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研究生(外文):Wu Te-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Ultrasound Transducers for Hyperthermia
指導教授(外文):Chihng-Tsung Liauh
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本研究除了數值分析超音波換能器所放射的波壓分佈外,也將製作超音波換能器並實際量測其波壓分布情形。利用AIMS(Acoustic Intensity Measurement System)測量換能器之波壓分佈並與電腦模擬結果進行比對,結果可以提供有用資訊從事超音波高溫腫瘤治療用的超音波換能器設計。
Within recent decades, results have shown that hyperthermia is one of the effective methods treating of cancers or malignant tumors. Ultrasound has several characteristics, such as, small wavelength, deep penetration, which make it well suited for hyperthermia. A well-designed ultrasound transducer can effectively treat tumors at different depth and size. First, the acoustic pressure fields emitted by different ultrasound transducers are calculated numerically, and investigate their application in hyperthermia.
Second, several ultrasound transducers are fabricated to measure their acoustic pressure fields. We use AIMS (Acoustic Intensity Measurement System) to measure the acoustic pressure field. The measured acoustic pressure fields are compared to those fields calculated theoretically. Results will provide us with useful information to design a good ultrasound transducer for ultrasound hyperthermia.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
符號說明 viii
第一章、 緒論 1
1-1 高溫腫瘤治療 1
1-2 超音波高溫腫瘤治療 5
1-3 超音波簡介 7
第二章、文獻回顧 10
第三章、理論分析 15
3-1 平面波的波場理論 15
3-2 單一平面換能器輻射波壓場 21
3-3 常用的平板圓形和矩形超音波換能器波壓場的計算 23
3-3-1 平板圓形超音波換能器 23
3-3-2 平板矩形超音波換能器 24
3-4 凹球面超音波換能器波壓場的計算 25
3-5 平板超音波換能器波壓場考慮衰減現象 26
第四章、實驗裝備、材料與步驟 27
4-1 實驗裝備 27
4-1-1 掃描水箱、定位系統和侍服馬達 27
4-1-2 數位示波器和CEC-488介面卡 30
4-1-3 系統控制程式 31
4-1-4 Hydrophone and Preamplifier(前置放大器) 31
4-1-5支撐 Transducer and Hydrophone的附屬組件 33
4-1-6角度定位控制系統 34
4-1-7任意波形訊號產生器 36
4-1-8電子馬達驅動系統 37
4-1-9 AIMS系統構造 37
4-2 實驗材料 39
4-3 實驗步驟 43
第五章、研究結果 45
5-1 超音波換能器波壓場電腦模擬數值分析 45
5-1-1 平板圓形超音波換能器波壓場電腦模擬分析 45
5-1-2 平板矩形超音波換能器波壓場電腦模擬分析----------53
5-1-3 凹球面超音波換能器波壓場電腦模擬的分析----------60
5-2 超音波換能器由AIMS系統波壓場量測 68
第六章、結論與未來展望 79
6-1 結論 79
6-1-1 電腦模擬數值分析---------------------------------------------79
6-1-2 AIMS系統波壓場量測-----------------------------------------80
6-2 未來展望 81
參考文獻 83
附錄一Agilent 54622A 示波器 Performance Characteristics 91
附錄二 Hydrophone Calibration Data 93
自述 94
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