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研究生(外文):Yao-Ching Huang
論文名稱(外文):Application of Fuzzy Logic to RAM Analysis for the Environment Control System of MRT Systems
指導教授(外文):Jaw-shyang Wu
  • 被引用被引用:8
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Mass rapid transit system (MRTS) is an important indicator for a modern metropolis.The system quality and reliability of the system is significantly concerned in MRTS. Simultaneously considering the reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM) during the design phase is a new trend for the construction of a modern MRTS.
Environment control sysem (ECS) of a MRTS is designed to maintain the atmosphere of the stations and the tunnels in proper conditions in the cases of normal, abnormal, and even emergent conditions. The reliability of the ECS is especially concerned. Since the reliability of the ECS depends on the quaility of the system components, the subsystems, and the systems used in the ECS, uncertainties due to manufacturing inherently exist.
In this thesis, fuzzy logics will be exploited to consider the uncertainties of manufacturing for the RAM analysis of the ECS of MTRS. The ECS including the power-supply system, the local-enviornment-control supervisory system, the somke exhaust system, the tunnel ventilation fan system, and the tunnel damper system is studied on the RAM analysis in the thesis.
By taking account the reliability indices provided by frequently-used equipment suppliers, typical fuzzy membership functions of reliability are found for the components. The technique of fuzzy fault tree analysis is applied to obtain the fuzzy membership function of reliability for the subsystem and/or the entire system. Also, Maintenance time to maintain the equipments is considered in the evaluation of availability of the system. The evaluation of maintainability is based on the time of shipping of repair parts and the time of the repairing.
In this thesis, the environment control system of R3 station in Kaohsiung MRTS is selected as the practical system for simulations. By the comparison of the results of the simulation with the design index of reliability from the consultants, it is found that the proposed approach provides effective performance to verify the design data. In addition, suggestions for the system expanses, facility investment, and quantity of spar parts are proposed in this thesis.
第1章 緒論
第2章 模糊理論
第3章 RAM分析理論基礎
第4章 捷運環境控制系統
第5章 環控系統RAM之模糊分析
第6章 實際系統模擬
第7章 結論與未來研究方向
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