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研究生(外文):Tien-Yuh Chen
論文名稱(外文):FMCDM for Measuring the Performance Appraisal of Aircraft Maintenance Staff
指導教授(外文):Hung-Yi Wu
外文關鍵詞:Performance AppraisalFuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP)Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM)
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由於國際間交通日益發達,飛機往來趨於頻繁,而負責航空安全把關之第一線地勤維修人員扮演極為重要角色;然而石油能源價格持續飆漲,航空公司面臨強大的競爭壓力,轉而縮編人事組織,但為維持競爭力,形成由少數員工承擔大量工作負荷之現象。故員工於年終績效考核時,在有限的大餅分配下,常未能瞭解自己考績偏低之緣故,難免質疑公司之評估標準,以致影響工作士氣與品質,而此態度恐對飛航安全造成潛在性威脅。執是,制定一套較符合身繫重要飛安大任之地勤維修員工特性之績效評估方法,實為當務之急。本研究以C 航空公司地勤維修人員為個案研究對象,將其現行之專業、創新、團隊與紀律四大評估指標,以模糊層級程序分析法 (Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, FAHP)建構評估構面與準則架構,並綜合12位重要主管之專家意見,發掘各評估構面與準則之模糊權重值;再利用模糊多準則決策法 (Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making, FMCDM),求出員工之模糊綜合績效值。並將排序結果與現行個案公司員工績效評估排序作一比對,探討分析其間之差異。本研究以FAHP分析,顯示績效評估構面指標之權重排序為「專業」、「團隊」、「紀律」、與「創新」;其中又「基本工作常識」與「工作內容之品質」兩項準則為最,而「飛機修護工作量」之重要度排第四位,此說明地勤維修人員除「專業」優先外,還應善盡團隊之「責任」與注重工作「品質」。故由此研究結果推論,個案公司之現行無加權之績效評估方式,較無法彰顯員工重要表現特質,且經由FMCDM之分析結果,發現員工之排序進退影響超過10名以上者佔總比例之31.38%,顯示約有三分之一的員工排序深受加權績效評估之影響。故建議個案公司或相關企業,為增加公平與合理性,在未來處理員工績效評估時,可採用FAHP與FMCDM方法,以客觀反映員工實際重要績效表現,作為公司年終敘薪及獎勵之參考依據。
The task responsible to the safety of the aviation by aircraft maintenance staff has increasingly gained its importance in respond to the flourishing air traffic worldwide. However, due to the continuingly increased price of oil, the airline companies face with the formidable competition pressure. The staff’s over workload is a result of sustaining its competitive advantage by downsizing. Therefore, during the staff appraisal reviewed at the year’s end, with the limited resources, most staff are unable to understand the real reasons why they are underestimated and question about the justice of evaluation criteria. So that influences morale and work quality, and such attitude perhaps threats the flight safety potentially. Accordingly, it is imperative to formulate a method of performance appraisal tailored to the aircraft maintenance staff being in charge of the flight safety at this moment. This research takes the aircraft maintenance staff of the C airline company as a case study object. It first adopts the current four evaluation index of C airline: specialty, innovation, teamwork, and discipline, by using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) to construct the dimensions and criteria of evaluation framework. The fuzzy weights of each dimension and criterion of evaluation are calculated by synthesizing the expert advice from 12 important managers. Then, it utilizes the Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) to compute the comprehensive fuzzy performance values of the staff. Finally, the study explores the differences between the ranking of the FMCDM priorities and the ones of current ranking of C airline. Based on the analysis result of FAHP, it demonstrates the priorities of evaluation index weights of performance appraisal are “specialty”, “teamwork”, “discipline”, and “innovation”, respectively. The top two important evaluation criteria are “general knowledge of basic work” and “quality of the work content”. “Workload of airplane maintenance” emphasized more by the company is the fourth. Furthermore, the analysis result from FMCDM, it reveals that the staff ranking order, which was affected more than 10 ranks, takes 31.3%. It means 1/3 staffs approximately, their ranking were affected. This research finds the current non-weighting performance appraisal of C airline, it is unable to reveal the importantly special characteristics of the staff comparatively. Consequently, for the sake of fairness and rationality, it suggests that the case company or the relevant enterprises while measuring staff's performance appraisal, may apply the FAHP and FMCDM methods, to objectively reflect the employees' actually important performance as reference for compensation and reward at the year's end.
誌  謝 I
中文摘要 III
英文摘要 IV
目  錄 VI
表  次 VIII
圖  次 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究架構 4
第四節 研究流程 5
第五節 研究限制 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 員工績效評估的意涵 7
第二節 現有績效考核辦法相關研究之問題 15
第三章 研究方法 16
第一節 模糊理論 16
第二節 層級程序分析法 20
第三節 模糊層級程序分析法 24
第四節 模糊多準則評估決策法 26
第四章 個案分析 28
第一節 個案C航空公司之問題敘述 28
第二節 實證分析 30
第五章 結論與建議 38
第一節 研究結論 38
第二節 研究建議 39
參考文獻 40
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附錄二 個案公司地勤維修員工績效評估資料 51
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