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研究生(外文):Chin-Lai Chiang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Soil Parameters from CPT in the Southwestern Taiwan
指導教授:許 琦
指導教授(外文):Chyi Sheu
外文關鍵詞:soil parameterscone penetration test (CPT)standard penetration test(SPT)
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本文研究動機係利用目前較為產官學界信賴之CPT作為訂定土壤參數方法,嘗試利用位於西南部三個不同工址,並參考國內外相關研究,利用電子式圓錐貫入試驗(CPT)與傳統鑽探(SPT)相互驗證,且經由統計分析建立本土化之CPT土壤參數,目的為利用 CPT 取得基礎結構土壤設計參數,以別於以往利用傳統鑽探取樣並藉由經驗公式進行設計,以建立符合國內地層之土壤參數。
The purpose of this paper is to develop a method in estimating the soil parameters using CPT data from three investigation sites in the southwestern Taiwan. In order to establish local soil parameters for foundation design directly from CPT as well as differ from making design parameters by experience formula and traditional drilling results, the investigation results of electric cone penetration test (CPT) and traditional soil borings, standard penetration test (SPT) and laboratory test are compared and analyzed using statistics based on the investigation data of those sites.
The research method is firstly to compare the nearby logging with CPT and SPT for collecting and estimating the soil parameters of the same soil layers. Then, according to the rule presented in reference papers, the soil parameters are analyzed by normal distribution theory. This Paper will be divided into five parts: (1) the relationship of CPT-qc and SPT-N value, (2) CPT soil classification, (3) soil physical properties from CPT, (4) Strength and deformation parameters from cone penetration tests, and (5) using two case study projects to exam this method.
Base on statistic analysis and normal distribution, the soil parameters, such as general physical properties, deformation and strength parameters, are calculated by two parameters: the mean µ and the standard deviation sigmaσ. The μ-σ、μand μ+σ of those parameters are shown in figures and verified with the results of laboratory test.
In two case study research, the bearing capacity and settlements of square footings as well as vertical and horizontal bearing capacity of driven pile are calculated by use CPT and SPT parameters that estimated with present method and foundation Design Code for Building, R.O.C. (2001). The results indicate that the analysis results of CPT and SPT are insignificantly difference in bearing capacity of footings. In addition, the bearing capacity of piles is appreciable difference in using SPT, CPT and LCPC analysis method. It is shown that this propose method is feasible for estimating soil parameters for foundation design.
目 錄
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
符號說明 XI
圖例說明 XVI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究流程 3
第二章 相關研究 5
2.1 儀器設備 5
2.2 試驗方法 7
2.2.1 CPT試驗方法 7
2.2.2 傳統鑽探及取樣試驗方法 7
2.3 CPT-qc與SPT-N之關係 9
2.4 CPT土壤分類 15
2.5 土壤基本物性關係 23
2.5.1 ωn、e、γ、Gs 23
2.5.2 砂土相對密度Dr 25
2.5.3 液性限度 26
2.6 土壤變形係數 27
2.7 土壤強度參數 29
2.7.1 Nk與Su及qc之關係 29
2.7.2 砂土之有效摩擦角 35
第三章 研究方法 40
3.1 資料蒐集及比對 40
3.1.1 蒐集場址 40
3.1.2 比對方法 42
3.2 常態分佈 42
3.2.1 常態分佈 42
3.2.2 二維常態分佈 43
第四章 統計結果與討論 45
4.1 CPT 和 SPT – N 之關係 45
4.2 土壤分類 47
4.2.1 土壤分類比對 48
4.2.2 二維常態分佈分析 49
4.3 土壤一般物理性質 56
4.3.1 ωn、e、Gs 和 γ t 56
4.3.2 L.L. 與 P.I. 58
4.4 土壤力學(Ø、Su)與變形參數(Cc、Cs) 59
4.4.1 內摩擦角(Ø) 59
4.4.2 不排水剪力強度(Su) 64
4.4.3 變形參數(Cc、Cs) 73
第五章 案例探討 77
5.1 設計參數推估 77
5.2 淺基礎 83
5.2.1 基礎型式選擇之考量 83
5.2.2 淺基礎承載力分析 83
5.2.3 沉陷量分析 85
5.3 樁基礎 87
5.3.1 單樁承載力分析 87
5.3.2 單樁拉拔力分析 90
5.3.3 單樁側向承載力 91
5.4 分析結果與討論 96
5.4.1 淺基礎 96
5.4.2 樁基礎 99
第六章 結論與建議 103
6.1 結論 103
6.2 建議 106
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