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研究生(外文):Luo Ting Chiang
論文名稱(外文):The Study on the micro-observation of interfacial zone of the lightweight concrete by pozzolan materials
指導教授(外文):Her Yuan Wang
外文關鍵詞:pozzloan materialinterfacial zonemicro-observation structurelightweight aggregatehigh performance concrete
  • 被引用被引用:14
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In the recent years, the density of Taiwan’s population has increased gradually and the building of the city is developed to tall buildings gradually. The lightweight reservoir silt aggregates was used can lessen the self-weight and waste recycling. In this research, based on the densified mixture algorithm, four different water to binder ratios (W/B=0.28, 0.32, 0.36, 0.40),one kinds of mixture water volumes (170 kg/m3), and two types of specific gravity of aggregate (1.5, 2.65) are prepared to mix with appropriate fly ash, slag powder and super plasticizer for producing the high performance light-weight aggregate concrete. Especially, the lightweight aggregate is chosen from the sludge of the reservoir. Meanwhile, the other kind of concrete with W/B ratio of 0.36, but no pozzolan for test purpose. At ages of 1, 3, 7,28 and 56 days, the high performance light-weight concrete were tested respectively by Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscopyope test (FSEM), X-ray powder diffactometer test, TGA test, MIP test , NMR test with Mechanics test and durability test for the micro observation study. All related data will be collected and analyzed in order to study the dense effect of pozzolan material to the light weight aggregate concrete.
The results indicated that rough surface pores of the lightweight aggregate make the interlocking of ITZ is better than normal aggregate. Percentage of pores and the range of ITZ were Grew with the adding W/B. fly ash and slag powder result C-S-H gel by consuming calcium hydroxide. When the 0.36 water to binder ratios(W/B=0.36), can reduce the Capillary Pores Volume of 5% .On 56 days, reduce the consuming calcium hydroxide of 8% and accrue the Gel/Space ratio of 19% . As the W/B add the Psi accrued. However, the Degree of Hydration is related to Compressive Strength and Pulse Velocity . Understanding macro- observation structure by Degree of Hydration.
圖目錄.......................................................... .viii
第一章 緒論..........................................................1
1-1 研究動機.....................................................1
1-2 研究方法與目的................................................2
1-3 研究及試驗流程........................................... ....2
第二章 文獻回顧......................................................4
2-1 輕質骨材種類..................................................4
2-2 輕質骨材特性與應用 ............................................4
2-3 卜作嵐反應機理與飛灰、爐石特性..................................5
2-3-1 卜作嵐反應....................................................5
2-3-2 飛灰、爐石之特性..............................................6
2-4 混凝土界面過渡區..............................................8
2-4-1 界面過渡區形成原因 ............................................8
2-4-2 水泥複合材料界面微觀結構.......................................9
2-4-3 界面過渡區之性質.............................................10
第三章 試驗計劃.....................................................16
3-1 試驗材料....................................................16
3-2 試驗變數及項目...............................................17
3-3 混凝土配比設計...............................................18
3-3-1 緻密配比設計.................................................18
3-3-2 拌合要點....................................................20
3-4 試驗方法與設備...............................................21
3-4-1 材料基本物性試驗.............................................21
3-4-2 力學性質試驗.................................................21
3-4-3 浸泡硫酸鈉耐久性試驗..........................................22
3-4-4 微觀試驗....................................................22
3-4-4-1 試樣準備...................................................22
3-4-4-2 試驗項目...................................................23
第四章 試驗結果與分析................................................43
4-1 力學性質....................................................43
4-1-1 抗壓強度....................................................43
4-1-1-1 骨材.......................................................43
4-1-1-2 水膠比.....................................................44
4-1-1-3 齡期.......................................................44
4-1-1-4 卜作嵐材料..................................................45
4-1-2 超音波波速...................................................45
4-1-2-1 骨材.......................................................45
4-1-2-2 水膠比.....................................................46
4-1-2-3 齡期.......................................................46
4-1-2-4 卜作嵐材料..................................................46
4-1-3 抗壓強度與超音波波速之關係.....................................47
4-2 耐久性質....................................................47
4-3 微觀結構觀測.................................................48
4-3-1 場發型電子顯微鏡(FSEM).......................................48
4-3-1-1 高性能輕質骨材混凝土界面過渡區................................48
4-3-1-2 骨材影響...................................................49
4-3-1-3 卜作嵐材料影響..............................................49
4-3-1-4 硫酸鹽侵蝕影響..............................................50
4-3-1-5 EDAS成分分析...............................................51
4-3-2 X光粉末繞射(XRPD)分析........................................51
4-3-3 熱重分析(TGA)...............................................52
4-3-3-1 水化程度...................................................52
4-3-3-2 氫氧化鈣含量................................................53
4-3-3-3 膠體空間比..................................................53
4-3-3-4 力學性質之比較..............................................54
4-3-4 固態核磁共振(NMR)分析........................................54
4-3-4-1 水化程度...................................................54
4-3-4-2 聚矽陰離子鍵長度............................................55
4-3-4-3 力學性質之比較..............................................55
4-3-5 壓汞孔隙測定(MIP)............................................56
第五章 結論與建議 ...................................................90
5-1 結論........................................................90
5-2 建議........................................................91
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