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研究生(外文):Jiun-Hau Tu
論文名稱(外文):A Systolic Array Squarer Having Five Classes of Cells
指導教授(外文):Yuan-Long Jeang
外文關鍵詞:SquarerSystolic Arraypipeline
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The squarer circuit has been used in many applications, such as digital signal processing (DSP), arithmetic logic unit (ALU) in the microprocessor, in the image compression etc. Squarer circuit can be used in solving the huge and complicated image data processing. Current famous squarer circuit structures are parallel processing squarer algorithm, Booth squarer algorithm, Redundant squarer algorithm...etc., these three algorithms are similar in few for the logic gates and low power to made use of. However, the weakness is that the processing velocity is very slow, as when used in handling a huge amount and sophisticate of image signals.
In this paper, we propose a systolic array squarer having five classes of cells by pipelining and regulation of each operational circuit. Each of the cell modules is selected from a group consisting of plural full adders, plural half adders and plural AND gates. Therefore, the systolic array with the five cell modules are suitable for applying to process a great number of digital signals, with speeding up processing time, and lower hardware cost and power consumption.
目 錄

中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 ------------------------------------------------- iii
目錄 ------------------------------------------------- iv
表目錄 ------------------------------------------------- vi
圖目錄 ------------------------------------------------- vii
第一章 前言--------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究背景--------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究資料回顧------------------------------ 1
1.3 研究動機與研究方法--------------------------------------- 2
1.4 各章提要---------------------------------------- 3
第二章 心臟收縮式陣列的介紹---------------------------------- 5
2.1 簡介----------------------------------------------- 5
2.2 心臟收縮式陣列的定義--------------------------------- 5
2.3 心臟收縮式陣列的特性---------------------------------- 7
2.4 心臟收縮式陣列資料的交流方式--------------------------- 8
2.5 心臟收縮式陣列的結構------------------------------------- 8
2.6 心臟收縮(Systolic)的實用演算法 -------------------------- 12
2.7 心臟收縮式陣列的應用 ----------------------------------- 13
2.8 本章結論與平方器演算法的應用與探討 ----------------------- 14
第三章 各種乘法器和平方器演算法的相關介紹 ----------------------- 16
3.1 簡介 -------------------------------------------------- 16
3.2 Parallel演算法的乘法器和平方器原理 ------------------------ 16
3.2.1 Parallel演算法的乘法器原理 ------------------------------ 16
3.2.2 Parallel演算法的平方器原理 ------------------------------- 18
3.3 Booth演算法的乘法器和平方器原理 -------------------------- 20
3.3.1 Booth演算法的乘法器原理 ---------------------------------- 20
3.3.2 Booth演算法的平方器原理 ---------------------------------- 24
3.4 Redundant演算法的乘法器和平方器原理 ------------------- 27
3.4.1 Redundant演算法的乘法器原理 ------------------------------ 27
3.4.2 Redundant演算法的平方器原理 ------------------------------ 30
第四章 心臟收縮式陣列平方器之設計方法與電路模擬結果 -------- 33
4.1 簡介--------------------------------------------------- 33
4.2 平方器設計之結構演化過程---------------------------------- 33
4.3 設計流程圖--------------------------------------------- 40
4.4 電路架構簡化過程與動作原理說明----------------------------- 41
4.5 電路模擬結果討論----------------------------------------- 52
4.6 電路規格表與先前技術之比較-------------------------------- 64
第五章 結果討論與未來展望---------------------------------------- 66
參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------- 67
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