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研究生(外文):Juan-Yuan Yang
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of EVA on Firm’s Value
指導教授(外文):Ho-Lung LeeChien-Heng Tu
外文關鍵詞:EVAAgency ProblemControlling Shareholder
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由於企業管理者與公司投資者彼此的需求、目標或利益不盡相同甚至可能產生衝突,致使管理者的決策對於股東並無利益,因此衍生代理問題。經濟附加價值(Economic Value Added , EVA)便能夠以目前會計報表裡的資訊運用若干公式原理而更能充分的呈現在原始會計報表無法獲取的有用的訊息,而更能夠以投資者的角度觀察企業經營者所制定之決策是否以股東之權益為優先考量。
Investors or firm’s final purpose all lie in obtaining profits. The profit comes from firm’s operation performance, but the measurement of the performance, usually only in order to consult with the figure that is limited by in a lot of normal accounting statements, for example assets rate of returns (ROA ) , per share surplus (EPS ) , stockholder's equity rate of returns (ROE ) and rate of returns of capital (ROC ) ,etc., if observe the faithful expressing the real value and performance of an enterprise that may be unable to be complete specifically .
Because firm’s administrator and investor's mutual demand , goal or interests are not the same even may produce the conflict , cause the administrator's decision to have no interests to the shareholder , so derive the problem of agency. Economy adds value ( EVA), can with information of accounting statement use but several formula principle can appearing in primitive useful message that accounting statement can't be obtained abundant at present, and can observe with investors' angle whether the decision which firm’s operator makes is in order to have priority to consider with the shareholder's rights and interests .
The idea of EVA is besides can be used for being regarded as the performance the true value of assessing and weighing an enterprising, if can match other methods in the company manage the range of application is more extensive, including: EVA applies to merge etc. in incentive systems of staff and company.
The purpose of this thesis lies in it influences the change of firm’s value that it is different to observe its EVA of concentration degree of stock right.
EVA(經濟附加價值)對公司價值的影響 I
摘要 I
目錄 II
表目錄 IV
一、緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究流程 6
二、文獻回顧 7
2.1、傳統財務指標與企業經營績效關聯性 7
2.2、EVA與MVA之關聯 9
2.3.EVA與股價報酬之關聯性 13
三、研究方法 16
3.1、迴歸模型 16
3.2、變數定義 19
3.3、變數分類 28
3.4、Stern Stewart & Co.對EVA成份建議調整項目 29
3.5、樣本來源、取樣期間與準則 38
3.6、使用模型與軟體 39
3.7、實証方式 40
四、實証分析 44
4.1、敘述統計 45
4.2、Pearson相關係數分析 48
4.3、迴歸分析 51
五、結論 63
5.1、研究結論 63
5.2、未來研究改進方向與建議 66
參考文獻 68
附錄、 73

表 1 91年度敘述統計表 45
表 2 92年度敘述統計表 45
表 3 93年度敘述統計表 46
表 4 91年度Pearson相關係數 48
表 5 92年度Pearson相關係數 48
表 6 93年度Pearson相關係數 49
表 7 電子業F檢定、Hauseman檢定 52
表 8 金融業F檢定、Hauseman檢定 52
表 9 模型1 53
表 10 模型2 55
表 11 模型3 56
表 12 模型4 58
表 13 模型5 60
表 14 模型6 62
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