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研究生(外文):Tsai Min-Nan
指導教授(外文):Hsiao Darn-Horng
外文關鍵詞:dynamic measurementimage processingshaking table
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Base on the fact that Taiwan is located on the heavy seismic area around Circum-Pacific zone, their dynamic behaviors of geotechnical structure become considerably important when taking safety effect into account. Both technology of digital video cameras and image processing are used to study the dynamic behavior of geotechnical structure in the article. The advantage of the manner will make not only easy application of non-contact measurement, but also decrease the improper influence derived from the apparatus when the experiment is performed. Recently the digital products are excellent in quality and reasonable in price, in the meantime their precisions to measure the displacement are also sufficient. With the auto-calculate programs, we may save the running time, and the errors for calculation process can also be avoided. Eventually the system developed in the study does not require complicated steps or expensive apparatus to operate, thus it is suitable and feasible to measure for dynamic operation.
中文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
abstract -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
目錄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
表目錄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi
圖目錄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii
符號說明 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- xii
第一章 緒論-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究動機-------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究目的-------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.3 研究方法-------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.4 論文內容-------------------------------------------------------------- 4
第二章 文獻回顧-------------------------------------------------------------- 5
2.1 振動台試驗------------------------------------------------------------ 5
2.2 數位影像處理技術--------------------------------------------------- 7
2.2.1 數位影像基礎-------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.2.2 數位影像擷取-------------------------------------------------------- 9
2.2.3 數位影像處理-------------------------------------------------------- 10
2.3 擋土壁體之動態行為----------------------------------------------- 11
2.3.1 地震造成擋土壁體破壞類型-------------------------------------- 11
2.3.2 主動破壞面分析----------------------------------------------------- 11
2.3.3 擋土壁體土壓力----------------------------------------------------- 12
2.3.4 擋土壁體水平位移量----------------------------------------------- 16
2.4 邊坡之動態行為----------------------------------------------------- 19
2.4.1 地震造成邊坡破壞類型-------------------------------------------- 20
2.4.2 邊坡穩定分析-------------------------------------------------------- 20
2.5 土壤沈陷量------------------------------------------------------------ 22
2.6 淺基礎承載力-------------------------------------------------------- 22
2.7 土壤之應力應變行為----------------------------------------------- 25
第三章 小型振動台試驗與影像處理流程-------------------------------- 27
3.1 相似性及因次分析理論-------------------------------------------- 27
3.1.1 因次分析捚論-------------------------------------------------------- 27
3.1.2 動態系統相似性分析------------------------------------------------ 28
3.2 小型振動台試驗----------------------------------------------------- 29
3.2.1 小型振動台系統----------------------------------------------------- 29
3.2.2 試驗砂箱-------------------------------------------------------------- 29
3.2.3 試驗砂----------------------------------------------------------------- 29
3.2.4 量測及資料擷取系統----------------------------------------------- 30
3.2.5 簡諧運動-------------------------------------------------------------- 31
3.2.6 試驗流程-------------------------------------------------------------- 33
3.3 影像處理技術-------------------------------------------------------- 34
3.3.1 標記點之製作與配置----------------------------------------------- 35
3.3.2 動態影像拍攝-------------------------------------------------------- 35
3.3.3 動態影像處理-------------------------------------------------------- 36
3.3.4 靜態影像判讀-------------------------------------------------------- 36
3.3.5 輸出資料處理-------------------------------------------------------- 37
第四章 試驗結果與理論分析比較----------------------------------------- 41
4.1 影像處理量測之可行性評估及應用----------------------------- 41
4.2 水平位移量----------------------------------------------------------- 42
4.2.1 水平位移量試驗結果----------------------------------------------- 43
4.2.2 理論值與試驗值分析比較----------------------------------------- 46
4.3 土壤沈陷量----------------------------------------------------------- 50
4.4 承載力探討----------------------------------------------------------- 52
4.5 土壤應力應變行為探討-------------------------------------------- 53
4.6 邊坡之動態行為探討----------------------------------------------- 56
第五章 結論及建議----------------------------------------------------------- 59
5.1 結論-------------------------------------------------------------------- 59
5.2 建議-------------------------------------------------------------------- 60
參考文獻 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61
作者簡介 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 151
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