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研究生(外文):Ssu-Hao Lai
論文名稱(外文):The Optimum Design of Blower Fans with the Application of Taguchi Method
指導教授(外文):Wu-Yao Chiou
外文關鍵詞:Taguchi MethodOptimizationBlower Fanair flowair pressurevibrationnoise
  • 被引用被引用:10
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The purpose of the study aims to use the Taguchi Methods Experiment Scheme, by varying the parameters of regulation-size blowers, to optimize the design of notebook fans in the aspects of air flow, air pressure, vibration, and noise.

With the Taguchi Methods Analysis, three levels are taken on each of the four variation factors and characterized to find out the variation, modification, and contribution across factors and levels. The curves shown on the S/N graph indicate the best levels across factors, a re-combination of which derives the maximal air flow and air pressure and the minimal vibration and noise. Then the re-designed blower is made into a real model. With fans of different parameters, variations of the air flow and the air pressure are measured by a current/pressure test machine, noise values measured in a semi-nonsonic room and vibration values measured by an acceleration compass. The analysis result indicates that enlarging the current extents and broadening the passage geometric contour enhance the air flow and air pressure, that shrinking the passage geometric contour and changing the fan sectors, leaving a 0.6mm angle, effectively elevate the current pressure, that enlarging the current extents and broadening the passage geometric contour decrease the vibration value, and that minimizing the angles of fan sectors to 0mm and shrinking the passage geometric contour decrease the noise.

The research methodology established by this study effectively promotes the functions of notebook fans, and it offers an efficient method of designing fans. Apart from vibration and noise, this study applies Fluent computer warm current analyzing software to simulating the air flow and air pressure, which presents only a 5% value of error with a practical measurement contrast. That is, the design of air flow and air pressure is suggested to take advantage of the computer simulation software and the Taguchi Methods analysis scheme so as to promote the fan functions.

第一章、 緒論
1.1 前言
1.2 文獻回顧
1.3 研究動機與目的

第二章、 研究理論探討
2.1 空氣機械的分類
2.2 渦流風扇(Blower)
2.3 渦流式風扇的設計
2.4 風扇之全壓、靜壓、理論功率與尺寸決定
2.5 渦流風扇基本運作原理
2.6 噪音
2.6.1 聲音的產生與傳播
2.6.2 聲音的物理特徵
2.6.3 聲音感知三要素
2.6.4 位準(Level)
2.6.5 加權網(Weighting)
2.6.6 風扇噪音設計

第三章、 研究方法及步驟
3.1 實驗計畫法
3.1.1 因子(factor)及水準(level)之選擇
3.1.2 直交表(orthogonal array)之選用
3.1.3 要因效果分析
3.1.4 損失函數
3.1.5 參數設計
3.1.6 控制因素分析
3.1.7 變異數分析
3.1.8 多品質目標分析
3.2 實驗步驟
3.3 決定設計參數
3.4 進行田口實驗法
3.5 風扇設計與組裝

第四章、 結果與討論
4.1 風扇性能測試報告及數據
4.2 實驗結果
4.3 回應圖及變異數分析
4.3.1 風量
4.3.2 風壓
4.3.3 振動
4.3.4 噪音
4.4 最佳化分析
4.4.1 風量最佳化
4.4.2 風壓最佳化
4.4.3 振動最佳化
4.4.4 噪音最佳化
4.5 最佳化分析

第五章、 數值模擬分析
5.1 前處理
5.2 數值模擬求解
5.3 模擬結果
5.4 後處理
5.5 模擬分析結果與實驗值比較
5.6 更新最佳化設計
5.7 結論

第六章、 結論與建議
6.1 渦流風扇最佳化設計
6.2 Fluent模擬分析
6.3 未來展望

附錄一 小型風扇性能測試裝置
附錄二 振動性能測試裝置
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