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Author (Eng.):Ming-Chih Chen
Title (Eng.):Different Employment Modes in the Construction Industry and its Influence on Job Behaviors--The Example of the Construction Project of the Mass Rapid Transit in Kaohsiung
Advisor:黃忠發黃忠發 author reflink
advisor (eng):Chung-Fah Huang
Narrow Field:工程學門
Detailed Field:土木工程學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
number of pages:124
keyword (chi):營造業人力資源管理人力聘用模式不同時期約聘僱模式組織行為工作滿意度組織承諾工作投入組織公民行為離職傾向
keyword (eng):human resource management in the construction industryhuman resource employment modedifferent time framesemployment modesorganization behaviorjob satisfactionjob involvementorganizational citizenship behaviororganizational commitment
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To adapt to market competition, it is a necessary survival strategy for enterprises to apply such flexible human resource management methods as temporary employment in order to lower operation costs and enhance its competitiveness. In this research, 800 questionnaires were given to the civil engineering division of the Mass Rapid Transit in Kaohsiung and 337 valid samples were returned with a return rate of 42.125%. After analyzing the returned questionnaires, this research found:

(1) There is an increasing trend of temporary employment in the construction industry, gradually replacing full-time employees with contracted workers.
(2) There is no significant difference among employees recruited from different employment modes in their perceptions of organizational behaviors.
(3) The large-scale temporary employment in the construction industry will possibly cause a negative influence on the constructions.
(4) Even though there is no significant difference between contracted employees and full-time ones in their perceptions of organizational behaviors, many indexes still indicate that the latter are better than the former during the construction process.
(5) There are significant differences found in the organizational behaviors of technical workers in different time frames, particularly prominent in the three aspects of organizational citizenship behavior, job involvement and turnover intention. Technical workers in the past are significantly better than those in the present in organizational citizenship behavior and job commitment; however, in turnover intention, technical workers in the present are relatively stable.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機…………………………………………………………....1
1.2 研究目的……………………………………………………………………3
1.3 研究步驟與流程……………………………………………………………4
第二章 文獻回顧
2.1 非典型聘僱型態………………………………………………………..…..7
2.2 約聘僱制度之相關研究…………………………………………………..23
2.3 組織行為之相關背景……………………………………………………..25
2.4 綜合評述…………………………………………………………………..44
第三章 研究設計
3.1 研究架構……………………………………………………………….….45
3.2 問卷結構…………………………………………………………………..46
3.3 研究對象與抽樣…………………………………………………………..47
3.4 研究變項分類……………………………………………………………..48
3.5 問卷之衡量方法及信度分析……………………………………………..48
3.6 資料分析方法……………………………………………………………..51
3.7 研究限制…………………………………………………………………..53
第四章 樣本資料及人員現況分析
4.1 樣本對象營造公司簡介……………………………………………...…...54
4.2 現階段樣本特性分析……………………………………………………..59
4.3 不同時期之樣本特性分析………………………………………………..68
4.4 小結……………………………………………………………………..…69
第五章 專案工程不同時期對員工組織行為之影響
5.1 工作滿意度之分析………………………………………………………..70
5.2 組織承諾之分析…………………………………………………………..72
5.3 組織公民行為之分析……………………………………………………..78
5.4 工作投入之分析………………………………….………………...……..80
5.5 離職傾向之分析…………………………………………………………..82
5.6 小結………………………………………………………………………..84
第六章 不同聘僱模式對營造產業之影響
6.1 不同聘僱模式對工作績效之影響………………………………………..86
6.2 不同聘僱模式對個人及產業之影響…………………………………..…92
6.3 工程人員因應人力彈性化之觀點……………………………………......93
6.4 小結…………………………………………………………………..……94
第七章 結論與建議
7.1 結論………………………………………………………………………..96
7.2 建議……………………………………………………………………......98

圖目錄 頁次
圖1.1 研究流程……………………………………………………………….…...6
圖2.1 傳統離職分類法………………………………………………………..…41
圖2.2 非功能性/功能性離職分類法………………………………………….…41
圖2.3 Abelson的分類法…………………………………………………………42
圖3.1 專案不同時期之研究架構圖………………………………………..……46
圖4.1 高雄捷運專案土建工程各區段標及車站示意圖…………………..……58

