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研究生(外文):Chung-Ping Lin
論文名稱(外文):Isolation and characterization of β-(1,3)/(1,6)-glucan and sterols from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
指導教授(外文):Ming-Hsien Huang
外文關鍵詞:Saccharomyces cerevisiaesterolsergosterolβ-(13)/(16)-glucan
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β-(1,3)/(1,6)-葡聚醣是以 β-(1,3)醣苷為主鏈、β-(1,6)醣苷為分枝的多醣類,β-(1,3)/(1,6)-葡聚醣經人體吸收具有提高免疫系統之能力,固醇類是扮演著維持細胞膜完整性及細胞膜上酶類活性的重要角色,此兩種化合物是醫藥工業上很重要之原料。本研究敘述麵包酵母菌中 β-(1,3)/(1,6)-葡聚醣及固醇類的分離及純化方法及其特性研究,其分離步驟:(1)氫氧化鈉水溶液中加熱,(2)醋酸水溶液中加熱,(3)酸性甲醇溶液萃取,(4)鹼性甲醇溶液萃取。每步驟所分離純化後之產品均經 FTIR分析,發現氫氧化鈉水溶液中加熱可去除核酸、甘露聚糖及蛋白質等物質,進一步分離純化可得單一成分蛋白質物質,在醋酸水溶液中加熱步驟可分離出幾丁質,在酸性甲醇溶液中萃取步驟可去除脂溶性蛋白質及醣苷物質,鹼性甲醇溶液萃取步驟可分離出脂質及固醇類,進一步分離出固醇類及 β-(1,3)/(1,6)-葡聚醣。固醇類在FTIR分析有麥角固醇的1458及1377 cm-1等特定吸收峰,從 HPLC發現此固醇類為三種以上物質混和物,在 1H NMR中也發現有麥角固醇位移峰。β-(1,3)/(1,6)-葡聚醣在 FTIR分析有891 cm-1的特定吸收峰,從 FTIR與 1H NMR分析中發現,β-(1,3)/(1,6)-葡聚醣純化後其純度很高。本研究設計之分離純化步驟,是以最簡單製程來生產出純度最高的產品為目的,其中 β-1,3/1,6-葡聚醣及固醇類產率分別為8.2%及0.68%。
-(1,3)/(1,6)-glucan is a polysaccharide and a main chain of (1-3)-linked β-D-glucopyranosyl units with a single β-D-glucopyranosyl unit linked (1-6). β-(1,3)/(1,6)-glucan has been shown to have immunopharmcological activity in human beings. Sterols are essential for structural features such as integrality of cell membrane and activity of membrane-bond enzymes. These two kinds of chemical compounds are very important raw materials on medical industry. This study presents a process for isolation and characterization of β-(1,3)/(1,6)-glucan and sterols from baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). The steps of the isolation of baker’s yeast are (A) in hot alkali; (B) in hot acetic acid; (C) extracting with acidic methanol-solution and (D) extracting with alkaline methanol-solution. The products of each step are analyzed by the FTIR. We found that the proteins, nucleic acid and mannan can be removed from baker’s yeast in hot alkali. The pure protein can be separated from the alkaline solution. The chitin in the insoluble solid can dissolve in hot acetic acid and fat-soluble proteins and glycosides can also dissolve in acidic methanol-solution. Sterols and lipids are extracted from alkaline methanol-solution. Finally the β-(1,3)/(1,6)-glucan is obtained from the insoluble solid. The significant spectral 1458 and 1377cm-1 is recognized as the ergosterol in the FTIR analysis of sterols. From the HPLC analysis, the sterols compose of more than three kinds of mixtures. The significant spectral 891 cm-1 is attributed to a β-(1,3)/(1,6)-glucan by FTIR analysis. From the FTIR and NMR analytical data, the purified β-(1,3)/(1,6)-glucan is found to have exclusively high purity. This research designs the simplest process of separation and the purification, the purpose is to produce the high purity products of β-(1,3)/(1,6)-glucan and sterols. β-(1,3)/(1,6)-glucan and sterols are obtained in a high purity and a yield of 8.2 % and 0.68% respectively.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
誌謝 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
表目錄 Ⅵ
圖目錄 Ⅶ
第一章 文獻整理 1
1.1 酵母菌 1
1.1.1 酵母菌細胞壁分析 2
1.1.2 酵母菌細胞膜分析 3
1.1.3 酵母菌細胞質成分 4
1.2 麥角固醇化學結構 4
1.3 麥角固醇功能及應用 5
1.3.1 以麥角固醇為原料之藥物 6
1.3.2 麥角固醇化妝品方面的應用 7
1.4 β-1,3/1,6-葡聚醣化學結構 7
1.5 β-1,3/1,6-葡聚醣功能及應用 9
1.5.1 β-1,3/1,6-葡聚醣在醫藥方面應用 9
1.5.2 β-1,3/1,6-葡聚醣在化妝品方面的應用 10
1.6 麥角固醇與 alkali-insoluble葡聚醣製法文獻回顧 10
1.6.1 麥角固醇之製法 10
1.6.2 Alkali-insoluble葡聚醣之製法 15
1.7 研究動機及目的 19
第二章 實驗方法 20
2.1 酵母菌來源 20
2.2 實驗藥品 20
2.3 實驗產物分佈概述 21
2.4 Alkali-soluble物質之分析 23
2.5 Acid-methanol soluble物質之分析 25
2.6 Alkali-methanol soluble物質之固醇類分離純化 27
2.7 β-1,3/1,6-葡聚醣分離純化過程 29
2.8 分離純化之研究所需儀器 32
第三章 結果與討論 34
3.1 Alkali-soluble物質之分析 35
3.1.1 Alkali-soluble物質之 FTIR分析 35
3.1.2 Alkali-soluble proteins之 HPLC分析 42
3.1.3 Alkali-soluble proteins之 1H NMR分析 43
3.2 Acid-methanol soluble物質之 FTIR分析 50
3.2.1 Ether-soluble物質之 FTIR分析 51
3.2.2 Ether-insoluble物質 52
3.3 Alkali-methanol soluble物質分離出固醇類之分析 53
3.3.1 固醇類之 FTIR光譜分析 54
3.3.2 分離純化固醇類與麥角固醇和維他命 D2數據比較 58
3.3.3 固醇類之 HPLC分析 60
3.3.4 分離純化固醇類之 1H NMR分析 61
3.4 β-1,3/1,6-葡聚醣之分析 64
3.4.1 β-1,3/1,6-葡聚醣之 FTIR分析 64 β-1,3/1,6-葡聚醣之 FTIR分析 65 純化後 β-1,3/1,6-葡聚糖與 Mohaček-Grošev之β-1,3/1,6-葡聚醣和 Lanigan產品之 β-1,3/1,6-葡
聚醣的 FTIR波數比較 69
3.4.2 β-1,3/1,6-葡聚醣之 1H NMR檢測 73
3.5 分離純化過程中各成份產率分布 74
3.5.1 酵母菌以氫氧化鈉水溶液分離純化之產率分布 75
3.5.2 Alkali-insoluble物質以醋酸水溶液分離純化之產率
分布 75
3.5.3 Acid-insoluble物質在酸性甲醇溶液分離純化之產率
分布 75
3.5.4 Acid-methanol insoluble物質在鹼性甲醇溶液分離純
化之產率分布 76
第四章 結論 78
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