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研究生(外文):SHU CHUN YA
論文名稱(外文):Properties of high-silicon Rich Husk Ash and their Effects on Cement Paste and Mortar
指導教授(外文):KUO WEN TEN
外文關鍵詞:Rich Husk AshPozzolanic reactionSEMTG-DTA
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The rice husk is a kind of low-priced fuel, low water content, after burning in high temperature it contains a large number of high-silicon, which can be make it Pozzolnic material, It not only save energy but also supply a useful recycling.
This study was done with rice husk ash (RHA) under 700℃ burning conditions and Siliceous ash as a partial cement replacement, in different percentages. The changes in property of RHA properties were investigated by XRD, DT-GTA and the technique of micro-analysis in order to understand the effect of activities. When RHA with 700℃ burning condition were added to cement paste or mortar, some properties such as workability, setting time, sulfate attack and strength tended to have some changes.
The test results show that RHA with partial cement replacements in different percentages the compatibility between the abundant SiO2 and cement as well as the high active silica content can consume the calcium hydroxide in cement paste and thus accelerate the hydration of cement and enhance strength. Thus, it was found that the optimum replacement percentages was 10%, at 28-days compressive strength reaches 867kg/cm2 ,bending strength reaches 65kg/cm2 , shrinkage ratio reaches between 0.13% - 0.17%, Every engineering property is all higher than cement paste and Siliceous ash paste. Observation of micro-structure RHA paste Produce in a large amount C-S-H gel of colloid structure packing hole the continuous causes the hydro mass to be compact promotion strength. The result proving Proper RHA with partial cement replacements can promotion engineering property.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
表目錄 Ⅳ
圖目錄 Ⅴ
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究動機 1
1-2研究目的及範圍 1
1-2-1 研究目的 1
1-2-2 研究範圍 2
1-3研究方法及流程 2
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1 卜作嵐材料之種類、性質與應用 5
2-1-1 卜作嵐材料之種類與性質 5
2-1-2 卜作嵐反應 6
2-1-3 卜作嵐材料取代部分水泥之相關研究 6
2-2稻殼灰之成份及性質 7
2-2-1稻殼的組織成份 7
2-2-2稻殼之受熱分解及成灰過程 7
2-2-3稻殼灰之結構及性質 9
2-2-4稻殼灰與水泥漿體之水化機理 9
2-2-5稻殼灰對混凝土的影響 9
2-3 水泥之物化特性 10
2-3-1 水泥水化反應機制 10
2-3-2 水泥漿體之微觀結構 12
2-3-3 水泥漿體之孔隙結構 13
2-3-4 水泥漿體之巨微觀性質 15
第三章 試驗計畫 26
3-1試驗設計 26
3-2試驗材料與設備 26
3-2-1 試驗材料 26
3-2-2 試驗設備 27
3-3 試驗項目及方法 28
第四章 結果與討論 40
4-1 基本性質分析 40
4-1-1 高矽質掺料之物理性質分析 40
4-1-2 高矽質掺料之化學性質分析 40
4-1-3 高矽質掺料之SEM電子顯微鏡分析 41
4-2 稻殼灰取代不同水泥量之工程性質 42
4-2-1 高矽質稻殼灰之凝結行為 42
4-2-2 高矽質稻殼灰之工作性 43
4-2-3 高矽質稻殼灰之卜作嵐活性指數 44
4-2-4 高矽質稻殼灰之強度發展 44
4-2-5 高矽質稻殼灰之耐久性-抗硫酸鹽 49
4-2-6 高矽質稻殼灰之體積穩定性-熱壓膨脹 50
4-3 稻殼灰取代不同水泥量之卜作嵐反應行為 51
4-3-1 電子顯微鏡分析(SEM) 51
4-3-2 X光繞射分析(XRD) 52
4-3-3 熱重-熱差分析(TG-DTA) 53
4-4 綜合分析 54
第五章 結論與建議 101
6-1結論 101
6-2建議 102
參考文獻 103
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