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研究生(外文):Ming-Man Tang
論文名稱(外文):Kinetics of change in the prostaglandin E2 concentration in cerebrospinal fluid of mice infected with Angiostrongylus cantonensis
外文關鍵詞:Angiostrongylus cantonensiscerebrospinal fluidprostaglandincyclooxygenaseeosinophilic meningitis
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Angiostrongylus cantonensis (the rat lung worm) is the principle cause of eosinophilic meningitis or meningoencephalitis worldwide. However, there is still something unknown about the molecules secreted by the parasite that modulate host immune responses or epithelial barrier function in the brain. The current investigation was undertaken to investigate whether any immunomodulatory compounds could be identified from secretions of A.cantonensis. It is considered that prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is one of the compounds the parasite induced and cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes are responsible for the biosynthesis of PGE2 depended on the metabolism of arachidonic acid (AA). Rescently, two COX isoforms have been cloned (COX-1 and COX-2) .Various studies suggest that aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can inhibit the activity of cyclooxygenase enzymes. In vitro, live A.cantonensis was incubated with arachidonic acid and aid drugs like aspirin, indomethacin , nimesulide and SC560. Here it is found that A.cantonensis is involved in PGE2 production, but the inhibitors did not inhibit its COX activity.In vivo, mice was infected with A.cantonensis and then collected CSF of mice at different days. In this study, the concentration of PGE2 in the condition medium and CSF was determined by FPIA. It is found that the concentration of PGE2 is dose-dependent and time-dependent after infected with A.cantonensis. And COX-inhibitor like aspirin and indomethacin can’t inhibit the COX activity effectively and reduce the PGE2 production. It is considered that finding the COX-like inhibitor to reduce PGE2 concentration may be the way for relieving symptoms of eosinophilic meningitis in the future.
中文摘要 …………………………………………………………. 1

英文摘要 …………………………………………………………. 3

緒 論 …………………………………………………………. 5

材料方法 …………………………………………………………. 9

一、廣東住血線蟲第三期幼蟲的收集 ……. 9

二、廣東住血線蟲第五期幼蟲的收集 ……………. 9

三、實驗動物的感染 ……. 10

四、血清和腦脊髓液的收集 ……. 11

五、白血球的分類與計算 ……. 11

六、蟲體抗原的製備 ……. 12

七、蟲體的培養 ……. 12

八、蟲體培養液的時間測定 ……. 13

九、前列腺素E2(PGE2)的測定 ……. 13

十、統計與分析 ……. 14

結 果 …………………………………………………………. 15

一、末梢血液的嗜伊紅性白血球百分比 ……. 15

二、腦脊髓液嗜伊紅性白血球百分比 ……. 17

三、腦脊髓液中前列腺素E2的濃度測定 ……. 18

四、蟲體回收數與前列腺素E2濃度的關係 ……. 19

的時間測定 ……. 20

六、蟲體培養液中前列腺素E2的濃度測定 ……. 20

討 論 ………………………………………………………… 23

圖 表 ………………………………………………………… 28

參考文獻 ………………………………………………………… 50
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