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論文名稱(外文):A Study On The Traveling Identification System (RFID)In The Air Transporting Industry
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近年來對於全球航空產業最大的衝擊莫過於美國911事件,此一空前災難造成整體產業自1993年以來最嚴重的萎縮,而美國航空運輸業的損失規模超過180億美元以上,關門倒閉的航空公司不知其數。911事件更重要的影響是各國大幅增加機場之相關安全檢查措施/流程,強化國土保安措施防止各種恐怖行動。因此,為符合未來航空產業復甦時大量增加之旅運量與貨運量,並能兼顧機場、飛機之安全性,在現有服務體系下將會引入新一代電子資訊服務系統,無線辨識系統(RFID: Radio Frequency Identification System)之商機將會出現。

The September 11 events in America were undoubtedly the biggest shock on the global air transport industry lately. This unprecedented disaster has caused the industry the most severe shrinkage since 1993. In a more specific term, the scale of loss for the U.S. air transport industry is well over US$18 billion and the number of airlines closing down is countless.

However, there is a more significant impact caused by the events. That is the substantial increase of security-related measures and procedures imposed by most airports and airlines around the world to enhance their homeland security and to prevent any possible terrorist attacks. Therefore, while the industry recovers, if airports and airlines are to meet the huge demand in the increase of passenger and cargo volume yet not at the expense of the airport and airline security, the Radio Frequency Identification System (RFID), a new generation of electronic information service system, will be the feasible solution for the current service system.

As far as this research is concerned, some time has been spent on collecting information on the developing trend of RFID application, the establishment result and its future development of RFID system in some globally renowned international airports from some international organizations, such as ICAO and IATA. Of the information collected, the research focus has been on the contrast and analysis of the air travel security process and its operation between Taiwan and other countries. And to propose some strategies and measures on the implementation of RFID systems for the international airports in Taiwan will be our eventual goal of this study.
目 錄
謝 詞 Ⅰ
論文提要 Ⅱ
論文摘要 Ⅳ
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附錄目錄 Ⅸ

