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研究生(外文):Bo-Shun Zhang
論文名稱(外文):Adaptive Controller Design for Systems with Input Nonlinearity
指導教授(外文):Lin Hong
外文關鍵詞:Adaptive ControlReference ModelSliding ControlBackstepping
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一般而言,在控制器實現的時候,我們往往會遭遇到一些不連續且非平滑之非線性現象,如飽和(Saturation)、Dead-Zone、Backlash或是Quantization等等,而這些現象可能是由電子元件、機構組件或是伺服馬達所造成的,它們往往會讓一個設計良好的控制系統產生不好的響應,甚至會使整個系統有不穩定之問題,因此本論文主要是針對上述之問題提出完善之解決方法。而其解決方法分成兩部分,首先是在輸入有飽和情況下之系統,本論文利用了傳統的MRAC(Model Reference Adaptive Control)之方法[2],來推導出適應控制法則,另一部份則是在輸入有Dead-Zone、Backlash及Quantization等非線性現象之情況下,將適應控制結合了非線性控制中滑動控制(Sliding Control)[3]及倒步進法(Backstepping)[5],來推導出適應控制器。對於上述方法所設計之適應控制器,本論文利用了Lyapunov定理來對其做穩定度之證明,以及使用Barbalat’s Lemma來探討其追蹤性能,並且將本論文所探討之適應控制器應用在各種輸入含有非線性現象之系統上,對它們做詳細的模擬分析,而所得到之結果均能夠保證系統為穩定,以及在追蹤控制( Tracking Control )上能夠達到最佳化及強健化。因此,對於輸入具有非線性現象之系統,若利用本論文所提出之方法,就能夠有效的消除輸入有非線性現象之問題,並且能讓系統獲得到良好之性能。
Generally, when the controller is implemented, we usually encounter some discontinuous, uneven of nonlinear phenomena such as saturation, dead-zone, backlash, and quantization, etc. These phenomena may result from electronic component, part of system or servo motor. They usually cause a well-designed control system to result with a bad response, or even make the whole system unstable. Therefore, the thesis mainly puts emphasis on the solution to above-mentioned problems. We divided it into two parts, the first one is for the systems with input saturation, in which case the method of traditional MRAC (model reference adaptive control) [2] is used to get the adaptive control rule. The second part is for the systems with input dead-zone, backlash, quantization, etc. Under such nonlinear situation, adaptive control law combing with sliding control [3] and backstepping algorithm [5], are used to derive out adaptive controller. For the adaptive controller which is designed by above-mentioned methods, the Lyapunov theorem has been utilized to prove its stability, and Barbalat's Lemma is used to evaluate its tracking performance. Moreover, by applying the adaptive controller in various kinds of input nonlinearity systems, and doing completely simulation analysis, we get results of system stability and reach the optimality and robustness on tracking control. Hence, for systems with input nonlinear phenomena, by utilizing the methods depicted in this thesis, it can effectively reduce the difficulties of design, and obtain a better performance.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
致 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
圖 目 錄 vi
符 號 說 明 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-3 內容大綱 3
第二章 輸入具飽和現象之適應控制器設計 4
2-1 一階非線性系統之MRAC設計 4
2-1.1 一階非線性系統分析 4
2-1.2 一階非線性控制器設計 5
2-1.3 模擬例子 8
2-2 二階非線性系統之MRAC設計 11
2-2.1 二階非線性系統分析與控制器設計 11
2-2.2 模擬例子 15
2-3 高階線性系統之MRAC設計 17
2-3.1 高階線性系統分析與控制器設計 17
2-3.2 模擬例子 21
2-4 討論 24
第三章 輸入具非線性現象之適應滑動控制器設計 25
3-1 滑動控制之介紹 25
3-2 適應控制器設計 28
3-3 模擬例子 32
3-3.1 輸入具有Dead-Zone現象之非線性系統 32
3-3.2 輸入具有Backlash現象之非線性系統 35
3-3.3 輸入具有Quantization現象之非線性系統 36
3-4 適應控制器之修改 38
3-5 討論 42
第四章 輸入具非線性現象之適應倒步進控制器設計 43
4-1 倒步進控制法之介紹 43
4-2 適應控制器設計 48
4-3 模擬例子 52
4-3.1 輸入具有Dead-Zone現象之非線性系統 52
4-3.2 輸入具有Backlash現象之非線性系統 53
4-3.3 輸入具有Quantization現象之非線性系統 54
4-4 討論 56
第五章 結論 57
參 考 文 獻 58
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