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研究生(外文):Tai-Fu Tseng
論文名稱(外文):10Gb/s FP Laser with Extra Optical Confinement Layers
指導教授(外文):Chin-Chun KuoTien-Tsorng Shih
外文關鍵詞:semiconductor laserTOSAquantum well
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在此所提出的新式FP雷射經由模擬計算的分析與實際量測已證實了具有良好的發光電流特性,除此所量得的大遠場角度也間接的驗證了高侷限效益要求的設計概念。根據如上的直流特性表現下,以正常的偏壓電流驅動做高頻調變時,雷射晶粒本質的最大的調變頻寬可達13.4GHz,且眼圖波形的傳輸也符合了10Gb/s 乙太網路所制定的傳輸標準。此雷射晶粒經由die/wire bond的技術,且考慮高頻訊號匹配下,被製作成標準TO CAN的形式,經由技巧性的封裝,形成同軸式模組,藉由反射係數S11參數的量測,操作頻率於DC到15GHz的範圍內此雷射模組均無強烈的高頻訊號反射,同時此模組再經由反射係數S21參數的量測也證實可操作的頻率達10GHz,配合電子式色散補償(EDC)技術將可實際的應用於10Gb/s光纖通訊中。
In this study, we inserted two highly refractive index layers in the active layer of FP-LD to confine the optical wave tightly. A tightly optical confined structure will increase the resonant frequency and improve the modulation performances. This novel structure could improve the modulation capability of conventional 2.5Gb/s FP laser up to 10Gb/s. AlGaInAs material was adopted in strained multiple quantum wells (S-MQW) which can improve both the modulation bandwidth and the high temperature performances further.

Our FP laser shows a good light emission characteristic and large far-filed emission angles as an evidence of highly confined structure. On account of the above, under a reasonable bias and modulation condition, the maximum modulation frequency f3dB of the intrinsic chip achieves 13.4GHz and the waveform open clearly and meet the requirement of 10Gb/s Ethernet standard. After a carefully RF matching design and skillfully assembling process, the diode was packaged into the coaxial module. RF reflection measurement shows this module has no strong reflection in RF signal when operated from DC to 15GHz. The maximum modulation frequency f3dB achieves 10GHz which ensures the feasibility of this module in the EDC approach for 10Gb/s application.
中文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
表目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi
圖目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii
一、 序論--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究動機--------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 相關文獻討論--------------------------------------------------------- 4
1.3 內容提要--------------------------------------------------------------- 8
二、 理論分析--------------------------------------------------------------- 10
2.1 波導模態--------------------------------------------------------------- 10
2.1.1 Transverse 模態------------------------------------------------------ 10
2.1.2 Lateral模態------------------------------------------------------------ 13
2.2 Rate equation ---------------------------------------------------------- 15
2.2.1 雷射穩態特性--------------------------------------------------------- 17
2.2.2 暫態反應--------------------------------------------------------------- 19
三、 結構設計與模擬分析------------------------------------------------ 23
3.1 結構設計--------------------------------------------------------------- 23
3.1.1 主動層------------------------------------------------------------------ 25
3.1.2 特殊光侷限層--------------------------------------------------------- 27
3.2 模擬分析--------------------------------------------------------------- 28
3.2.1 LaserMod軟體簡介與建構雷射結構----------------------------- 28
3.2.2 雷射模擬相關參數設定--------------------------------------------- 30
3.2.3 模擬計算與特性分析------------------------------------------------ 33
四、 雷射製程--------------------------------------------------------------- 44
4.1 基礎結構磊晶成長--------------------------------------------------- 44
4.2 脊狀波導的形成------------------------------------------------------ 46
4.3 電流視窗開啟--------------------------------------------------------- 51
4.4 製作P型金屬導電層------------------------------------------------ 53
4.5 晶圓背面研磨與拋光------------------------------------------------ 56
4.6 製作n型金屬導電層------------------------------------------------- 56
4.7 後續製程--------------------------------------------------------------- 57
五、 封裝--------------------------------------------------------------------- 60
5.1 雷射晶粒的die bond與wire bond -------------------------------- 61
5.2 匹配電阻置入--------------------------------------------------------- 61
5.3 光主動元件製作------------------------------------------------------ 62
六、 結果分析--------------------------------------------------------------- 63
6.1 雷射晶粒的低頻(靜態)量測---------------------------------------- 64
6.1.1 發光-電流量測-------------------------------------------------------- 64
6.1.2 遠場角度量測--------------------------------------------------------- 66
6.1.3 雷射發光頻譜的量測------------------------------------------------ 67
6.2 雷射晶粒高頻(動態)特性量測------------------------------------- 68
6.2.1 頻率響應量測--------------------------------------------------------- 69
6.2.2 雷射晶粒眼圖量測--------------------------------------------------- 70
6.3 光主動元件(TOSA)特性量測-------------------------------------- 71
七、 結論--------------------------------------------------------------------- 75
參考文獻 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76
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