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研究生(外文):Shih-Chun Kuo
論文名稱(外文):The two-Index Strategy Based on the Moving Average Price and Quantity Improves the Profits and Compares Taiwan Stock Market to China Stock Market
指導教授(外文):Fu-Chiao Chyr
外文關鍵詞:Price-volume relationshipTwo-index strategyMoving average priceMoving average quantityEarn ProbabilityRates of return
  • 被引用被引用:13
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本研究以中國股市為研究對象,研究樣本選定中國上海與深圳證券交易所共113檔A股,交易資料為11年,使用移動平均法則,依設定交易原則以電腦程式語言(Visual Basic for Application, VBA)進行統計分析,探討移動平均價與移動平均成交量雙指標策略之獲利次數機率與報酬率,能否提升移動平均價MA單指標策略之獲利次數機率與報酬率,且將分析結果與已得知之台灣股市結果比較探討。研究結果發現:
A two-index strategy that combines the moving average price and the moving average quantity is applied to 113 shelves of A-shares in 11 years of China stock data sampled from Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges. The goal of the two-index strategy is getting more earn probability and return than the single index strategy established by the moving average price. Finally, we use computer to obtain the results, and compare with that of Taiwan stock market. The conclusions are obtained as follows:
(1)For China stock market, the cross of 6 days and 12 days is the best of the two-index strategy that obtains more earn probability than the single index strategy.
(2)Based on the cross of 6 days and 12 days, the two-index strategy gets more earn probability than the single index strategy when the moving average quantity of 36 days is used.
(3)In China stock market, the two-index strategy that combines the moving average price of 6 -12 day’s crossing and the moving average quantity with 36 days gets more earn probability than that of the single index strategy in different time series.
(4)When the trading cost is ignored, the profit of the two-index strategy is more than that of the single index strategy based on the moving average price in Taiwan and China stock market.
(5)When the same two-index strategy is applied into Taiwan and China stock market, it can not efficiently improve the earn probability and the earn rate.
Using the two-index strategy, the investors can reduce the investment risk and erroneous decision resulted by the single index strategy of moving average price.
摘 要 i
誌 謝 iv
表 目 錄 vii
圖 目 錄 ix
符 號 說 明 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍與限制 2
1.4 研究步驟與架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 中國股市概況介紹 4
2.2 股價與成交量之相關性 5
2.3 移動平均法之探討 8
第三章 研究方法 11
3.1 研究樣本、期間與資料來源 11
3.2 葛蘭碧八大法則介紹 11
3.3 移動平均價定義與應用時機 12
3.4 雙指標策略定義與應用時機 13
3.5 交易獲利原則 14
3.6 報酬率計算方式 15
第四章 實證結果與分析比較 17
4.1 移動平均價單指標與雙指標策略考慮不同組合之移動平均價 17
4.2 移動平均價單指標與雙指標策略考慮不同組合之移動平均量 19
4.3 移動平均價單指標與雙指標策略考慮不同組合的資料個數 22
4.4 移動平均價單指標與雙指標策略報酬率之比較 24
4.5 移動平均價單指標與雙指標策略之獲利率及報酬率分配 26
4.5.1 移動平均價單指標與雙指標策略獲利率次數機率分配 27
4.5.2 移動平均價單指標與雙指標策略報酬率分配 32
4.6 台灣與中國股市於移動平均價單指標與雙指標策略之比較 37
4.6.1 台灣與中國股市於移動平均價單指標與雙指標策略獲利次數機率比較 37
4.6.2 台灣與中國股市不同資料個數之獲利次數機率比較 40
4.6.3 台灣與中國股市移動平均價單指標與雙指標策略報酬率比較 41
4.6.4 台灣與中國股市移動平均價單指標與雙指標策略獲利次數機率分配比較 43
4.6.5 台灣與中國股市移動平均價單指標與雙指標策略報酬率次數機率分配比較 44
第五章 結論 47
參考文獻 49
附 錄 1 52
附 錄 2 54
附 錄 3 58
作 者 簡 介 61
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