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研究生(外文):Kuo-Hsin Lo
論文名稱(外文):Application of Intelligent Systems to Outage Scheduling of Electrical Distribution Systems
指導教授(外文):Jaw-Shyang Wu
外文關鍵詞:electrical distribution systemsworking outageunnecessary interruptionrule-based programmingevolutionary algorithms
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在規則式排程求解過程中,本論文利用停電區之複合式負載特性並結合停供電能之可靠度指標提出區域之工作停電之可靠度等級表列(the Set of Reliability Grade Variation, SRGV),SRGV將使得停電排程規劃更容易滿足必要的限制條件,並且可以得到較佳的排程規劃。
Outage scheduling for system expansion or/and maintenance are regular works in distribution systems. Appropriate scheduling strategies will enhance the service reliability for customers. It is to find a scheduling with optimal assignment of the team of crew for each of the area to be worked while satisfying practical constraints. The constraints such as engineering during the business time, avoiding unnecessary interruption, and working in some specified time intervals for some service areas are usually must be considered. The outage scheduling inherently is a kind of nonlinear, discrete, and multi-objective problem.
In the rule-based programming, the composite load patterns were used to evaluate the reliability index “Energy Not Supplied”, ENS. By the use of the ENS index, the tables of the Set of Reliability Grade Variation, SRGV, were proposed. The SRGV tables were applied observing the constraints easier, and a suitable schedule was evaluated advanced.
In the evolutionary algorithm, the chromosomes were encoded by real numbers. To enhance the effectiveness of the crossover operation, the “single point mutation” was joined in the crossover operation. After iterations, the chromosome with best fitness value was chosen, and regarded as the optimal solution.
To verify the effectiveness of the proposed approaches, two electrical distribution systems were selected for the computer simulations. It was found that the proposed methodologies provide effective performance.
摘 要.....................................................I
誌 謝.................................................... V
目 錄....................................................VI
圖 目 錄.................................................IX
表 目 錄................................................ XII
第一章 緒論...............................................1
1-1 研究背景與動機.....................................1
1-2 國內外相關研究概述.................................2
1-3 論文內容概述.......................................4
第二章 配電系統工作停電...................................6
2-1 工作停電的要點.....................................6
2-1-1 工作停電的分類.................................6
2-1-2 工作停電計畫之擬定.............................7
2-1-3 工作停電作業程序...............................9
2-1-4 活線作業......................................11
2-2 負載曲線..........................................13
2-2-1 典型負載曲線..................................13
2-2-2 複合式負載模式的建立..........................14
2-3 工作停電與可靠度..................................15
2-3-1 用戶導向可靠度指標............................16
2-3-2 負載及能量導向的可靠度指標....................17
2-4 工作停電之限制條件................................18
第三章 應用規則式之配電系統工作停電排程..................20
3-1 規則式規劃法......................................20
3-2 應用規則式規劃法於配電系統工作停電排程............22
3-2-1 可靠度等級(SRGV)............................22
3-2-2 工作停電規則與評估函數........................24
3-3 工作停電規劃流程..................................28
第四章 基因演算法規劃配電系統工作停電排程................31
4-1 基因演算法的進化流程..............................31
4-2 配電系統工作停電排程..............................34
4-2-1 問題編碼......................................34
4-2-2 適應函數......................................36
4-2-3 染色體的選擇與複製............................39
4-2-4 交配運算......................................40
4-2-5 突變運算......................................42
4-2-6 終止條件......................................42
4-2-7 工作停電規劃流程..............................42
第五章 實例模擬..........................................47
5-1 九條饋線測試系統..................................47
5-2 三十一條饋線系統..................................47
5-3 規則式規劃之模擬..................................55
5-3-1 模擬一:九條饋線系統之模擬....................55
5-3-2 模擬二:三十一條饋線系統之模擬................63
5-4 基因演算法規劃之模擬..............................65
5-4-1 適應性函數參數之設定..........................65
5-4-2 模擬三:九條饋線系統之模擬....................65
5-4-3 模擬四:九條饋線系統之模擬(部份工作區指定工作時間)..........................................75
5-4-4 模擬五:三十一條饋線系統之模擬................79
5-5 兩種規劃之比較....................................83
第六章 結論與未來研究方向................................86
6-1 結論..............................................86
6-2 未來研究方向......................................87
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