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研究生(外文):Wu Shen Yau
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Relationships of Ba, Knowledge Transfer and Learning Effect under the Teaching Environment
指導教授(外文):Tien-Hsiang Chang
外文關鍵詞:BaKnowledge transferOrganization knowledge sharing climateLearning effectE-learning
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近年來國內外的許多學者,以Nonaka & Takeuchi學者於1995年所提出之SECI模式來衡量組織中所能達到的知識轉換程度,並藉此模式衡量組織知識創造的能力。就個人而言,在工作上或學業上需要創新來突破目前困境時,亦可利用SECI模式來改善自我知識創造的能力。以Nonaka & Noboru於1998年所提出的”Ba”觀念來講,不同的知識分享環境,就形成了不同的力場,而不同的知識分享力場會造成不同程度的知識交流。在學校的學習中,不同的學習環境,也造就不同的學習力場,不論教學方式如何變化,最終目的是要讓學生在學習知識的過程中更有效率。雖然目前有許多的研究文獻在運用SECI模式來衡量組織的知識管理或是工作績效,但是幾乎全都是針對公司企業或是學校教職員所在的行政或教學單位,鮮少有針對學生個體,探討其在學校學習知識過程中的知識轉移程度。所以本研究運用Nonaka & Noboru的”Ba”理念以及SECI模式,來進一步深入探討不同學習環境對於學生知識轉移程度的效果,進而影響最後的學習效果。
In recent years, more internal and international researchers used SECI model, proposed by Nonaka & Takeuchi in 1995, to evaluate the effect of knowledge management on enterprises. SECI model can also evaluate the ability of knowledge creation and suitable evaluate the process of knowledge creation.
Furthermore, Nonaka & Noboru addressed the concept “Ba” in 1998. According to the concept of “Ba”, the different knowledge sharing environments represent different “Ba”, and different “Ba” can cause different level of knowledge transfer. We observe the students’ learning behavior in school; we can find the same situation as following. The different learning environments represent different “Ba” of students’ learning, different “Ba” may cause different level of students’ knowledge transfer, and different level of students’ knowledge transfer may cause different learning effects. In this research, we want to know the relationships of Ba ,SECI and the learning effect of students’ learning in school.
The questionnaires are random distributed to the students of the department of Information Management of National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, the department of the highest rate to combine e-learning platform in teaching. 161 valid samples are returned. The data indicates some findings as followings.
1. The using rate of the e-learning platform in teaching is low in National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences. The e-learning platform played the role of teaching assist tool, especially after class.
2. The more helpful teaching methods considered by students are not the frequent teaching methods adopted by teachers. This offers an improvement direction of teaching method’s choosing for teachers.
3. Under the influence the information technology involved teaching factor we considered, traditional teaching and teaching combining e-learning platform, there are different activities of knowledge transfer that affect the effect of students’ learning. For traditional teaching circumstance, the Socialization and Combination activities will significant affect the effect of students’ learning. For teaching combining e-learning platform circumstance, the Internalization and Socialization activities will significant affect the effect of students’ learning.
4. The different factors of “Ba” will cause different influences on activities of SECI model. For traditional teaching circumstance, the factor of teaching diversification will affect the activities of Externalization and Combination, the factor of attitude of student will affect the activities of Socialization and Combination, and the factor of the attitude of teacher will affect the activities of Internalization. For teaching combining e-learning platform circumstance, the factor of teaching diversification will affect the activities of Combination and Internalization and Externalization, the factor of attitude of student will affect the activities of Socialization and Internalization, and the factor of attitude of teacher will affect the activities of Externalization.
5. Under the consideration of different course characteristics, there are different activities of SECI will affect the effect of students’ learning. This finding can give a good suggestion to teacher which activities of SECI should be enhanced on which kind of courses to improve learning effect. We find that if the characteristics of courses are (basic + introduction orientation) and (advanced application + specialty orientation), they should to enhance the activities of Socialization, and if the characteristics of courses are (basic + specialty orientation), they should to enhance the activities of Combination.
摘 要 i
一、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究流程 3
1.4 章節結構 3
二、文獻探討 5
2.1 學習力場 5
2.1.1 授課方式 6
2.1.2 教師教學態度 8
2.1.3 學生學習態度 11
2.2 知識轉換 13
2.3 學習成效 16
2.4 小結 17
三、研究方法 19
3.1 研究架構 19
3.2 研究假說 19
3.3 研究變項定義 20
3.3.1 教學方式 20
3.3.2 教學多元化 21
3.3.3 學生學習態度 21
3.3.4 教師教學態度 22
3.3.5 組織知識分享氣候 23
3.3.6 知識轉換過程 23
3.3.7 學習成效 29
3.4 資料分析方法 30
3.5 問卷內容設計 31
3.5.1 問卷編製過程 31
3.6 研究對象 33
3.6.1 問卷抽樣對象 33
3.6.2 問卷抽樣方式 34
四、資料分析與討論 35
4.1 資料回收結果 35
4.1.1 基本資料敘述性統計分析 35
4.1.2 知識轉換活動次數與重要性平均數比較分析 38
4.1.3 上網地點比例分析 41
4.1.4 傳統授課之教學方式採用與學生感覺受用程度分析 42
4.1.5 配合數位平臺授課之教學方式採用與學生感覺受用程度分析 43
4.2 信度與效度分析 46
4.2.1 因素分析 47
4.2.2 判別效度分析 50
4.3 信度分析 53
4.4 迴歸分析 53
4.4.1 傳統授課部份 55
4.4.2 配合數位學習平臺授課部份 59
五、結論與建議 68
5.1 結論與建議 68
5.2 研究貢獻 74
5.3 未來研究方向 75
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