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研究生(外文):Zhi- Kuan Chen
論文名稱(外文):Optimal and Fuzzy Vibration Control Synthesis of Building Using Hybrid Control Techniques with Base Isolation and Tuned Mass Dampers
指導教授(外文):Li-Jeng Huang
外文關鍵詞:buildingsbase isolationtuned mass damperspassive controlactive controlproportional gain controlpole assignment metho
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國內樓房結構大部分是屬於低矮型的結構物,其自然振動週期較短,若採用隔震技術,可避免樓房與地震週期相同產生共振,以降低地震力對樓房結構所造成的破壞。在美國北嶺和日本阪神大地震中,可觀察到採用基礎隔震之建築在水平方向上的加速度及相對位移有明顯的減小,由此可知隔震技術的使用可有效的降低地震造成的災害。但樓房裝置隔震會使得樓房絕對位移增加,為避免過大的絕對位移影響到相鄰樓房的安全,本研究提出同時採用基礎隔震與掛載調諧質量阻尼器之複合式被動與主動控制技術,探討其對樓房承受各種動態激擾振動反應消減之可行性,文中採用集結質量模型來描述包含樓房、隔震基礎、調諧質量阻尼器之結構動力系統,並以狀態空間表示,再以Runge-Kutta方法求解包括自由振動、單位步階外力、諧合外力與 El Centro 地表加速度下時間解域之未控制與受控系統之歷時反應。在樓房採用基礎隔震方面藉由調整隔震系統的參數來尋找最佳的隔震參數值;被動控制方面則調整TMD找尋較佳的TMD參數值;主動控制方面採用比例增益控制、極點安置法、最佳控制、模糊控制進行回饋控制,並比較各種主動控制中所需控制力及消耗的累積能量。本研究發現,各種動態外力下僅採用基礎隔震已能對樓房相對位移有效抑制,但除在單位步階外力外額外掛載TMD 後對絕對位移則能進一步加已以消減,而主動TMD相較於被動TMD有更好的抑制振動能力。此外主動控制方面選擇適當增益大小、極點位置、合理的最佳控制權值矩陣( 和 ),適當之歸屬函數與模糊規則庫等皆能有效的達到良好的控制效果。
The buildings in domestic are often designed to be low-rise structures with low natural period of vibration and the resonance of structure and seismic loadings can be circumvented if adequate base isolation technique is employed. It is found that horizontal accelerations and relative displacements of buildings are largely reduced if base isolation techniques are employed during the Northridge and Kobe earthquakes. However, the absolute displacement of building would be larger when base isolation is added on the structure and should be controlled. The research is to propose an innovative hybrid passive and active control techniques using base isolation and tuned mass dampers and study its feasibility to reduce the dynamic response of buildings under various dynamic loadings. Equations of motion of dynamic systems are first built in which lumped mass model is employed for modeling of building, base isolation and TMD and then expressed in state space description. Runge-Kutta scheme is employed for the calculation of the dynamic responses of uncontrolled and controlled systems under free vibration, unit step excitation, harmonic excitation and El Centro ground motions. In the passive control study the parameters of the TMDs are adjusted to achieve the best values. In the active control synthesis, proportional gains, pole-assignment method, optimal control based on steady state linear quadratic regulator theory (SSLQR) and fuzzy control logics are employed to design the state feedback control laws. The control force required and accumulative control energy in the active control techniques are all discussed. It is found that the relative displacements of buildings can be effectively reduced by the use of base isolation technique under various dynamic loadings. However, the absolute displacements can be further controlled by additional TMDs, except under unit step excitations, wherein active control strategies are better than the passive ones. The numerical results show that dynamic responses of buildings can be reduced by the use of TMDs with adequate choice of proportional gains, poles of systems, weighted matrices and fuzzy rule bank and membership functions.
目 錄

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 4
1.3 研究方法 6
1.4 論文架構 7
第二章 樓房採用基礎隔震及掛載TMD複合控制之動力系統數學模式 8
2.1 問題描述 8
2.2 基本假設 8
2.3 運動方程式推導 9
2.4 時間解域之系統狀態方程式 16
第三章 樓房採用基礎隔震及掛載TMD之最佳振動控制 21
3.1 引言 21
3.2 動力系統狀態空間描述 21
3.3 被動控制(Passive Control) 22
3.4 主動控制(Active Control) 22
第四章 樓房採用基礎隔震及掛載TMD之模糊振動控制 28
4.1 引言 28
4.2 模糊控制理論 28
4.3 模糊控制器設計步驟 29
4.4 歸屬函數的建立 29
4.5 知識庫(Knowledge Base) 30
4.6 解模糊化 30
4.7 樓房採用基礎隔震及掛載TMD之模糊振動控制影響參數 31
第五章 數值案例與結果討論 33
5.1 引言 33
5.2 數值案例 33
5.3 動力系統之自由振動分析 34
5.4 動力系統之強迫振動分析 34
5.5 動力系統之可控制性及可觀察性 34
5.6 樓房採用基礎隔震 36
5.7 樓房採用基礎隔震及掛載TMD之被動振動控制 38
5.8 樓房採用基礎隔震及掛載TMD之主動振動控制 41
5.9 樓房採用基礎隔震及掛載TMD之模糊振動控制 46
5.10 採用不同控制之比較 52
第六章 結論與未來研究之建議 56
6.1 結論 56
6.2 未來研究之建議 59

參考文獻 61
附表 65
附圖 77
作者簡歷 215
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