表目錄 頁次
表2.1 僱傭關係光譜……………………………………………………………..18
表2.2 「典型聘僱」與「非典型聘僱」之比較…………………………………22
表2.3 OECD會員國的員工工作價值觀比較………………………………..…28
表2.4 組織承諾的分類…………………………………………………………..30
表2.5 組織承諾衡量工具……………………………………………………..…32
表2.6 組織公民行為研究構面…………………………………………………..35
表2.7 工作投入的相關定義彙總表……………………………………………..37
表3.1 組織行為之量測題號與信度分析………………………………………..49
表4.1 各區段標土建工程概述及累積完成進度…………………………..……56
表4.2 現階段研究樣本之人口統計變項分析……………………………….….60
表4.3 現階段不同聘僱模式之人口統計變項………………………………..…63
表4.4 約聘年資人次統計表………………………………………………..……65
表4.5 聘期人次分配表…………………………………………………….…….65
表4.6 選擇約聘工作之原因…………………………………………………..…66
表4.7 離職準備時間……………………………………………………………..67
表4.8 不同約聘原因屆期將續約之人數比…………..…………………………67
表4.9 不同時期之人口變項分析………………………………………………..69
表5.1 不同聘僱模式之工作滿意度比較………………………………………..71
表5.2 不同職級之工作滿意度比較……………………………………………..71
表5.3 不同工作性質之工作滿意度比較…………………………….………….72
表5.4 不同聘僱模式之總組織承諾比較………………………………..….…...73
表5.5 情感性承諾比較……………………………………………………...…...74
表5.6 持續性承諾比較…….………………………...…………………………..74
表5.7 規範性承諾比較…….…………………………...………………………..75
表5.8 不同職級之組織承諾比較………………………………………………..76
表5.9 不同工作性質之組織承諾比較…………………………………………..77
表5.10 不同聘僱模式之組織公民行為比較……………………………………..79
表5.11 不同職級之組織公民行為比較………………………………………..…79
表5.12 不同工作性質之組織公民行為比較…………………………………..…80
表5.13 不同聘僱模式之工作投入程度比較……………………………………..81
表5.14 不同職級之工作投入程度比較…………………………………….…….81
表5.15 不同工作性質之工作投入程度比較………………………………..……82
表5.16 不同聘僱模式之離職傾向比較……………………………………..……83
表5.17 不同職級之離職傾向比較…………………………………………..……83
表5.18 不同工作性質之離職傾向比較…………………………………………..84
表6.1 不同聘僱模式對同一工作內容之工作表現及態度之觀點…………..…87
表6.2 大量採用約聘僱人員對專案與公司之利弊觀點………………..………88
表6.3 不同聘僱身分對工作表現及態度之觀點………………..……..………..89
表6.4 不同聘僱身分對聘僱模式對專案與公司發展之影響觀點……………..90
表6.5 不同聘僱身分對專案與公司採用大量約聘僱人員對其發展之衝擊..…91
表6.6 不同聘僱模式對公司專業能力累積及個人工作現況之看法…..………92
表6.7 工程人員因應人力彈性化之觀點……………………………………..…94
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1. Influences of Different Employment Modes on Organizational Behaviors and Job Performances—The Example of the Construction Project of the Mass Rapid Transit in Kaohsiung
2. The Influence of Human Resource Practices on Organizational Behaviors- A Study of Construction Industry
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7. A Study of the Current Situation of Atypical Employment in Taiwan’s Construction Industry
8. 領導者/部屬交換理論與組織行為有關變數關係之研究
9. The Effects of Emotional Labor Strategies on Job Vigor: The Perspective of Positive Organizational Behavior
10. An Empirical Study on the Relationships Among Strategic Orientations, Social Capital of Human Resource Roles --The Mediating Effects of Human Resource Management Innovations.
11. The effect of superintendent’s behavior and organizational behavior on the leader’s efficiency --The basic superintendent of R.O.C. Marine Corps as an example
12. Research on the Organizational change for a Bureaucratized hierarchy among Employee’s Organizational behaviors- A case study about the military uniform Arsenal with government-owned and contractor-operated(GOCO)
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