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研究生(外文):Keng-Hui Lim
論文名稱(外文):Research and Development of an OpenGL-Based Virtual Three-Axis CNC Lecturing Assistance System
指導教授(外文):Wern-Shiarng JouHsin-Yu Cheng
外文關鍵詞:OpenGLVirtual RealityVirtual Milling Machine
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虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)的技術已趨成熟,並廣泛應用於各種工業、教育、軍事、航太等實際操演模擬,而虛擬工具機教學系統之研究亦有許多案例,而大多數應用研究均使用現有商用模擬核心工具,因而不僅高成本且有許多限制,所以本研究是以OpenGL為顯示技術,進行虛擬三軸CNC銑床之建構,以作為教學之應用,使達經濟與實用之雙重效果。
本教學系統於人機介面開發上,先使用統一模塑語言(Unified Modeling Language, UML)對系統需求及所有功能進行分析與規劃,進而設計出較符合使用者需求的人機介面後,並將虛擬銑床機台建構模組與虛擬控制器核心技術整合至人機介面內,完成虛擬三軸銑削中心機之教學系統與虛擬銑床床台建構模組及虛擬控制器模組之實作。
The technology of Virtual Reality (VR) has been getting matured and has also been applied in various industries, education, military, and aerospace for practical emulations. Furthermore, case studies related to virtual machine tool tutoring system have been reported showing promising achievement. However, most of them used commercial simulation API (Application Programming Interface) kernel resulting inevitable higher cost and limitations such as dependence on kernel providers. Therefore, this research focuses on developing computational geometry kernel based on OpenGL in building the virtual three-axis milling machine tool supporting lecturing application in achieving both lower cost and practical implementation.
This research, firstly, adopted the Unified Modeling Language (UML) in analyzing and planning system requirements and functionalities for creating a more user-friendly Human Machine Interface (HMI). Secondly, the designed HMI was integrated with the developed virtual controller and the virtual machine structure for the realization of the developed OpenGL-based virtual CNC in lecturing assistance.
The developed system can import mechanical components that were created beforehand in STL format for the construction and assembly of the virtual machine tool model. Three- and/or five-axis machine tool has been adopted in implementing the developed methodology. The functions of the developed virtual machine tool include: interpolation, manual control mode, edge tracing, workpiece coordinates settings, etc. Real time toolpath display and NC codes debugging capabilities have also been developed so as to be used in assisting the final step verification before loading the NC codes for real machining. This is necessary in emulating the physical machine tool operation. The developed system has been successfully implemented and tested showing very reasonable results and correctness in practices.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2研究動機與目的 2
1-3研究方法與步驟 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2-1 虛擬實境 4
2-2 控制器人機介面 7
2-3 虛擬工具機之發展 9
第三章OpenGL的技術 13
3-1 OpenGL簡介 13
3-1-1 OpenGL的演進 15
3-1-2 OpenGL的優點 16
3-1-3 OpenGL的應用 17
3-2 OpenGL 的引用 18
3-2-1 OpenGL的起始設定 18
3-2-2 OpenGL於VB的應用 21
3-2-3 OpenGL常用函數的呼叫 22
第四章 虛擬工具機教學系統設計 24
4-1 虛擬工具機之系統架構設計 24
4-2 虛擬工具機之機台建構 31
4-2-1虛擬工具機之結構 32
4-2-2虛擬工具機建構流程 36
4-2-3機台建構之人機介面設計 37
4-3控制器之人機介面設計 42
4-3-1控制器功能之介紹 43
4-3-2虛擬控制器之人機介面設計 45
4-4虛擬控制器設計 50
4-4-1 NC解譯函式庫 50
4-4-2程式座標轉換 54
4-4-3虛擬工具機軸向運動插值運算 56
4-4-4 尋邊量測與高度量測 60
4-5 NC程式編輯器設計 61
4-5-1正向編輯 61
4-5-2逆向編輯 65
4-6虛擬工具機教學輔助系統之整合 70
4-6-1機台建構模組與工具機之連接 70
4-6-2虛擬控制器與工具機之連接 74
第五章 虛擬工具機教學系統實作結果與測試 76
5-1 工具機建構流程實作 76
5-2 手動操作模式 81
5-2-1原點回歸 81
5-2-2快速移動、JOG、手輪與寸動 82
5-2-3主軸轉速控制 82
5-3 自動加工模擬 84
5-3-1單節執行 84
5-3-2程式自動執行 85
5-4 程式碼測試結果 86
5-4-1 G92 88
5-4-2 G54~G59 88
5-4-3 G00、G01 88
5-4-4 G02、G03 88
5-4-5 G28、G29 88
5-4-6 M機能 88
第六章 結果與討論 92
第七章 結論與未來展望 95
參考文獻 97
作者簡介 101
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