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研究生(外文):FANG, HO-CHIN
論文名稱(外文):Research on the Evaluation for Evacuation Safety Performance of Large Shopping Mall-- Taking Application for Dream Mall in Kaohsiung City As an Example
外文關鍵詞:(Large-scale) shopping centerevaluation for evacuation safety performanceperformance designevacuation certificate
  • 被引用被引用:15
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Taiwan has developed vigorously and constructed large shopping centers in recent years. In order to meet the consumer need, the main body sole development design plan of large-scale commercial facilities has gradually approached to high-rise, comprehensiveness, complication and high atrium architecture, which made the recent specification laws and regulations unsuitable. In addition, based on most life and property loss potential of large-scale shopping centers, give a more explicit instruction regarding the performance laws and regulations use to ensure evacuation safety of personnel and avoid wasting investment on unneeded construction facilities and hydrant equipments. Therefore this research adopted the evaluation methods for evacuation in "Techniques of Building Evacuation Safety Performance Certificate Manual," published by Architecture Research Institute in 2004, aiming at Taiwan shopping centers as case applications, and hoping to evaluate evacuation safety level of domestic shopping centers. In addition to using this evaluation method as a communication platform between enterprise, government and academia for Taiwan fire engineering, expect this will become the foundation research for promoting Taiwan future performance regulations in evaluation for evacuation safety application as well.
This research has divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly described the motive, purpose, the scale of research and the anticipated results.
The second chapter is the literature reviews. It presented the definition and the type of big-scale of shopping center as well as the characteristics of space disaster prevention. It also analyzed domestic and foreign disaster cases and developed the overall safety strategy of fire prevention.
The third chapter briefed fire evacuation safety factors and disaster evaluation standards, and evaluated rationalization in each calculating factor for evacuation safety performance certificate after compared Taiwan and other countries in performance designing system framework and studied current conditions.
The fourth chapter explained the evaluation methods for evacuation in "Techniques of Building Evacuation Safety Performance Certificate Manual," published by Architecture Research Institute in 2004, calculated personnel evacuation time and evaluated evacuation safety performance results for buildings.
Lastly, the fifth chapter is the conclusion which summarized the research results. It also provided suggestions regarding the enterprises, fire departments and evaluation of applications.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
誌 謝 Ⅳ
目 錄 Ⅴ
表 目 錄 Ⅶ
圖 目 錄 Ⅸ
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2研究範圍與限制 4
1.3研究方法與流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1大型購物中心相關文獻回顧 8
2.2大型購物中心火災特性與災例探討 21
2.3大型購物中心之防火避難安全計畫 33
第三章 避難安全評估與研究方法 43
3.1避難逃生理論 43
3.2避難安全與危害分析準則 50
3.3各國性能式設計法體系架構與研究現況 58
3.4避難安全性能驗證方式之評估 81
第四章 案例調查與避難安全評估計算分析 90
4.1建築物現況調查分析 90
4.2避難安全評估計算之方法 107
4.3案例評估應用結果與分析 118
第五章 結論與建議 133
5.1結論 133
5.2建議 135

參考文獻 139
附錄 145
附錄表1.夢時代購物中心B2F居室(美食小吃街、商場)避難時間計算評估表 145
附錄表2.夢時代購物中心11F(合併12F挑高部份)居室(電影院)避難時間計算評估表 146
附錄表3.夢時代購物中心12F居室(酒吧、餐廳、KTV)避難時間計算評估表 147
附錄圖4.建築物配置及消防救助計畫圖 148
附錄圖5. B4F避難區劃與動線圖 149
附錄圖6. B2F避難區劃與動線圖 150
附錄圖7. 1F避難區劃與動線圖 151
附錄圖8. 2F避難區劃與動線圖 152
附錄圖9. 3F避難區劃與動線圖 153
附錄圖10. 11F避難區劃與動線圖 154
附錄圖11. 12F避難區劃與動線圖 155
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