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Author (Eng.):Shih-Min,Ti
Title (Eng.):Analysing the introduction of ERP into construction industry by the theory of constraints
Advisor:陳冠英陳冠英 author reflink
Narrow Field:電算機學門
Detailed Field:電算機一般學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
number of pages:92
keyword (chi):企業資源規劃(ERP)限制理論(TOC)營造業
keyword (eng):ERPTOCConstruction industry
Ncl record status:
  • Cited Cited :4
  • HitsHits:686
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隨著時間的累積,企業有用的資訊資產也越來越多,加上企業結構的複雜,若單以人力或半自動化來經營,都很難有競爭力。因此各企業都以實施企業e化做為優先的策略,希望可以解決困境。而企業e化的方式很多,其中以ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning;企業資源規劃)系統較為合適。ERP系統可以使企業內部的所有資源有效整合,確保資料的正確性及一致性,同時可以增加員工的工作效率、公司營收、節省成本。

至今很少營造業導入ERP,所以可供業界參考的成功案例也較為缺乏,造成營造公司對於導入ERP系統缺乏信心。如果可以提供實際成功的案例經驗,勢必可以增加對導入成功的信心。因此本研究透過某成功導入ERP系統的營造公司,將其寶貴的經驗加以彙整成可具參考性的資訊。所以本研究採用限制理論(Theory of Constraints;TOC)來排除ERP導入的過程中所產生的問題。最後以六標準差(Six Sigma)的DMAIC方式繪製導入流程圖,使人明瞭其導入的階段流程。希望本研究結果可以提供營造產業在導入企業資源規劃系統時,做為導入前的參考依據,以達到系統成功上線為最終目標。
As time past, enterprises have accumulated huge amounts of useful information asset. It’s hard to compete if you manage them manually or semi-automatically. Thus, enterprises are anxiously finding effective ways to manage their businesses. Among them, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) stands out from the rests. ERP system enables the integration of all the enterprise resources. In this way, efficiency and profits can be maximized and cost is minimized.

As of today, there are few construction companies have implemented ERP. This has resulted in a way that even construction companies who are interested in implementing ERP system will reluctant to go ahead, because of no good examples to learn from. The aim of this study is to look in depth of the company who has successfully introduced ERP system into the business. This study further employs TOC (Theory of Constraints) to remove problems encountered during the introduction of ERP system. Lastly with Six Sigma’s DMAIC way drawing channel into flow chart of the instruction of ERP system will be showed clearly. This case study will try to provide as much information needed as possible for companies in the construction industry who are interested in implementing ERP system.
誌 謝 ---------------------------------------------------- I
中文摘要 -------------------------------------------------- II
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------- III
目 錄 ---------------------------------------------------- IV
表次 --------------------------------------------------- VII
圖次 -------------------------------------------------- VIII

第一章緒論 --------------------------------------------- 1
第一節研究背景 --------------------------------------- 1
第二節 研究動機 --------------------------------------- 2
第三節研究目的 --------------------------------------- 3
第四節研究範圍與對象---------------------------------- 4
第五節研究流程 --------------------------------------- 5
第六節論文架構 --------------------------------------- 6

第二章文獻探討 ----------------------------------------- 7
第一節ERP的定義-------------------------------------- 7
第二節ERP的緣由--------------------------------------- 8
壹 MRP(Material Requirement Planning)--------------- 10
貳 MRPII(Manufacturing Resource Planning II)--------- 11
參 ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning)-----------------12
第三節 ERP的效益--------------------------------------- 13
第四節 ERP的導入--------------------------------------- 14
壹 為何要導入ERP------------------------------------- 14
貳 導入ERP系統時應考量的因素------------------------- 16
参 導入ERP系統的方法--------------------------------- 20

第三章研究方法 ------------------------------------------ 22
第一節研究架構 ---------------------------------------- 22
第二節研究對象 ---------------------------------------- 24
壹 個案公司的選擇------------------------------------- 24
貳 資料來源------------------------------------------- 25
参 資料蒐集方式--------------------------------------- 25
第三節營造產業的探討 ---------------------------------- 26
壹 營造產業的特性------------------------------------- 26
貳 營造產業的科技運用情形----------------------------- 26
参 營造產業的競爭優勢分析----------------------------- 29
第四節研究方法 ---------------------------------------- 32
壹 個案研究法(Case Study Methodology)------------------ 32
貳 限制理論(Theory of Constraints;TOC) ---------------- 33
第五節 小結---------------------------------------------- 40

第四章結果分析 ------------------------------------------ 41
第一節個案公司的簡介-------- -------------------------- 41
第二節個案分析-------------- -------------------------- 41
壹 個案公司導入前的概況------------------------------- 41
貳 設定專案目標--------------------------------------- 42
參 專案小組組織架構----------------------------------- 42
肆 個案公司導入ERP系統的里程表----------------------- 43
伍 個案公司導入ERP系統所發生的問題------------------- 44
第三節個案公司的導入流程與說明------------------------- 44
壹 第一階段------------------------------------------- 46
貳 第二階段------------------------------------------- 46
参 第三階段------------------------------------------- 47
肆 個案公司較為不同的導入策略------------------------- 48
伍 營造產業較為特別的需求----------------------------- 50
第四節使用限制理論導入ERP系統的分析------------------- 52

