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論文名稱(外文):Key Factors on Baseball Fans Choosing Teams to Support and the Correlation among Experiential Satisfaction, Participation behavior, and Loyalty– A Case Study on the Chinese Professional Baseball League
指導教授(外文):Chuan-Yuh Wang
外文關鍵詞:Baseball fansSupporting factorsExperiential satisfactionLoyaltyParticipation behavior
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In 1987, the Professional Baseball Promoting Committee was established under the effort of Hung, Ten-Sheng, known as “The father of professional baseball”. Professional baseball games officially started in 1990. The games have been extremely popular and out of favor. As a result of the customers era, there are various temptations out there for customers. The Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) must understand the key factors on fans choosing teams to support, factors influencing experiential satisfaction, fans’ participation behavior, the reasons for the formation of loyalty as well as the correlation among each factor.
The population of this research is fans of six teams of CPBL. Fans were sampled by convenience sampling method from those watching games at Hsinchuang Baseball Stadium, Tienmu Baseball Stadium, Hsinchu Chung Chen Baseball Court, Taichung Baseball Stadium, Tainan City Baseball Field and Kaohsiung County Baseball Field. A total of 1550 questionnaires were distributed while 1200 are effective. SPSS12.0 is adopted as the research tool. Descriptive Statistics, Factor Analysis, T-test, One-Way ANOVA, Chi-Square Tests, Cluster Analysis, Discriminate Analysis, Canonical Correlation, and Scheffe’s method are included in the statistical analysis.
The result shows that among different demographic variables, only the difference between gender and loyalty is not significant, other items such as factors for supporting a team, experiential satisfaction and loyalty show significant or partial significant differences. After Cluster Analysis, their level of participation behavior is divided into high and low-to-mid groups. In terms of factors for supporting a team and participation behavior, only “Management images of the baseball team” and “Territoriality Principle” show no significant difference while others do. Therefore, different factors for supporting a team result in different participation behavior. There is no significant difference between experiential satisfaction and participation behavior so experiential satisfaction factor does not influence the level of participation behavior. For participation behavior and loyalty, only “BIRG and repurchase behavior” show significant difference, while other factors do not. Hence, different levels of participation behavior will have different level of loyalty. The factors for supporting a team are significantly correlated to experiential satisfaction and loyalty. Experiential satisfaction is significantly correlated to loyalty.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目的 7
1.4研究範圍 7
1.5研究問題 7
1.6研究流程 7
1.7名詞操作性定義 10
第二章 文獻探討 12
2.1球迷支持球隊關鍵影響因素相關研究 12
2.2涉入理論及其相關研究 16
1.2.1涉入定義 16
1.2.2涉入型態 17
1.2.3涉入程度 19
1.2.4球迷涉入相關研究 21
2.3娛樂理論 22
2.4體驗與滿意度理論及其相關研究 24
2.4.1體驗意涵 24
2.4.2滿意度意義 24
2.4.3顧客滿意度模式 25
2.4.4運動滿意度相關研究 27
2.5運動參與行為理論及其相關研究 28
2.5.1運動參與行為意義 28
2.5.2運動參與行為相關理論 29
2.5.3滿意度與參與行為關係相關研究 33
2.6顧客忠誠度理論及其相關研究 34
2.6.1忠誠度意義 34
2.6.2顧客忠誠度衡量 34
2.6.3影響球迷對球隊忠誠度與行為因素 36
2.6.4球迷對球隊忠誠度實證研究 38
2.7文獻總結與研究假設 38
第三章 研究方法 42
3.1研究架構 42
3.2研究對象 42
3.3問卷設計與發放 43
3.3.1研究工具的編制與預試 43
3.3.2研究工具修正 44
3.3.3研究工具預試 44
3.4資料收集方法 46
3.4.1抽樣樣本數決定 46
3.4.2抽樣方式 46
3.5量表分析方法 47
3.5.1信度分析與效度分析 47
3.6資料處理 48
第四章 結果分析 50
4.1樣本人口統計變項之分佈狀況 50
4.2研究構面分析 54
4.3研究構面因素分析及信度檢定 57
4.3.1球迷選擇支持球隊因素 57
4.3.2體驗滿意度因素 60
4.3.3球迷對球隊忠誠度因素 61
4.3.4信度檢定 63
4.4不同人口統計變項與各構面差異分析 66
4.4.1球迷選擇支持球隊關鍵影響因素 66
4.4.2球迷體驗滿意度 81
4.4.3球迷對球隊忠誠度 95
4.5球迷參與行為集群分析與各群間之差異分析 108
4.5.1集群分析 108
4.5.2鑑別分析 108
4.5.3集群命名 109
4.6影響球迷參與行為、體驗滿滿意度與忠誠度因素 112
4.6.1不同選擇支持影響因素與球迷參與行為比較分析 112
4.6.2不同球迷體滿意度與球迷參與行為比較分析 112
4.6.3球迷參與行為與球迷對球隊忠誠度比較分析 113
4.6.4球迷選擇支持球隊關鍵影響因素與體驗滿意度的典型相關分析 114
4.6.5球迷選擇支持球隊與球迷對球隊忠誠度典型相關分析 115
4.6.6球迷體驗滿意度與球迷對球隊忠誠度典型相關分析 117
第五章 結論與建議 119
5.1研究結論 119
5.1.1球迷選擇支持球隊關鍵影響因素 119
5.1.2人口統計變項在各構面因素之差異分析 120
5.1.3球迷參與行為的集群分析與人口統計變項目差異分析 122
5.1.4影響球迷參與行為之因素 122
5.1.5球迷支持球隊因素與體驗滿意度之關連性 123
5.1.6球迷支持球隊因素與球迷對球隊忠誠度之關連性 123
5.1.7體驗滿意度與球迷對球隊忠誠度之關連性 123
5.2管理的意涵 124
5.3研究限制 126
5.4後續研究建議 126
參考文獻 128
附錄一-【預試問卷】 138
附錄二-【正式問卷】 142
自傳 146
王文科 (1999),教育研究法(5版),台北市:五南。
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