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論文名稱(外文):The R & D of a Multiple-function Bathroom Washstand
指導教授(外文):King-Leung WongHuann-Ming Chou
外文關鍵詞:defogginginvention patentdryingdehumidifyingKeeping warmwashstand
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一般家庭的浴室裡,經常因濕度高而造成天花板、牆壁和毛巾等物品容易長霉菌。因此對人體健康有不良的影響,而所造成天花板和牆壁之外表腐壞脫落,亦影響到衛生和美觀。人們在平時洗頭後,大多以電熱風機來吹乾頭髮;但這不僅耗能,且常因浴室內潮濕的關係,電熱風機若有漏電現象時,會導致觸電的危險。同時,電熱風機出風溫度大多超過 60℃以上,常會造成使用者不舒適。當冷天沐浴時,浴室內的高溫高濕度導致空氣露點升高,會在較低溫之鏡子上結霧,使用上極度的不方便。且因為濕度較高的緣故,也會造成地板濕滑,若不小心滑倒,可能造成嚴重的傷害。在目前的浴室中,大多使用抽氣風扇抽走濕氣但無乾燥效果;使用加熱器或熱風扇來作冷天的身體保溫但無除濕功能;在鏡子以附加電熱器作除霧,但有耗能和可能觸電的缺點;使用毛巾來擦乾身體但容易傳染細菌。
This research is “R & D of a multiple-function bathroom washstand”, it is pinpointing the needs of a bathroom to design a washstand with the multiple functions of dehumidifying and sterilizing, mirror defogging, drying and keeping warm for body, and it is very suitable to apply inside dry-wet separate-type bathroom.
Inside a bathroom of general families, it does easily cause mold on the ceiling, wall and towel owing to high humidity. Thus, it results in bad effect for human being’s healthy, causes the rotten surface of ceiling and wall, and affects the sanitation and appearance of a bathroom. People always dry out their hair by an electric blower after hair washing; it does not only waste energy, and also may likely cause shock if the electricity leakage of blower owing to the wet environment of bathroom. Meanwhile, the outlet wind temperature of blower is always over 60℃ and thus makes user uncomfortable. While taking a hot shower or bath in cold days, the high temperature and relative humidity inside a bathroom causes high dew point of air, thus it does easily result in a foggy mirror and make user inconveniently. And it may likely cause a slippery floor because of wet, and it may result in a serious hurt if someone slips down. Inside most present bathrooms, an exhaust fan is always used to draw out the wet air but with no drying effect; a heater or heating fan is used for keeping body warm in cold days but with no dehumidifying function; an electric heater is added in mirror to defog but with shortage of wasting energy and taking risk of shock; towels are used to dry the body but likely affecting germ.
In order to solve above problems inside bathroom, a real multiple-function washstand is built and modified after an invention patent. The new creative equipment consists of dehumidifying and heating system inside a washstand; there is a sterilizing device in front of intake airway, and a position adjustable and flexible tube is used as an outtake airway. By remote control to turn on/off the machine, adjust the airflow rate, temperature and flow direction of dehumidified air, the multiple functions of dehumidifying and sterilizing, mirror defogging, drying and keeping warm for body can be achieved inside bathroom.
During the R & D process of the new washstand, there are two generations of prototypes are developed. The first-generation prototype is modified after the original invention patent, some shortages have been found after testing and using the washstand. Thus, the modified second-generation prototype is finally built and it owns the potential of mechanized product.
目 錄
中文摘要 ----------------------------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 ----------------------------------------------------------------- iii
誌謝 ----------------------------------------------------------------- v
目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------- vi
表目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ix
圖目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------- x
符號說明 ----------------------------------------------------------------- xiii
第一章 研究背景、構想與目標
1.1 研究背景----------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究構想----------------------------------------------------- 3
1.3 研究目標----------------------------------------------------- 9
第二章 研究方法
2.1 運用原理----------------------------------------------------- 12
2.1.1 空氣相關之特性-------------------------------------------- 12
2.1.2 除濕機原理-------------------------------------------------- 14
2.1.3 傳統式除濕機構造----------------------------------------- 16
2.1.4 除霧原理----------------------------------------------------- 17
2.2 第一代原型機設計----------------------------------------- 18
2.3 結構及各項功能說明------------------------------------- 22
2.4 規劃完成第一代原型機製作與測試-------------------- 24
第三章 第一代原型機之研發製作
3.1 第一代原型機的主要元件-------------------------------- 25
3.1.1 壓縮機(compressor)------------------------------------ 25
3.1.2 冷凝器(condenser)-------------------------------------- 27
3.1.3 蒸發器(evaporator)------------------------------------- 29
3.1.4 毛細管(capillary tube)---------------------------------- 29
3.1.5 風扇(fan)------------------------------------------------- 31
3.1.6 冷媒(refrigerant)---------------------------------------- 33
3.1.7 加熱器(heater)------------------------------------------ 34
3.1.8 無線遙控模組的選用-------------------------------------- 35
3.2 第一代原型機製造研發過程----------------------------- 36
3.3 第一代原型機控制電路動作說明----------------------- 41
艦|章 原型機性能測試
4.1 測試儀器介紹----------------------------------------------- 45
4.2 性能測試及分析-------------------------------------------- 46
4.2.1 除濕能力測試----------------------------------------------- 50
4.2.2 除霧能力測試----------------------------------------------- 53
第五章 第二代原型機改善研發製作
5.1 殺菌裝置應用----------------------------------------------- 57
5.2 傳統式控制電路改善-------------------------------------- 59
5.3 出風管及送風頭改良-------------------------------------- 63
5.4 第二代原型機除濕能力測試----------------------------- 65
第六章 結論與建議
6.1 結論----------------------------------------------------------- 67
6.2. 市場效益分析----------------------------------------------- 68
6.3 建議----------------------------------------------------------- 71
參考文獻 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 72
專利 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 73
各項參展 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 76
獲獎 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 78
作者簡介 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 79
參 考 文 獻

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