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研究生(外文):Jyun-Hong Chen
論文名稱(外文):Fluid-Dynamic Diagnostics on interior flow patterns of Heat Sink Using PIV system
指導教授(外文):Herchang Ay
外文關鍵詞:heat sinkPIVnon-invasiveinterior flowforce convectionflow volumes
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As technology advances, many products move towards electrification. Heat transfer is very important in the electronic industry. The finned heat sink is the most convenient and economic way of cooling. This research uses the Particle Image Velocimetry System-a non-invasive method that measures the interior flow patterns of the plate-finned and pin-finned heat sink. Different fan sizes were used along with two different flow types; for example, blow-out and draw-in. By changing the rotation speed of the fan, we can see the impact using a computer cooling fan.

The test results using the plate-finned heat sink showed that it was influenced by the axis of the fan. Different interior flow patterns appeared in each section. Comparing the draw-in and blow-out airflow of a fan, the vortex produced is less when the air is drawn in than when the air is blown out. Because both sides of the outlet have different air volumes, using different cooling fan sizes produces more obvious results.

The draw-in and blow-out air flows of the fan produces different results. The study found a large vortex near the center of the base for when using the blow-out function. To improve the cooling effects, the cold air draw-in the plate-fin heat sink is the best choice. This conclusion is also confirmed by infrared thermography. Because the geometry and size of the pin-finned heat sink is different from the plate-finned heat sink, the vortex was not obvious when measured under the same conditions. The PIV system was used to produce a diagram of the import and export velocity contours. This information was used to estimate the flow volumes for each section by comparing to the inlet size. The geometry of the fan has a large influence on the entering air flow volumes.
目 次
第一章 緒論.................................................................................................1
1.1 前言............................................................................................................................1
1.2 研究目的....................................................................................................................1
第二章 質點顯像測速系統之原理.............................................................6
2.1 影像分析之計算........................................................................................................6
2.2 實驗前置作業............................................................................................................7
2.2.1 四分之一法則................................................................................................8
2.2.2 動力速度範圍................................................................................................8
2.2.3 動力空間範圍..............................................................................................10
第三章 實驗儀器設備.............................................................................................12
3.2質點顯像測速系統(PIV System).............................................................................12
3.4.1 板鰭式散熱器(測試件A)...........................................................................15
3.4.2 鍵鰭式散熱器(測試件B)..........................................................................16
3.4.3 流場觀測之測試箱體...................................................................................16
3.5 風扇轉速之選用......................................................................................................17
3.6 風扇轉速測定..........................................................................................................17

第四章 結果與討論..................................................................................................26
4.1 測試件A(板鰭式散熱器)實驗結果........................................................................26
4.1.1 以case1風扇吹入........................................................................................26
4.2 以Case2風扇觀察不同截面之流場變化...............................................................30
4.2.3 EE截面在不同風扇轉速之流場變化..........................................................31
4.3 不同風扇作動下之比較..........................................................................................32
4.3.1 以抽出式(Blow-Out)比較Case1和Case2風扇.........................................32
4.3.2 以吹入式(Draw-In)比較Case1和Case2風扇..........................................33
4.4 散熱鰭片各截面流量之估算..................................................................................33
4.4.1 各截面受風扇馬達軸心遮蔽對流量之影響以抽出式(Blow-Out)...........33
4.4.2 各截面受風扇馬達軸心遮蔽對流量之影響以吹入式(Draw-In)..............34
4.4.3 風扇轉速對於流量之影響..........................................................................34
第五章 結論與未來工作............................................................................80
5.2 未來工作..................................................................................................................81

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