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論文名稱(外文):High Speed Photographic Analysis and Studies for the Liquid Oil Impacting on a High Temperature Surface
外文關鍵詞:high temperature surfaceimpacthigh speed photographyviscositydroplet
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The phenomena of the liquid oil droplet impacting on a high temperature surface were studied experimentally in this paper. By using the high-speed camera with the photoflood system, the kinematic modes and the dynamic properties of the above impacting process can be investigated in detail. Moreover, six kinds of fluids (such as oils, fuels and the pure water) were selected as the testing materials in this study. The major parameters were the droplet properties and the surface temperature.
First of all, the previous testers were established to appraise the effects of the surface temperatures and the oil viscosities on the impacting process. Secondly, the dynamic variations for the micro size of the liquid droplet during the impacting process were especially analyzed systematical. Finally, the experimental results of this paper can be concluded as followings: (1) the variations of the impacting process under the average room temperature can be classified into four states: spreading, recoiling, oscillating and steady states. They showed the pure mechanical impacting effects. (2) the variations of the impacting process for the surface temperature which was smaller than the boiling point of the fluid can be classified as: spreading, recoiling, draging up, oscillating or boiling states. The above results were influenced by both of the mechanical impacting and the heating effects. (3) the variations of the impacting process for the surface temperature exceeded the boiling point of the fluid can be classified as: spreading, boiling, spattering, flashy explosion, spraying droplets and spring. The mechanical impacting and the high temperature effects both caused the above results. Moreover, the above results can be reasonally explained by that the surface tension was smaller than the pressure difference under the high temperature. (4) the maximum diameter of the droplet decreased with increasing the viscosity and the surface tension. Moreover, the minimum diameter also decreased with increasing the surface tension. (5) the diameter of the spraying droplet decreased with increasing the surface temperature. Moreover, the spring period increased with increasing the diameter of the spraying droplet or the surface temperature. (6) the maximum diameter of the droplet increased and the minimum diameter decreased with decreasing the viscosity of the fluids. The trend of recoiling was significantly for the low viscosity. However, the variations of the droplet diameter were severe for the high temperature cases.
一、 緒論--------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.1 前言---------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.2 文獻回顧---------------------------------------------------------------2
1.3 研究動機與目的----------------------------------------------------17
二、 研究設備--------------------------------------------------------------19
2.1 高速影像攝取系統------------------------------------------------- 19
2.1.1 機器介紹-----------------------------------------------------19
2.1.2 實驗裝備-----------------------------------------------------19
2.1.3 操作步驟-----------------------------------------------------19
2.1.4 儀器注意事項---------------------------------------------- 20
2.2 加熱栓與高溫表面------------------------------------------------- 20
2.2.1 加熱栓--------------------------------------------------------20
2.2.2 高溫表面-----------------------------------------------------21
2.3 液滴產生裝置-------------------------------------------------------21
2.4 加熱控制箱與溫度顯示器---------------------------------------- 22
三、 研究方法與實驗步驟-----------------------------------------------28
3.1 研究方法------------------------------------------------------------- 28
3.2 實驗步驟------------------------------------------------------------- 28
四、 實驗結果與討論---------------------------------------------------33
4.1 液滴撞擊室溫下乾平面的變化----------------------------------33
4.1.1 純水液滴撞擊室溫下銅表面的變化--------------------33
4.1.2 柴油液滴撞擊室溫下銅表面的變化--------------------34
4.1.3 汽油液滴撞擊室溫下銅表面的變化--------------------35
4.1.4 基礎油HN液滴撞擊室溫下銅表面的變化-------------36
4.1.5 基礎油LN液滴撞擊室溫下銅表面的變化------------37
4.1.6 基礎油50P液滴撞擊室溫下銅表面的變化------------37
4.2 液滴撞擊沸點(含)以下乾平面的變化--------------------------46
4.2.1 純水液滴撞擊其沸點(含)以下銅表面的變化---------46
4.2.2 柴油液滴撞擊其沸點(含)以下銅表面的變化---------47
4.2.3 汽油液滴撞擊其沸點(含)以下銅表面的變化--------48
4.2.4 HN液滴撞擊其沸點(含)以下銅表面的變化-----------49
4.2.5 LN液滴撞擊其沸點(含)以下銅表面的變化------------50
4.2.6 50P液滴撞擊其沸點(含)以下銅表面的變化-----------52
4.3 液滴撞擊溫度明顯高於沸點之乾平面的變化----------------74
4.3.1 純水液滴撞擊溫度明顯高於其沸點銅表面的變化74
4.3.2 汽油液滴撞擊溫度明顯高於其沸點銅表面的變化75
4.4 油品黏度之效應-----------------------------------------------------83
4.5 油品溫度之效應-----------------------------------------------------96
4.6 油品黏度與溫度之耦合效應與討論---------------------------109
4.6.1 相同油品在不同溫度下之效應-------------------------109
4.6.2 相同溫度而油品不同之效應----------------------------112
五、 結論與未來展望----------------------------------------------------137
5.1 結論------------------------------------------------------------------137
5.2 未來展望------------------------------------------------------------138


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