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研究生(外文):Hui-Wen Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Lived Experienceof Wemon with Hyperemesis Gravidarum
指導教授(外文):Fan-Hao Chou
外文關鍵詞:Hyperemesis Gravidarumlived experiencephenomenological studyqualitative research
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The purpose of this study through the view of the subject herself, is to thoroughly understand the daily life experiences of expectant mothers who suffered from Hyperemesis Gravidarum deeply. This study used purposive sampling, and participants were recruited from two medical centers in southern Taiwan. During depth interview of eight women diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum, the researcher obtained their experience. All interviews would be tape recorded and transcripted. A total of 11 interviews were conducted in this study and collected data were analyzed by Colaizzi (1978) phenomenological research method. The results illustrated real-life experiences of these Hyperemesis Gravidarum women and could be inducted and classified to six categories: physical and psychological suffering in the past, happiness and sense of loss, isolation and support, comparison and confirmation, being with Hyperemesis Gravidarum and shining future.
The results of the research would help both the medical and nursing professionals to understand the real-life experiences of an woman suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum better and thus offer more appropriate care. By providing better quality of health care, the expectant mothers can improve their life quality. It would also be extend both practical and academical value domestically.
目錄 頁次

第壹章 緒論
第一節 研究動機及重要性······························· 1
第二節 研究目的······································· 3
第三節 研究問題······································· 3
第四節 名詞界定······································· 3
第貳章 文獻回顧
第一節 妊娠初期常見之不適····························· 5
第二節 妊娠劇吐······································ 10
第三節 妊娠劇吐對孕婦及家庭造成之影響················ 26
第參章 研究方法
第一節 現象學研究法·································· 30
第二節 研究對象······································ 34
第三節 研究工具······································ 34
第四節 研究情境······································ 37
第五節 資料收集過程·································· 37
第六節 資料分析方法·································· 39
第七節 研究之嚴謹度·································· 40
第八節 研究對象權益維護······························ 43
第肆章 研究結果
第一節 個案基本資料·································· 45
第二節 妊娠劇吐婦女之生活經驗研究結果················ 47
第伍章 討論··········································· 92
第陸章 結論與建議
第一節 結論········································· 106
第二節 應用與建議··································· 106
第三節 研究限制····································· 110
中文文獻············································· 111
英文文獻············································· 113
附錄一:參與研究同意書····························· 120
附錄二:訪談過程紀錄及分析(摘錄)················· 121

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