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研究生(外文):Yu-Pi Shuo
論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Relationship of Perception toward Expatriation Motivation System, Career Orientation, Expatriate Motives and Career Choice intention-A Case of Taiwanese Expatriates in Mainland China
指導教授(外文):Ming-Chu Yu
外文關鍵詞:Career orientationPerception toward Expatriation Motivation SystemExpatriate MotivesCareer choice intentionExpatriate
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近幾年來台商西進大陸投資熱潮湧現,越來越多台灣企業的員工被派往大陸工作,早期因政經環境的關係,許多人並不願意被外派到大陸,但現在已有許多外派人員選擇長期留在大陸發展,過去的研究偏重探討組織面的支援政策與外派動機、留任意願的探討,較少探究個人面的影響要素,且外派動機高低的衡量亦太過於籠統,無法得知何種動機會促使其留任的意願,為深入探究其中的關係,本研究以中華民國籍的外派人員的研究對象,共回收有效問卷125 份,進行典型相關、複迴歸、LISREL、集群區別及變異數等分析,以驗證本研究根據過去文獻探討所提出的假說,主要研究結果如下:(1)外派激勵制度認知與生涯導向皆會正向的影響外派動機,但薪酬福利已不是主要影響因素。(2)外派激勵制度的認知與個人生涯導向亦會透過外派動機,間接的影響生涯抉擇傾向,其中工具性外派動機對留任組織傾向有正向的顯著影響,而目標內化動機與外在概念動機留任大陸有正向的顯著影響。(3)不同的生涯抉擇型態在生涯導向、外派激勵制度認知、外派動機有顯著的差異。
The trend that the businessmen of Taiwan dispatched to the mainland highly appears in recent years. More and more employees of enterprise in Taiwan are sent to the mainland. In earlier days, only few people wanted to be assigned for working in Mainland China. Nowadays, much more people volunteer to develop their careers in Mainland China for a longer period. While prior studies focused on insights for the relationships among organizational support policies, expatriate motives and stay intention, regard to personal factors are little attention has been given to the point and it’s hard to understand what kind of motives will increase the willing to stay in China. In order to further examine the relationships, this research has 125 valid samples from expatriates who had been send from Taiwan and were analyzed by SPSS for Windows 10.0 and AMOS 3.6 .There are some major findings: (1) Cognition of expatriate motivation policies and career orientation both have the positive influence in expatriate motivation, but compensation and benefits are no longer the main factor. (2) Perception toward expatriation motivation system and career orientation can influence career choice intention indirectly through the expatriate motives, it contains that instrumental motivation has the positive significant influence on the intention of organizational stay and goal internalization motivation has the positive significant influence on the intention of stay in China. (3) Career choice intention can differentiation four types along the two dimensions of the intention of organizational stay and the intention of stay in China, and each types has significant deviation.
中文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
目錄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
表目錄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- v
圖目錄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii
第一章 緒論-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
第一節 研究背景與動機---------------------------------------------------- 1
第二節 研究目的-------------------------------------------------------------- 5
第三節 研究範圍-------------------------------------------------------------- 6
第四節 研究流程-------------------------------------------------------------- 7
第二章 文獻探討-------------------------------------------------------------- 9
第一節 生涯導向------------------------------------------------------------- 9
第二節 外派激勵制度-------------------------------------------------------- 20
第三節 外派動機-------------------------------------------------------------- 27
第四節 生涯抉擇傾向-------------------------------------------------------- 36
第五節 各構面之間關係之探討-------------------------------------------- 43
第三章 研究方法-------------------------------------------------------------- 54
第一節 研究架構-------------------------------------------------------------- 54
第二節 研究假設-------------------------------------------------------------- 56
第三節 研究變數之操作性定義與衡量----------------------------------- 59
第四節 問卷設計-------------------------------------------------------------- 62
第五節 抽樣方法與樣本------------------------------------------------------ 68
第六節 資料分析方法與流程------------------------------------------------ 70
第七節 信度與效度分析------------------------------------------------------ 73
第八節 因素分析調整後之研究架構--------------------------------------- 87
第九節 研究限制--------------------------------------------------------------- 89
第四章 實證結果與討論------------------------------------------------------ 90
第一節 研究構面基本特性資料分析--------------------------------------- 90
第二節 生涯導向、外派激勵制度認知、外派動機、生涯抉擇傾向等構面之典型相關分析--------------------------------------------- 96
第三節 生涯導向、外派激勵制度認知、外派動機、生涯抉擇傾向等構面間之迴歸分析------------------------------------------------ 108
第四節 研究架構整體模式分析--------------------------------------------- 113
第五節 不同個人變項在各構面之差異分析------------------------------ 130
第五章 結論與建議------------------------------------------------------------ 149
第一節 研究發現--------------------------------------------------------------- 149
第二節 結論與建議------------------------------------------------------------ 158
第三節 未來研究方向與建議………………………………………… 161
參考文獻 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 162
附錄一 問卷-------------------------------------------------------------------- 173
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