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研究生(外文):Sheng-Hsueh Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Novel CPW-Fed Planar Monopole and Slot Antennas for Wireless Communications
指導教授(外文):Jen-Yea Jan
外文關鍵詞:slot and monopole antennaswireless communicationslow costlow-profiledual-broadbanddual-frequency
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在本論文中,主要是針對一些實際應用在無線通訊系統的低成本、低姿勢的印刷槽孔天線和平面單極天線結構之研究與設計。目前比較熱門且常被廣泛使用的無線通訊頻段如:GSM、DCS、PCS、3G、Bluetooth、WLAN及HIPERLAN則是我們主要設計的天線部份。首先提出應用於S頻段的寬頻平面單極天線設計,其中吾人使用一具有階梯之角狀的共面波導饋入之平面單極天線,藉以改變其階梯數來達成具有寬頻帶操作的設計;接著,我們提出應用在無線通訊系統的雙寬頻平面槽孔天線設計,其使用了左右非對稱的寬槽孔且在其底部的邊緣處各彎延出一細長槽線之平面槽孔天線,來激發形成雙寬頻;緊接著提出應用在Bluetooth、HIPERLAN及WLAN頻帶的雙頻平面單極天線設計,例如一具有缺口的雙頻平面單極天線,研究發現,以缺口的長度變化可以造成雙頻頻率比的不同;再來,依上個天線設計之理論基礎再加上一對稱的斜坡接地面,即可將頻率操作在DCS、PCS、3G、Bluetooth和WLAN頻段;另外,一對稱和中空的接地面,利用中空接地面傾斜角度的不同可以達到雙頻帶操作的特性,此設計出一個應用於Bluetooth、HIPERLAN及WLAN雙寬頻帶之無線區域網路系統的實用天線;再則延續上面的結構特徵去設計出一個可應用於WLAN/HIPERLAN 2.4/5.2 GHz之雙頻帶無線區域網路系統的平面單極天線,此設計的不同是將具有中空斜坡的接地面,藉由選擇適當斜波角度而可以激發出所要求的頻段;在這些平面天線設計中,基本上皆符合結構簡單、成本低廉及製作容易等優點,對於天線的輻射場型、增益等特性,也能夠有更完美的性能表現,以符合可實際應用在無線通訊的天線設計。
In this thesis, we focused our designs on the low cost, low-profile printed slot and monopole antennas for wireless communications. We proposed several planar antenna designs operating at the popular and widely used bands in wireless communications, such as GSM, DCS, PCS, 3G, Bluetooth, HIPERLAN and WLAN bands. First, a broadband CPW-fed planar monopole antenna with a stepped-horn-shaped monopole radiator for S-band operation has been proposed. The wide operating bandwidth can be obtained by tuning it with different steps. In addition, we proposed a dual-broadband planar slot antenna for wireless communication systems. With the unsymmetrical wide slot having the extend slits along the left and right sides the dual-broadband operation can be exicted. Additionally, the planar monopole antennas for the dual-frequency operation for wireless communications are proposed. For example, the planar notched monopole antenna is proposed. It is found that the different frequency ratios of the dual-frequency monopole antenna can be excited if the lengths of the notched are changed. Furthermore, another with a symmetrical slope ground plane can operate in DCS, PCS, 3G, Bluetooth and WLAN bands. Finally, designs for the practical applications to wireless LAN systems are proposed. With the hollowed ground planes on both sides, the two resonant modes of monopole antenna for the dual-frequency operation can be excited if the slope angles of the hollows changed. Besides, with the slope and hollowed guound planes on both sides, the dual-frequency planar monopole antenna for WLAN/HIPERLAN 2.4/5.2 GHz can be obtained. By choosing the suitable angle of them, various frequency rations of the dual-frequency operation can be excited. In gengral, proposed antennas have their simple structures and they are easy to construct with the low cost. Antennas performance including radiation patterns and antenna gains is presented for the practical applications to wireless communications.
第一章 序論 (Introduction)
1.1 概述
1.2 文獻導覽
1.3 內容提要
第二章 應用於S頻帶之共面波導饋入具有階梯之角狀的寬頻平面單極天線
(CPW-Fed Broadband Planar Stepped-Horn-Shaped Monopole Antenna for the S-Band Operation)
2.1 概述 (Introduction)
2.2 使用一具有階梯之角狀驅動輻射金屬片的設計
2.3 實驗結果與討論
2.4 結論 (Conclusions)
第三章 應用於無線通訊系統之共面波導饋入的雙寬頻平面槽孔天線
(CPW-Fed Dual-Broadband Planar Slot Antenna for
Wireless Communication Systems)
3.1 概述 (Introduction)
3.2 使用在槽孔底部具有一對細長槽線的一非對稱寬槽孔設計
3.3 實驗結果與討論
3.4 結論 (Conclusions)
第四章 應用於無線通訊系統的雙頻平面單極天線設計
(Dual-Frequency Planar Monopole Antenna Designs for Wireless Communication Systems)
4.1 概述 (Introduction)
4.2 共面波導饋入之具有缺口的雙頻平面單極天線
(CPW-Fed Dual-Frequency Planar Notched Monopole Antenna)
4.3 共面波導饋入至使用一對稱的斜坡接地面之具有缺口的雙頻平面單極天線
(CPW-Fed Dual-Frequency Planar Notched Monopole Antenna With a symmetrical Slope Ground Plane)
4.4 共面波導饋入具有一對對稱且三角形的中空接地面之雙頻平面單極天線
(CPW-Fed Dual-Frequency Planar Monopole Antenna With a Pair of Symmetrical and Triangular-Hollowed Ground Planes)
4.5 共面波饋入具有一對對稱且三角形的中空斜坡接地面之雙頻平面單極天線
(CPW-Fed Dual-Frequency Planar Monopole Antenna With a Pair of Symmetrical and Triangular-Hollowed Slope Ground Planes)
4.6 結論 (Conclusions)
第五章 結論 (Conclusions)
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