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研究生(外文):Huj-Nien Li
論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Relationships among Learning Organization, Knowledge Management and School Effectiveness of Senior High Schools in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Fu-Chiao Chyr
外文關鍵詞:learning organization、knowledge management、school effectiveness
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摘 要

This paper aims to investigate current of learning organization, knowledge management, and school effectiveness in senior high school, and to examine how the backgrounds of teachers and school cause differences in the three issues. Then, the researcher analyzed the data to understand how background variables, learning organization and knowledge management can interpete school effectiveness.
This study used “A Questionnaire on the Current State of Learning Organization, Knowledge Management and School Effectiveness, ” designed by the researcher, to collect data. The sample consisted of 1,100 teachers from senior high schools in Taiwan. Within the 950 feedback data, the percentage of valid data was 83%. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’ product- moment correlation and stepwise regression analysis.
The results are as follows: The results are as follows:
1. Some aspects of senior high schools formation of learning organization、knowledge management and the school effectiveness in senior high school can be increased, and school effectiveness can be improved.
2. Female, young, junior, and part-time homeroom teachers and full-time teachers have lower consciousness at senior high schools formation of learning organization, knowledge management and school effectiveness.
3. School scale, short history, public schools, and vocational teachers have lower consciousness at senior high school formation of learning organization, knowledge management and school effectiveness.
4. It has higher correlation among senior high school formation of learning organization, knowledge management, and school effectiveness than among teachers with different background.
5. Senior high school formation of learning organization and knowledge management have nice associated forecast to the whole school effectiveness.
Finally, based on the findings and conclusions, suggestions for education authorities, teachers and further studies were proposed.
目 錄...................................................................................................................vi
圖 目 錄...................................................................................................................viii
表 目 錄...................................................................................................................ix
第一章 緒論.............................................................................................................1
1.1 研究背景及動機........................................................................................1
1.2 研究目的與待答問題................................................................................4
1.3 重要名詞釋義…........................................................................................6
1.4 研究範圍與限制........................................................................................9
第二章 文獻探討.....................................................................................................12
2.1 學習型組織................................................................................................12
2.1.1 學習型組織的定義.........................................................................12
2.1.2 學習型組織的特徵.........................................................................16
2.1.3 學習型組織相關研究.....................................................................23
2.2 知識管理能力............................................................................................27
2.2.1 知識管理的定義…….....................................................................27
2.2.2 知識管理的內涵.............................................................................31
2.2.3 知識管理的架構與運作.................................................................33
2.2.4 知識管理能力的定義…………….................................................35
2.2.5 知識管理能力相關研究…………….............................................38
2.3 學校效能………………………………....................................................40
2.3.1 學校效能的定義.............................................................................40
2.3.2 學校效能的重要理念….................................................................44
2.3.3 學校效能的特徵與指標.................................................................45
2.3.4 學校效能相關研究…………….....................................................50
2.4 學習型組織、知識管理能力與學校效能之關係……............................52
2.4.1 學習型組織與知識管理能力之相關性.........................................52
2.4.2 學習型組織與學校效能之相關性….............................................54
2.4.3 知識管理能力與學校效能之相關性.............................................57
2.4.4 學習型組織、知識管理能力與學校效能之相關性……….........60
第三章 研究設計與實施.........................................................................................61
3.1 研究架構....................................................................................................61
3.2 研究方法....................................................................................................67
3.3 研究步驟……………................................................................................68
3.4 研究對象……………………………........................................................68
3.5 研究工具.....................................................................................................70
3.6 資料處理與統計方法.................................................................................79
第四章 問卷調查的結果與分析…………………………………………......…..83
4.1 學習型組織、知識管理能力與學校效能之現況分析.............................83
4.1.1 高級中等學校形塑學習型組織現況分析………………………..83
4.1.2 高級中等學校知識管理能力現況分析…………………………..87
4.1.3 高級中等學校學校效能現況分析………………………………..93
4.1.4 綜合討論…………………………………………………………..97
4.2 背景變項在學習型組織、知識管理能力與學校效能間差異之分析.....99
4.2.4 綜合討論…………………………………………………….……125
4.3 環境變項在學習型組織、知識管理能力與學校效能間差異之分析.....134
4.3.1 教師背景變項與學習型組織、知識管理能力與學校效能知覺
4.3.2 學習型組織、知識管理能力與學校效能各層面的相關………..138
4.3.3 綜合討論…………………………………………………….…….143
4.4 學習型組織、知識管理能力與學校效能關係之分析.............................145
4.4.1 學習型組織、知識管理能力與學校效能整體之預測分析……..146
4.4.2 學習型組織、知識管理能力對學校效能「學校層面」的預測..146
4.4.3 學習型組織、知識管理能力對學校效能「教師層面」的預測..147
4.4.4 學習型組織、知識管理能力對學校效能「學生與家長層面」
4.4.5 綜合討論…………………………………………………….…….150
第五章 結論與建議………………………………………………………………151
5.1 主要發現…………….................................................................................151
5.2 結 論.......................................................................................................157
5.3 建 議.......................................................................................................162
  附錄二、問卷調查樣本的基本資料………………………………. ………..182
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