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研究生(外文):Huang Yi Chen
論文名稱(外文):The research of tourist's willingness to pay for interpretative service in Kentin national park
外文關鍵詞:ecotourismWTPlife style
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摘 要
International society takes the protection of physical resource seriously in recent years. People start to have the attitude for reflection with nature and ecological environment. Ecotourism use a natural way to make the tourists understand the ecological environment after they visit the physical environment and also make them starting to protect the ecological resource. One of the best ways to make tourist understanding nature environment is through the narrator. After the narrator introduct, tourists can understand the situation easily and have more emotion into the environment. The interaction between narrator and tourists may increase the interest. Using the local people to be the narrator is adaptable because they had lived for a long time and more familiar with others.
According to the rule of paying when using, the admission can be useful in many constructions or preservation. This study checks up the visitor’s database, characteristic of tour, willingness to pay for the admission and the charge for narrators. We dispensed 950 qusionnairs and backed 820 quesionnairs; the operative rate is 86.3 %.
The purpose of this study was to explore the tourists’ attitude, behaviour, motivation, lifestyle, characteristic about travel, willingness to pay for the admission ticket in ecological reserve area and willingness to pay for the fee of interpretive service in Kentin national park. Each part of tourists shows the different level of willingness to pay the fee of interpretive service and the admission ticket to 6 pay items. According to behaviour factors, the tourism would go to the reservation can be categorized into four groups which be named for “Public Tourist”, “Activity Tourist”, “No Action” and “Self-Centredness”. These parts show lowest willingness to pay for increasing government’s revenue and all of them are willingness to pay for national park to protect eco-environment. Their willingness to pay prices is higher. According to lifestyle factors, the tourists can be divided into four groups, too. They are named for “Environment Damage”, “Self-Regard”, “Environment Priority” and “Public Inclination”. “Public Inclination” has the highest willingness to pay prices in these four groups. Theses four groups also have lowest willingness to pay prices in the item that pay for increasing government’s revenue.
Key Word: Ecotourism, Willingness to Pay, Lifestyle
目 錄
摘要 I
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究限制 3
1.2.1抽樣地點的限制 3
1.2.2願付價格之推論不易 3
1.2.3封閉式問卷之缺點 4
1.2.4管理單位對遊客願付價格之影響 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 生態旅遊 5
2.1.1生態旅遊之定義 5
2.1.2生態旅遊之概念 7
2.1.3生態保護區收費問題 8
2.1.4環境資源的永續經營 10
2.1.5遊客對生態旅遊的行為與態度 12
第二節 旅遊動機 15
第三節 願付價格 17
2.3.1遊憩資源經濟效益之分類 17
2.3.2非市場性財貨評估法 19
2.3.3條件評估法 21
第四節 解說導覽 24
2.4.1解說的定義 24
2.4.2解說員與解說之功能 25
第五節 環境態度 26
2.5.1態度的定義 26
2.5.2環境態度的定義 27
2.5.3環境態度的量表 27
2.5.4環境態度之相關研究 29
第六節 生活型態 30
2.6.1生活型態之定義 30
2.6.2生活型態之衡量 31
第三章 欲前往保護區之遊客對解說服務願付價格之研究~以墾丁國家公園為例 34
第一節 研究方法 34
3.1.1研究假設 34
3.1.2研究架構 34
3.1.3研究對象 35
3.1.4抽樣方法 35
3.1.5問卷設計 36
3.1.6統計分析方法 38
第二節 結果與討論 39
3.2.1受訪者的社經背景和旅遊特徵 39
3.2.2遊客對生態旅遊的行為 40
3.2.3遊客對生態旅遊的態度 41
3.2.4遊客參與生態旅遊的動機 42
3.2.5欲前往保護區之遊客市場區隔 43
3.2.6遊客對生態保護區門票及解說服務之願付價格 47
第三節 結論與建議 52
第四章 一般旅遊遊客對解說服務願付價格之研究~以墾丁國家公園為例 54
第一節 研究方法 54
4.1.1研究假設 54
4.1.2研究架構 54
4.1.3研究對象 55
4.1.4抽樣方法 55
4.1.5問卷設計 55
4.1.6統計分析方法 57
第二節 結果與討論 59
4.2.1受訪者的社經背景和旅遊特徵 59
4.2.2遊客對環境的態度 59
4.2.3遊客之生活型態 60
4.2.4遊客旅遊動機 61
4.2.5蒞臨墾丁國家公園遊客之市場區隔 62
4.2.6遊客對生態保護區門票及解說服務之願付價格 65
第三節 結論與建議 69
第五章 結論與建議 71
第一節 結論 71
5.1.1欲前往保護區之遊客與一般旅遊遊客之社經背景與旅遊特徵比較 71
5.1.2欲前往保護區之遊客與一般旅遊遊客之市場區隔與願付價格比較 74
第二節 建議 77
參考文獻 78
中文部份 78
英文部分 81
附件一 欲前往保護區之遊客對解說服務願付價格之研究~以墾丁國家公園為例正式問卷 87
附件二 一般旅遊遊客對解說服務願付價格之研究~以墾丁國家公園為例正式問卷 89
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