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研究生(外文):Shih Ming Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Process Conditions on Quality of Sheared Edge in Micro Punching
指導教授(外文):Chao-Cheng Chang
外文關鍵詞:micro-punchingsheared edgeburnishing surface
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本研究設計一套可衝剪直徑3 圓孔之模具,以改變衝頭與母模間隙、壓料板作用力與衝頭速度等製程參數,分別對抗拉強度不同之純銅(C1100)、不銹鋼(SUS304)與高碳鋼(SK5)材料,以厚度為0.1 之板材進行微型衝剪實驗,利用光學顯微鏡與即時尺寸量測軟體,對剪斷截面之光滑面長度進行量測,最後配合田口方法,期望瞭解前述所提之加工條件與材料性質對剪斷面品質之影響。
The technology of micro punching plays an important role in the manufacturing of micro metallic components. The micro punching process is however affected by many factors including materials, tooling and process conditions, and is difficult to be controlled. Therefore, it is highly interested in searching for a new method to improve the quality of the sheared edge as well as to reduce lead time and costs in the micro punching industry.
A set of dies in order to punch a 3 mm diameter hole on metallic sheets was designed for the study. By varying the clearance between the punch and die, the force applied by the blank holder and the punch speed, micro punching experiments were carried out. The materials of the sheets are copper (C1100), stainless steel (SUS304) and high-carbon steel (SK5) and the sheet thickness is 0.1 mm. The sheared edges were then examined by a microscope with an on-line measuring system to quantify the quality of the burnishing surface. The Taguchi method was finally used to analyze the effects of process conditions on the quality of the sheared edge in micro punching.
The results show that the effects of the blank holder force and the punch speed on the length of the burnishing surface are not significant. To obtain a larger burnishing surface, i.e. a higher quality of the sheared edge, it is not necessary to use a smaller clearance between the punch. The clearance should also been adjusted by the tensile strength of punching material.
摘要 I
英文摘要 II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
一、緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究動機與目的 3
1.4 論文總覽 4
二、 精密剪斷加工 5
2.1 加工基本原理 5
2.1.1 衝壓加工原理 5
2.1.2 加工條件:剪斷力 7
2.1.3 加工條件:間隙 8
2.1.4 被加工材料 8
2.2 精密剪斷技術與製品缺陷 9
2.2.1 衝剪切斷面 9
2.2.2 精密剪斷敘述 10
三、模具設計及實驗設備 12
3.1 模具設計 12
3.1.1 設計理念 12
3.1.2 模具材料之選擇 12
3.1.3 模具介紹 13
3.1.4 模具間隙值量測介紹 15
3.2 實驗設備 16
3.2.1 微衝壓機 16
3.2.2 光學顯微鏡 16
3.2.3 模具 16
四、 田口方法 19
4.1 品質損失函數 19
4.1.1 望目特性 20
4.1.2 望小特性 20
4.1.3 望大特性 20
4.2 直交表 21
4.3 變異數分析 21
五、 實驗方法與流程 24
5.1 實驗材料 24
5.2 實驗參數 24
5.2.1 衝頭與母模間隙 24
5.2.2 壓料板作用力 25
5.2.3 衝頭速度 25
5.2.4 材料性質 25
5.3 田口方法參數設計 25
5.4 直交表規劃 26
5.5 量測剪斷面說明 26
六、 田口方法分析實驗結果及討論 29
6.1 品質分析 29
6.2 單一控制因子對目標值之影響 30
6.2.1 衝頭與母模間隙之影響 30
6.2.2 壓料板作用力之影響 30
6.2.3 衝頭速度之影響 31
6.2.4 抗拉強度之影響 31
6.3 加工參數對衝剪負荷影響 31
七、 結論與未來研究方向 46
7.1 結論 46
7.2 未來展望 47
參考文獻 48
附錄一:衝壓模具圖檔 50
附錄二:各項實驗結果總彙整 58
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