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研究生(外文):Jou-Tzu Ou
論文名稱(外文):The psychotherapy client: a narrative analysis for the Self change process
指導教授(外文):Bi-Ling Shieh
外文關鍵詞:psychotherapyselfnarrative analysisthe change process
  • 被引用被引用:5
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Purposive : The aim of the research is with a processing interview way to investigate how the clients in the psychotherapy view their problem situation, made choices in the situation and construct meaning for attending a realization of the Self. The second aim is to find how the implicit Self to become explicit. Otherwise expect to find the change process that how the clients get through the discomfort between mind and body, and the relation that the change process with psychotherapy. This research attempts to make the Self change phenomena and process of psychotherapy clients more apparent and provide more insights to the readers.

Method : To provide a more in-depth representaion of the clients’ experience phenomenon, this research adopted the qualitative approach and the narrative analysis. The research objects are the clients in the psychotherapy, the researcher interview the clients from the treatment onset, and then interview them every four treatments after that. Each interview took approximately one hour and was recorded for transcribing into text to provide the main source for data analysis. We analyze texts further in accordance with the Ricoeur ‘s discourse, la triple mimesis, and a frame of reference “the Self”. ”the Self ” is composed of I, narrator, and Mes, and each component has a location in the Self to narrate, all of them are some ways to represent the one’s Self. We try to find the Self change of the clients in the psychotherapy with these two perspectives, and attempt to draw the change process. Four clients were represented in this research.

Result and Discussion: The research attempts to illustrate and discuss the interactive phenomena in the Self and the possible routes of changes. The unexpected result discovers sorts of the self meaning constructions are in relation closely with one’s situate. We find Mes constantly construct the meaning from the situation, and then influence the I. Otherwise, the other result discovers that the changes, some discovers and realization from the psychotherapy, must carry out in the life. The changes need significant other’s affirmation, and just can go on. Therefore, the key point of psychotherapy might turn intervention into a interpersonal ethical action, and then promote more changes. Besides, the I would make choices and do actions through the Mes, and in the other way, these actions might further affirm the I.
The other result concludes there are two period in the Self change process: 1. accessing get realize period, 2. get into the self historical memory stream period. The first period is the process that the waiting for be realized by the therapist of the client in the psychotherapy onset. The therapist action is a way to figure the felt sense of the client. If the felt sense was figured out, the I and the Mes were received and carried on, and can be narrated in the afterward psychotherapy. The key point of getting into the second period is the client can be realized, and then get the voicing location. The voicing location lets one get back to the discomfort situation, and memorized the past discomfort experience, and Mes and the I dialog with each other , and might develop changes further.
As a result of the total treatment sessions between 7~12 in three clients of the research, the result presented is only one kind of change phenomena and process of treatment initial stage. It is unable to completely summarize to the overall picture of the psychotherapy, but still can offer some meaningful pictures of change process in the initial stage of psychotherapy .
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
致謝詞 IV
目次 VI
圖表目錄 XI

第一章、緒論 001
第一節、研究動機與背景 001
第二節、研究問題與目的 003
第二章、研究文獻回顧 004
第一節、自我 004
壹、關係 006
貳、社會建構與敘事觀點 006
參、身體與自我 011
第二節、心理疾病現象 012
壹、身體與文化 012
第三節、心理改變現象與心理治療之改變歷程 013
第四節、小結 016
第五節、名詞界定 017
第三章、方法論 019
第一節、呂格爾的三層次再現論及敘事與時間 019
第二節、敘事心理學與分析 021
第四章、研究方法 022
第一節、研究對象 022
第二節、研究流程 022
第三節、研究分析方法 024
壹、呂格爾之三層次再現論---敘事文本之建構 024
第四節、研究工具 028
壹、研究者的訓練預設視框 028
貳、研究者的預設視框訪談大綱 028
參、訪談大綱 028
肆、訪談記錄 029
伍、其他研究工具 029
第五節、研究倫理 029
第五章、研究結果 031
第一節、個案的說出與敘說分析 031
壹、雲雲的說出與敘說分析 031
貳、玟娟的說出與敘說分析 077
參、均霆的說出與敘說分析 087
肆、名豐的說出與敘說分析 091
第二節、自我演示之樣貌 096
壹、自我的特性 096
貳、說出具像化經驗感受 096
參、自我的特殊感 097
肆、一種易受生活處境改變的感覺 097
伍、回到處境裡的改變 098
陸、說出後的感受 099
柒、對天喊話 100
捌、家庭處境 100
第三節、自我的改變歷程 101
壹、接近理解時期 101
貳、自我回憶時期 104
第四節、心理治療對改變的契入 107
第六章、討論 109
第一節、另一種不同的開顯意義方式 109
第二節、改變 109
壹、關係是一個改變的入口 109
貳、改變的歷程 111
第三節、自我的特性 112
壹、隱而未明的我 112
貳、家庭關係 113
第四節、以主體我、敘說我、處境我與felt sense的觀點作預設視框的分析方式對研究帶來的影響? 113
第七章、結論、反思、限制與建議 115
第一節、研究結論 115
壹、結論 115
貳、研究貢獻 115
參、研究者的反思 116
第二節、研究限制與建議 117
壹、研究限制 117
貳、研究建議 118
參考文獻 119
附件 122
附件一、個案訪談邀請書 122
附件二、治療師之訪談說明書與邀請函 123
附件三、個案基本資料表格 125
附件四、個案訪談大綱 127
附件五、層次一分析舉例 129
附件六、層次二分析舉例 131
表4-1、受訪者(個案)基本資料 022
表4-2、個案治療次數與訪談次數之時程表 024
表4-3-1、本研究分析方法與呂格爾三層次再現論之比對 024
表4-3-2、本研究之分析步驟 026
表5-1-1、雲雲在工廠工作處境的關係處境之分析文本 033
表5-1-2、雲雲出來工作後處境之分析文本 042
表5-1-3、雲雲與家人關係處境之分析文本 047
表5-1-4、雲雲與心理師關係處境之分析文本 052
表5-1-5、雲雲自己對自己之分析文本 063

圖2-1-1、敘事觀點下之自我概念 008
圖2-1-2、個人認同 010
圖2-1-3、故事做為生命的詮釋 010
圖2-1-4、生命與故事之理解循環 010
圖2-3、改變輪模式 014
圖2-4、研究文獻整理之自我概念 017
圖2-5、自我的結構 018
圖4-1、文本分析方法步驟之概念示意圖 027
圖5-1:個案與心理師在治療處境裡的接近與理解 103
圖5-2:自我回憶時期---空間與時間的交錯 104
圖5-3:雲雲的自我改變路徑 105
圖5-4:玟娟的自我改變路徑 106
圖5-5:均霆的自我改變路徑 106
圖5-6:名豐的自我改變路徑 107

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