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研究生(外文):Wu Chun-Te
論文名稱(外文):A Case Study of Brand Similarity Effects on Consumers’ Purchase Behavior — For Example of Kun Shan University
指導教授(外文):Chin-Chiuan Lin
外文關鍵詞:product involvementperceived qualitysimilarity brandperceived riskproduct knowledgeperceived priceperceived value
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在競爭者繁多的市場裡,如何讓消費者願意支付較高價格購買你的產品?答案是「品牌」。但隨著競爭程度的加劇和廣告費用的日益成長,新產品的導入已面臨越來越大的風險,所以現在越來越多企業使用一些方式來減少新產品的導入風險。其中的一個方式就是利用領導品牌的名稱和商標等品牌資產,創造出與領導品牌的名 稱或商標相似的相似品牌。
1. 相似品牌之消費者其知覺價格對知覺品質呈現正向影響。
2. 相似品牌之消費者其知覺品質對知覺價值呈現正向影響。
3. 相似品牌之消費者其知覺價格對知覺價值呈現負向影響。
4. 當消費者之知覺價格、知覺風險越高,則其相似品牌的購買意願越低。
5. 當消費者之知覺品質、知覺價值、產品知識、涉入程度越高,則其購買相似品牌之意願越高。
In the competitive market, what makes consumers willing to pay higher prices for your products? The answer is “Brand”. But as the competition intensifies and the advertising cost increases, the introduction of new products is more risky than ever. Therefore more and more enterprises seek ways to reduce the risks of introducing new products. To this end, one method takes advantage of the leading brand’s brand assets, such as the brand name and trademark, by creating a similarity brand that is reminiscent of the leading brand, particularly via the choices of the brand name or trademark.
Although more and more similarity brands emerge, very few research articles in the literature addressing the issue of the similarity brands integrate the consumers’ purchase intention for similarity brand products into a thorough analysis. In view of this situation, this research focuses on consumer products and considers factors like perceived price, perceived quality, perceived value, product knowledge, product involvement, and perceived risk, etc, to investigate the consumers’ purchase intention toward similarity brands.
This research uses statistics software package SPSS 11.0 to analyze data. Specifically, we adopt statistical methods like Descriptive Statistics, T-test, One-way ANOVA, Path Analysis, Regression Analysis, etc. for our investigation.

Our research results are as follows:
1. The perceived price of consumers of the similarity
brands has positive effect on their perceived quality.
2. The perceived quality of consumers of the similarity
brands has positive effect on their perceived value.
3. The perceived price of consumers of similarity brands
has negative effect on their perceived value.
4. As consumers’ perceived price or perceived risk
increases, their purchase intention for the products
of the similarity brands will decrease.
5. As consumers’ perceived quality, perceived value,
product knowledge, involvement degree increases, their
purchase intentions of products by the similarity
brands will increase.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 研究範圍 4
1.5 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 品牌 6
2.2 相似品牌 7
2.3.1 知覺價格的定義與概念 9
2.3.2 知覺價值的定義與概念 11
2.3.3 知覺價值模式 12
2.3.4知覺價格與知覺品質、購買意願之關係 13
2.4 知覺品質 14
2.4.1 知覺品質的定義與概念 14
2.4.2 知覺品質的衡量構面 17
2.5 產品知識 18
2.5.1 產品知識的定義與概念 18
2.5.2 產品知識對購買意願的影響 19
2.5.3 產品知識的衡量 19
2.6 產品涉入 21
2.6.1 涉入的定義與概念 21
2.6.2 涉入的分類 22
2.6.3 涉入對購買行為的影響 25
2.6.4 產品涉入的衡量 26
2.7 知覺風險 28
2.7.1 知覺風險的定義與概念 28
2.7.2 知覺風險對購買意願的影響 29
2.7.3 知覺風險的構面與衡量 31
第三章 研究方法 33
3.1 研究架構 33
3.2 研究假設 33
3.2.1 知覺價格與知覺品質之關係 33
3.2.2 知覺品質、知覺價格、知覺價值與購買意願之關係 34
3.2.3 產品知識與購買意願之關係 35
3.2.4 產品涉入程度與購買意願之關係 35
3.2.5 知覺風險與購買意願之關係 36
3.3 變數的操作性定義與問卷設計 37
3.3.1 知覺價格 37
3.3.2 知覺價值 37
3.3.3 知覺品質 38
3.3.4 產品知識 38
3.3.5 涉入程度 39
3.3.6 知覺風險 39
3.3.7 購買意願 40
3.3.8 人口統計變數 40
3.4 抽樣方法與資料蒐集 41
3.4.1 確定母體 41
3.4.2 抽樣設計與樣本數決定 41
3.5 資料分析方法 42
3.5.1 描述性統計 42
3.5.2 信度與效度分析 42
3.5.3 T檢定 42
3.5.4 單因子變異數分析 43
3.5.5 路徑分析 43
3.5.6 迴歸分析 43
第四章 研究結果與分析 44
4.1 信度與效度分析 44
4.1.1 信度分析 44
4.1.2 效度分析 45
4.2 樣本結構分析 46
4.2.1 人口統計變數 46
4.2.2 基本人口統計分析 49
4.3 路徑分析 50
4.3.1 研究架構之路徑分析 52
4.3.2 知覺價值之中介影響效果檢定 57
4.4 產品知識、涉入程度與知覺風險對相似品牌購買意願之分析 60
4.4.1 產品知識對相似品牌購買意願的影響 61
4.4.3 知覺風險對相似品牌購買意願的影響 63
第五章 結論與建議 65
5.1 研究發現與討論 65
5.1.1 人口統計變數對相似品牌購買意願之影響 66
5.1.2 知覺價格對知覺品質之關係 66
5.1.3 知覺品質、知覺價格對知覺價值之關係 66
5.1.4 知覺品質、知覺價格、知覺價值對購買意願之關係 67
5.1.5 產品知識對購買意願之關係 68
5.1.6 產品涉入程度對購買意願之關係 68
5.1.7 知覺風險對購買意願之關係 68
5.2 研究貢獻 69
5.3 研究限制與對後續建議 69
5.3.1 研究限制 69
5.3.2 後續研究的建議 70
參考文獻 71
附錄 80
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