第五章結論與建議 ---------------------------------------- 73
第一節結論 -------------------------------------------- 73
第二節建議與後續的研究--------------------------------- 75
第三節研究限制----------------------------------------- 75

參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------- 77

附錄一 --------------------------------------------------- 81

表 次

表2-1 ERP系統演變過程表 ---------------------------------- 9
表2-2 導入ERP系統之前的考量因素-------------------------- 17
表2-3 SAP所提之ASAP方法--------------------------------- 19
表2-4 Oracle所提之AIM方法 ------------------------------ 21
表3-1 營造業連網整備度之表現----------------------------- 27
表3-2 營造業企業內部流程電子化之表現--------------------- 28
表3-3 ERP/e化系統在經營策略中所扮演的角色---------------- 31
表4-1 個案公司導入ERP系統所發生的問題彙整表------------- 44
表4-2 企業導入ERP系統考量因素彙整表--------------------- 53
表4-3 限制條件因果表------------------------------------- 55
表4-4 個案公司之限制條件彙整表--------------------------- 58
表4-5 限制改善作法(一) ---------------------------------- 61
表4-6 限制改善作法(二) ---------------------------------- 63
表4-7 限制改善作法(三) ---------------------------------- 65
表4-8 限制改善作法(四) ---------------------------------- 66
表4-9 限制改善作法(五) ---------------------------------- 68
表4-10 限制改善作法(六) ---------------------------------- 69
表4-11 限制改善作法(七) ---------------------------------- 71
圖 次

圖1-1 研究流程圖 ----------------------------------------- 5
圖2-1 ERP系統之演進-------------------------------------- 10
圖3-1 研究架構圖 ---------------------------------------- 23
圖3-2 實體、政策與典範限制三者關係圖--------------------- 35
圖3-3 內部與外部實體限制發生情況------------------------- 36
圖4-1 個案公司之專案小組組織圖 -------------------------- 43
圖4-2 個案公司之ERP系統導入流程圖----------------------- 45
圖4-3 營造業所需的-整合性資訊管理系統-------------------- 50
圖4-4 限制條件的解決流程--------------------------------- 59
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1. The Research on Developing a Model of Implementing ERP Systems for the IC Manufacturing Industry in Taiwan
2. Critical Success Factors and Implementation Framework toward ERP System - A Case Study on the Application of Theory of Constraints
3. Development of User Satisfaction as a Measure of ERP Success
4. Critical Factors of ERP Adoption in Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises: An Empirical Study
5. Project Management for Enterprise to Implement ERP System - Application of Theory of Constraint
6. To develop an implementation model of Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) in construction industry
7. Operation Procedures for Automated Site Data Management
8. Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning System in Information Technology Industry-A Case Study of Motherboard Industry
9. Apply TOC to Analyze Enterprise e-Learning Facility- A Case Study
10. The Study of Key Factors for Success in Electronic IndustriesThrough Application of Project Management Incorporatingwith Enterprise Resources Planning
11. A Comparative Study on Application Performance of Information Technology in Taiwan''s Multinational Business
12. Applying TOC to Analysis the Constraints and Alternatives of Taiwan’s Aviations Maintenance Industry for Developing in Mainland China
13. Applying TOC to Analysis the Constraints and Solutions of the viation Repair Industry in Taiwan
14. The theory of constraints in the project management application - A case of environmental protection consultant projects
15. Analysing the Critical Success Factors of introducing ERP into construction industry by AHP
1. 21. 楊智斌、林涵文與彭皓銑,2002,國內甲級營造廠使用營建管理軟體之現況調查,現代營建,第275 期,75-81。
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1. Analysing the Critical Success Factors of introducing ERP into construction industry by AHP
2. Case Study:How a Construction Company Avoiding its Bad Experience in Implementing the Enterprise Resource Planning System.
3. 組織結構、資訊系統與流程再造在導入ERP系統之角色探討
4. The Impact of Critical Successful Factors of ERP Implementation on Business Performance:A Case Study of the T Company
5. An ERP Application Study on College Property Management System
6. The study of Implementation of Product Development Management System in Textile Industry
7. The Key success factors to apply ERP(Enterprise Rescoring Programming)at every stage-The case study of M-Aluminum-extrusion Company
8. A Study Regarding CSFs and Causes of Failure Using ERP for Large Scale Organizations
9. The Study on the Relationship between EBPP Implementation and Benefit in Financial Industry
10. A Study on RFID Security for Military Missile Management
11. A Study on the Critical Success Factors of adopting Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP) in Public Utilities
12. Project Management for Enterprise to Implement ERP System - Application of Theory of Constraint
13. Critical Success Factors and Implementation Framework toward ERP System - A Case Study on the Application of Theory of Constraints
14. E-Business Model Building by Lean Thinking
15. Study on the Implementation, Operation and Maintenance of Enterprise Resource Planning Computer Systems by Taiwanese Enterprises
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