機物質(VOCs)濃度有較高之現象,而且與問卷調查結果所得空氣品質不滿意之結果相當一致,而實驗頻繁之9樓人員,雖對其空氣品質滿到最不滿意,但實際檢測結果則未見有高濃度之污染物存在。致癌風險部分則發現Benzene濃度於研究室6D及位於外側之實驗室6B最高,其致癌風險分別高達9.62×10-5 ~ 3.41×10-4及7.43×10-5 ~ 2.63×10-4。
This research primarily investigated actual condition and differences of indoor air quality among the floors to discussion the relation between indoor air quality with staffs’ subjective symptoms of the study room and laboratory in a teaching building. Simultaneously, examined of its environment information to evaluate health risk.
This research focused on a teaching building located at southern Taiwan. First all, questionnaire was used to discuss the satisfied of indoor air quality and subjective symptoms. Regarding the result of surveys, to use as the air sampling from those less satisfied areas, like 16 study rooms, 18 laboratories, and the corridor among each floor. The results of questionnaire were statistically compiled and analyzed with environmental data, and part of risk assessment according to the IRIS of U. S. EPA.
According to the survey, there were above 40 percent of people who most often participated in these areas were not satisfied with the air quality. Especially the 7th and 8th floors were more than 50 percent dissatisfied. Moreover, there were 70 percent staffs that dislike air quality in the 9th floor. According to the result of environmental detection, it indicated more than 40 kinds of VOCs, including highest concentration of Benzene in study room of 6B (10.61ppb) and nearby laboratory of 6D (13.73ppb), Chloroform in study room of 7B (2.12ppm) and nearby laboratory of 7D (2.32ppm), Dichloromethane in study room of 8B (6.74ppm) and nearby laboratory of 8F (5.91ppm), higher concentration of Hexane in study room of 8B (1.19ppm), nearby laboratory of 8F (0.81ppm), and study room of 5E (1.14ppm). Obviously, study rooms, inside the laboratories, contained the extreme amount of VOCs. The reason was about used this chemicals in experiment process, have accumulated and remained in the air for a long time, lack of correct operating procedures, design of air conditioner circulatory system badly, air current influences by the indoor barrier, and the management of the door controlling among the study rooms and laboratories. In fact, there were higher concentration of VOCs in 7 th and 8 th floor, and the result of air quality and unsatisfied with questionnaire is quite unanimous, however most staffs unsatisfied of air quality and have not exist higher concentration in actual environmental data with frequent experiment in 9 th floor . About the carcinogenic risk, we detected Benzene in laboratory of 6D and nearby study room of 6B, the carcinogenic risk were 9.62×10-5 ~ 3.41×10-4 and 7.43×10-5 ~ 2.63×10-4.
Conclusion and suggestion:
According to the results, there was higher trend of VOCs concentration in study room or laboratory from the floors that was carried on the experiment and even spread to the nearby laboratory. Therefore, we should carry out the standard operation procedure (SOP) of experiments strictly and require appropriate equipment for self-protection, improve the weakness of the air conditioner system and install local exhaust ventilation system improving the air quality.
【目 錄】
摘要 I
英文摘要 III
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX

第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究架構與流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 室內空氣品質之探討 7
2.2 室內揮發性有機物之探討 13
2.3 室內空氣品質與病態大樓症候群 24
2.4 健康風險評估 27
第三章 材料與方法 29
3.1 研究對象 29
3.2 環境現況之調查 29
3.3 問卷調查 38
3.4 環境量測 40
3.5 資料整理及統計分析 45
3.6 健康風險評估 47
第四章 結 果 53
4.1 問卷調查結果 53
4.2 環境檢測數據 66
4.3 環境檢測數據與自覺症狀相關性分析 80
4.4 健康風險評估 101
第五章 討論 107
5.1 問卷調查結果之探討 107
5.2 環境暴露之探討 112
5.3 影響自覺症狀之危險因子探討 116
5.4 健康風險評估之探討 120
第六章 結論與建議 122
6.1 結論 122
6.2 建議 124
6.3 研究限制 125
參考文獻 126

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附錄二 溫溼度檢測數據
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