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研究生(外文):Chen Po-Feng
論文名稱(外文):A Modified Flux Observer for Speed Sensorless Scalar Control of Induction Motor Drives
指導教授(外文):Lin-Goei Shiau
外文關鍵詞:induction motorscalar controlspeed sensorlessflux observer
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本論文針對感應馬達純量控制系統,提出一個無轉速感測器的系統架構。此系統是利用估測的滑差轉速去做轉速補償。由於純量控制系統在低速或重載的情況下,容易受定子壓降的影響,造成馬達氣隙磁通的減少,進而降低整個純量控制系統的性能。這個問題在本論文中是以ㄧ個升壓控制器來補償定子的壓降,以維持固定的氣隙磁通。在設計轉速估測器時需要先行估測馬達的磁通,吾人採用了兩種磁通估測方式,一種是應用順滑模態(sliding mode)技術去估測轉子磁通,另一種是利用估測的反電動勢去得到定子磁通。而在兩種磁通估測器中都會有純積分運算的問題。本論文分別以修正矩陣法和正交檢測器法去解決純積分問題。另外,在本論文中使用了延遲時間補償策略去補償變頻器輸出電壓波形的偏差,來提升磁通估測的準確度。最後綜合上述的策略,吾人提出四種不同的滑差估測架構。
本論文並將上述四種不同的滑差估測架構,應用於無轉速感測器的感應馬達純量控制系統上。首先,利用MATLAB/Simulink 軟體去模擬驗證,並實際組裝一組以個人電腦為基礎的實驗系統,來測試系統的各項特性。由實驗結果證明不管在無載或滿載情況下,所提出四種不同無轉速感測的系統都具有良好的轉速追蹤能力,並且對於負載的擾動系統都擁有很好的強健性能。
In this thesis, a speed sensorless structure is proposed for scalar control of induction motor drives. In this control structure, speed compensation is achieved by the estimated slip speed. In the case of low speed or heavy load,
the air gap flux of motor will decrease owing to the stator voltage drop, and the performance of the whole system will be degraded. The stator voltage drop problem is compensated by an auto-boost voltage controller to maintain constant air gap flux. The motor flux is estimated before rotor speed estimation. We adopt two flux estimation forms, one applies sliding mode technique to estimate the rotor flux, the other uses the estimated back EMF to obtain the stator flux. Pure integration problem is met in both forms of flux estimation. In this thesis, the pure integration problem is separately treated by corrected matrix method and quadrature detector method.
Moreover, we use a dead-time compensation strategy to compensate the deviation of the output wave of the inverter, so the precision of the flux estimation can be obtained. Finally, four slip estimation structures are proposed.
The above mentioned four different slip estimation schemes are applied to speed sensorless scalar control of induction motor drives. First, a simulation verification work is done by MATLAB/Simulink software. Then, a PC-based experimental system is setup to test the performances of the drive system. From the experimental results, both in no-load and full-load cases, all the proposed slip estimation schemes exhibit good performances of speed tracking and robust load disturbances rejection.
第一章 緒論.........1
1.1 簡介.........1
1.2 研究動機.........2
1.3 相關文獻回顧.........3
1.4 論文大綱.........7
第二章 感應馬達的動態數學模式.........9
2.1 感應馬達的三軸動態數學模式.........9
2.2 座標轉換.........10
2.2.1 靜止參考座標系.........13
2.2.2 同步旋轉參考座標系.........14
2.2.3 兩軸座標系間的轉換關係.........15
2.3 感應馬達的兩軸動態數學模式.........17
2.3.1 電氣方程式.........17
2.3.2 轉矩方程式.........20
2.3.3 機械方程式.........20
第三章 感應馬達的控制原理.........22
3.1 向量控制原理.........23
3.1.1 間接式磁場導向控制.........26
3.1.2 直接式磁場導向控制.........27
3.2 純量控制原理.........28
3.3 變頻器的動作原理.........34
3.3.1 SPWM 電壓源變頻器.........35
3.3.2 CRPWM 電壓源變頻器.........37
3.4 延遲時間補償原理.........39
3.5 結論.........47
第四章 無轉速感測器的感應馬達純量控制原理......49
4.1 轉速估測原理.........49
4.2 滑模轉子磁通估測原理.........53
4.2.1 順滑模態控制的原理.........54
4.2.2 滑模轉子磁通估測器.........56
4.3 定子磁通估測原理.........61
4.3.1 修正矩陣法.........62
4.3.2 正交檢測器法.........66
4.4 無轉速感測器的感應馬達純量控制系統.........70
第五章 實驗結果.........74
5.1 軟硬體介紹.........74
5.2 無載起動特性模擬結果 .........79
5.3 實驗結果.........81
5.3.1 無載起動特性試驗.........81
5.3.2 對負載變動的強健特性試驗.........83
5.3.3 不同轉速命令下的斜波響應特性試驗.........85
5.3.4 梯形波與階梯波的轉速追蹤特性試驗.........86
5.3.5 低速(60 rpm)的運轉特性試驗.........87
第六章 結論與未來研究方向.........116
6.1 結論.........116
6.2 未來研究方向.........118
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