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究方法 4
第四節 研究範圍 7
第二章 文獻回顧與探討 8
第一節 國際航空旅運產業的發展趨勢 8
第二節 國際民航組織(ICAO)及國際航空運輸協會(IATA)對保安的要求 14
第三節 無線辨識系統(RFID) 19
第四節 國際航空旅運保安發展趨勢 26
第五節 探討全球旅運保安的項目與範圍 35
第三章 各國機場旅運導入RFID實例分析 39
第一節 美國 39
第二節 德國 43
第三節 日本 44
第四節 韓國 48
第五節 香港 51
第六節 新加坡 54
第四章 中正國際機場旅運保安應用RFID現況 56
第一節 臺北飛航情報區(FIR)地理位置 56
第二節 中正國際機場客貨量分析 60
第三節 中正國際機場航空旅運保安現況 63
第四節 中正國際機場航空旅運導入RFID技術發展趨勢 71
第五章 RFID技術發展趨勢及旅運保安深度應用 74
第一節 RFID技術在民航服務上的應用 74
第二節 RFID航空旅運應用上的潛在效益 78
第三節 推動RFID於我國航空旅運保安策略分析 79
第四節 專家學者深度訪談分析 82
第六章 結論與建議 90
第一節 結論 90
第二節 建議 96
附錄1. 參考文獻
1.航空運輸學 航安海洋用品有限公司 李彌博士 92年
2.RFID技術與應用 旗標出版 日經BP社 93年
3.RFID Market Analysis ABI Research 2005
4.策略九說 麥田出版 吳思華 85年
5.策略管理 智勝 林建煌 92年
二 期刊
1.RFID Journal
2.Cargo Newsletter
3.Smart Label Analysis 01.2006
4.無線辨識系統在航空產業之應用 航太小組 王聰榮 94年季刊
5.無線辨識技術在機場之應用 航太學會 高增英 94年季刊
6.無線辦識技術(RFID)在航空旅運保安之應用 商業流通資訊高增英等 94年季刊
7.無線射頻辨識(RFID)在鄰近國家航空應用現況與未來發展趨勢 商業流通資訊 汪君平等 94年季刊
1.兩岸航空貨運市場發展之研究 交通部運研所 王穆衡等 92年
2.航空旅運SIG會議資料, 經濟部商業司94年
3.工研院RFID技術及驗測中心發展現況 工研院 杜德霖 93年
4.Raise Your Expectations Quality of Service at Airport Kuala Lumpur 2005
5.Airport Financing, Costing, Pricing, and Performance Canada Transportation Act Review, David Gillen 2001
6.FAA Policy Memo on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) John Dimtroff 2004 FAA
7.Requirements for Machine-readable Technologies to Identify Commercial Airplane Parts Boeing 2004
8.Delta Air Lines TechOps RFID Pilot Project Delta Air Lines 2004
9.Implementing ATA SPEC 2000 Permanent Identification Rockwell Collins 2004
10.Global Aviation RFID Forum 2004 Boeing and Airbus WTT
11.活用RFID Tag !提高機場行李・貨物作業效率~ 構想~提案~製作實施~ 富士通 2004
5.ICAO Annex 17 Security Safeguarding Civil Aviation Against Acts of Unlawful Interference
6.ICAO Doc 8973 Security Manual for Safeguarding Civil Aviation Against Acts of Unlawful Interference
7.ICAO 9808/AN765 Human Factor in Civil Aviation Security Operations
8.ICAO 9800 High-Level Ministerial Conference on Aviation Security
9.IATA Security Manual
10.IATA for Aviation Management
11.Air Cargo Security: An Overview 2001
12.ABI Research 2005 RFID Market Analysis
13.Large Scale Identity Management: An International Case Study in Aviation Security ARINC 2003
14.International Standards In RFID Smith Suksmith Identify Limited 2005
15.2004 RFID Summit for Industry RFID Technology Primer DOD 2004
16.APEC Ministerial Conference Security IATA 2004
17.Final Report of Being –FedEx Passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) 90 day Proof of Concept Conducted on MD-10 Registration Number N370FE 2004
18.航空警察局專題報告204年 紀燕卿
19.Implementation on Travel Baggage Tracking and Monitoring System Based on RFID ICAO A35-WP/160 2004
1.Transportation Infrastructure Issues In the Homeland Security Environment
2.Auto ID and EPC Network Auto ID Lab 2004
3.Auto-ID Center RFID Systems and Security and Privacy Implications Auto ID Lab 2004
4.Global RFID Market Overview Venture Development Corporation 2005
5.Simplifying the Business IATA 2004
6.e-Airport NARITA What will Future Airport be Like?
7.How Far, How Fast: The State of RFID” Deloitte 2005
8.RFID for Aviation Management IATA 2004
9.FTC RFID Conference 2004
10.The Airport IT Trends Survey SITA 2004
11.Radio Frequency Identification Policy & Implementation Strategy 2004
12.Airport Security 2004 Polices & Programs Airport Impact and the Future
13.RFID Overview Intel 2004
14.RFID Overview and Effects on MIS
15.Technology Strategies for Market Dominance: Analysis on United Airlines, United Airlines2004
16.IATA Introduces RFID Standards for Baggage Tags Annual Industry Savings Projected at US$760 Million
17.McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas is overhauling its baggage-handling systems to incorporate Radio frequency identification tags
18.Improving Airport Operations and Security with RFID, Symbol 2005
19.RFID Summit for Industry RFID Technology Primer U.S.A DOD 2004
20.Airlines Tagging Luggage with RFID 2005
21.ASTEC’s Trail Review and Report (e-Tag RFID) 2005
22.RFID In Airports Still A Ways Off 29, 2005
23.SITA 2005 Taipei Road Show
24.Airport Baggage Tracking System工研院 杜德霖 94年
25.美國-麥卡倫機場以射頻標籤取代條碼 RFID無線辨識技術
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