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論文名稱(外文):The Axial Fan Performance Curve Differences and Corrections in the course of Plastic Injection
指導教授(外文):Hung-Yuan Li
外文關鍵詞:Axial FanComputational Fluid DynamicsCharacteristic Curve
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The blade profile has a strong effect on the performance curve in axial fan design. However, since the blade is plastic injected, the profile will be altered in the manufacturing process. In this study, the dimension differences of the blade and its effect on the performance curve will be investigated. Dimensions compensation will also be inspected to correct the performance curve variation.

In the objective of the dimensions differences, a 3D reversed engineering approach is used. Results show that the deviation is mostly located in the leading and trailing edge of the blade. These errors are due to the thermal imbalance in the mold cavity.

The dimension differences of the blade profile change the performance curve of the fan. Both wind tunnel experimental and computational fluid dynamics approaches are employed to study this variation. It is shown that the dimension differences can change the air flow rate and pressure approximately 15%.

The variation of performance curve is then compensated by offsetting the blade geometry. Numerical results prove that by changing the inlet angle, outlet angle and the installment angle, the air flow rate can be raised about 7-14% and the air pressure can be lifted about 5%.
摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
一、 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2文獻回顧 3
1-2-1風扇設計 3
1-2-2逆向工程 5
1-3研究動機與目的 8
二、 風扇基本參數介紹 9
2-1 風扇結構簡介 9
2-1-1 驅動馬達 9
2-1-2 葉片實體 9
2-1-3 外框 11
2-2特性曲線 12
2-3計算流體力學 13
三、 設備與實驗規劃 14
3-1逆向檢測與模型重建 14
3-2風洞與量測 14
3-3基本假設與簡化的風扇模型 15
3-4網格系統 16
3-5流體分析與葉型建立 16
3-5-1計算流體力學操作之流程 16
3-5-2葉型建立 17
四、 結果與討論 18
4-1製造前後的差異 18
4-2特性曲線的差異 19
4-2-1 8015之特性曲線比較 19
4-2-2 8020之特性曲線比較 20
4-2-3 8025之特性曲線比較 21
4-3葉型參數之影響 22
4-3-1葉型定義 22
4-3-2沖角對風扇特性曲線的影響 24
4-3-3葉片入口角對風扇特性曲線的影響 25
4-3-4 葉片安裝角對風扇特性曲線的影響 26
4-3-5偏移角對風扇特性曲線的影響 27
4-3-6葉片出口角對風扇特性曲線的影響 28
4-3-7 前緣厚度對風扇性能的影響 29
4-3-8後緣厚度對風扇特性曲線的影響 30
4-3-9前緣外形對風扇特性曲線的影響 31
4-3-10後緣外形對風扇特性曲線的影響 32
4-4 修正模型與分析 33
五、結論 35
5-1未來研究的方向 36
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