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研究生(外文):Wang, Chih-Shen
論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Relationship among Supervisor-Subordinate Exchange Relationship, Power Distance, Abusive Supervision and Organizational Citizenship Behavior – The Case for Thai and Philippine Labor in Manufacture Industry
指導教授(外文):Yu, Ming-ChuChen, Yi-Jung
外文關鍵詞:Foreign LaborSupervisor-Subordinate Exchange RelationshipPower DistanceAbusive SupervisionOrganizational Citizenship Behavior
  • 被引用被引用:12
  • 點閱點閱:1965
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本研究以南台灣之製造業泰國籍與菲律賓籍勞工為研究範圍與對象。採用滾雪球(Snowball Sampling)方式抽樣發出問卷,共發出460份問卷,合計回收274份,有效回收238份問卷(泰國籍勞工150份,菲律賓籍勞工88份)。


Recently, Taiwan had suffered labor shortage problems due to the promotion of the education standard and the changing attitude to work. In order to solve the labor shortage problems, Taiwan’s government import foreign labors to meet the need of industries from 1989. According to CLA (Council of Labor Affairs) 2006 March reports, the number of foreign labor in Taiwan already surpasses three hundred and twenty thousand, in which half percent are from Thailand and Philippine. They are an indispensable manpower for the manufacturing industries in Taiwan.

Although import the foreign labor to solve the labor shortage problems, but the foreign labor comprises of different language, culture, custom. It is cause many problems of manage and lead style, even some supervisor has “Abusive Supervision” to foreign labor. Above the reasons mentioned, this study seeks to discuss the correlation of supervisor-subordinate exchange relationship and power distance to abusive supervision and organizational citizenship behavior.

The range and object of this study is based on the Thai and Philippine labor of manufacturing industries in southern Taiwan. Using the Snowball Method of sampling, 460 questionnaires are sent out and 274 are replied, in which 238 (150 of Thai and 88 of Philippine) are valid. Through a statistical analysis, we acquire the conclusion as follows: (1) The closer supervisor- subordinate exchange relationship will effectively reduce the abusive supervision behavior in organization. (2) The power distance between supervisor and subordinate have no related to organizational citizenship behavior. (3) When abusive supervision was high, subordinate’s organizational citizenship behavior was negatively related to organizational citizenship behavior. (4) The closer supervisor- subordinate exchange relationship, the higher organizational citizenship behavior. (5) The higher power distance of supervisor, the higher organizational citizenship behavior.
Index of Contents

Index of Contents
Abstract(In Chinese) -----------------------------------------------i
Acknowledgements(In Chinese) -------------------------------------iii
Index of Contents--------------------------------------------------iv
List of Tables ----------------------------------------------------vi
List of Figures---------------------------------------------------vii

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background and Motivation------------------------------1
1.2 Research Purposes ----------------------------------------------2
1.3 Research Procedure ---------------------------------------------3

Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Foreign Worker -------------------------------------------------4
2.2 Leadership Theory ----------------------------------------------6
2.3 Leader-Member Exchange Theory (LMX Theory)---------------------12
2.4 Cultural Difference -------------------------------------------16
2.5 Abusive Supervision -------------------------------------------22
2.6 Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) ---------------------25
2.7 Relationship between each dimension ---------------------------30

Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Conceptual Framework ------------------------------------------34
3.2 Hypotheses ----------------------------------------------------35
3.3 Measures and Operational Definitions --------------------------36
3.4 Participants --------------------------------------------------38
3.5 Collection Procedure ------------------------------------------39
3.6 Data Analysis--------------------------------------------------41

Chapter 4 Analysis and Results
4.1 Descriptive Statistics-----------------------------------------43
4.2 Factor analysis and Reliability analysis-----------------------47
4.3 ANOVA for Nationality, Gender, Marital Status, Education Background-----------53
4.4 Correlation Analysis for Age and Seniority---------------------60
4.5 Hierarchical Regression Analysis for LMX, PD, AS, and OCB------63
4.6 Summary of Hypotheses------------------------------------------67

Chapter 5 Conclusions and Suggestions
5.1 Research Findings----------------------------------------------68
5.2 The policy for Foreign Worker Management ----------------------71
5.3 Research Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research-------71

Appendix A---------------------------------------------------------79
Appendix B---------------------------------------------------------82
Appendix C---------------------------------------------------------86

List of Tables
2.4.1 The Individualism Societal Norm------------------------------17
2.4.2 The Power Distance Societal Norm ----------------------------18
2.4.3 The Uncertainty Avoidance Societal Norm ---------------------19
2.4.4 The Masculinity Societal Norm -------------------------------20
2.4.5 The Long-Term Orientation Societal Norm ---------------------21
4.1.1 Analysis of Supervisor’s sample structure ------------------43
4.1.2 Analysis of Subordinate’s sample structure -----------------45
4.2.1 KMO and Bartlett’s test ------------------------------------47
4.2.2 Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis of Manager LMX -----48
4.2.3 Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis of Employee LMX ----49
4.2.4 Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis of Manager PD ------50
4.2.5 Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis of EPD--------------50
4.2.6 Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis of Difference PD----51
4.2.7 Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis of Abusive Supervision---------52
4.2.8 Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis of OCB--------------53
4.3.1 t-test of Labor’s nationality-------------------------------54
4.3.2 t-test of Supervisor’s gender-------------------------------54
4.3.3 t-test of Subordinate’s gender------------------------------55
4.3.4 t-test of Supervisor’s marital status-----------------------55
4.3.5 t-test of Subordinate’s marital status----------------------56
4.3.6 ANOVA of Supervisor’s education background------------------57
4.3.7 ANOVA of Thai labor’s education background------------------58
4.3.8 ANOVA of Philippine labor’s education background------------59
4.4.1 Pearson’s Correlation Analysis of Supervisor’s Age and eniority------------60
4.4.2 Pearson’s Correlation Analysis of Thai labor’s Age and Seniority-----------60
4.4.3 Pearson’s Correlation Analysis of Philippine labor’s Age and Seniority-----------61
4.4.4 Pearson’s Correlation Analysis of Each Dimension------------62
4.5.1 Hierarchical Regression Analysis of LMX and PD toward AS-----63
4.5.2 Hierarchical Regression Analysis of LMX, PD and AS toward OCB65
4.6.1 Summary of Hypotheses----------------------------------------67

List of Figures
1.1 Research Procedure ---------------------------------------------3
2.1 Stage in Development of LMX Theory-----------------------------13
3.1 Conceptual Framework ------------------------------------------34
3.2 Collection Procedure ------------------------------------------39
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