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研究生(外文):Wen-Hua Tasi
論文名稱(外文):A Research on the Radio Frequency Identification Facility Planning Problem for General Aisled Plants
指導教授(外文):Chir-Ho Chang
外文關鍵詞:Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)Facility Layout PlanningAislescomputerfuturesystemGenetic Algorithm (GA)
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無線射頻辨識技術被視為二十一世紀十大資訊科技,隨著各國政府及相關產業的高度重視,無線射頻辨識系統將會日異普及。論文研究探討如何在最合乎經濟效益的目標下,在具走道的單樓層設施中配置 RFID 讀取器,讓 RFID 系統能掌控設施中所有需監控的區域,除了能有效掌握設施內被監控的物件為何,並能即時追蹤受監控物件於設施內的位置。

研究中以基因演算法為基礎配合啟發式規則,推導一演算法,可以有效地改善 RFID 讀取器的位置,最後達到最合乎經濟效益的配置結果。演算法依設施的形狀、有無走道及 RFID 讀取器個數是否事先已知,分成五個階段來進行。首先以不具走道的矩形設施為配置對象,配置固定數目的 RFID 讀取器,以使讀取器所能涵蓋的設施區域為最大。階段二仍是以不具走道的矩形設施為配置對象,但以最少化 RFID 讀取器,及最大化讀取器涵蓋區域為目標。階段三及四則是以具走道的矩形設施為配置對象,前者 RFID 讀取器的個數為已知,因此主要目標在於最大化讀取器所能涵蓋的範圍,後者則 RFID 讀取器的個數為未知,因此主要目標在最少化 RFID 讀取器,及最大化讀取器涵蓋區域。最後階段則是考量在一般化形狀 (不限於矩形) 具有走道的設施內配置 RFID 讀取器,並以最少化 RFID 讀取器,及最大化讀取器涵蓋區域為目標。

為了增加論文研究的實用性,根據所推導演算法開發相關電腦程式,作為演算法績效評估及自動化 RFID 系統設施規劃的工具。經由模擬結果分析,基因演算法可以以相當短的計算時間,大大地改善配置 RFID 讀取器的經濟效益。
Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) is viewed as one of the most important top-ten information technologies in the 21 century. Since related businesses give a very high opinion to the RFID technology globally, it is believed the RFID technology will become a handy tool in the near future. The proposed research focuses on the planning of a RFID system in a single-floor plant with aisles such that the locations of each monitored object can be traced in real time. RFID era that comes with the possibility of drawing rich benefits has come.

In order to solve the RFID facility layout planning problems, the genetic algorithm combined with heuristic rules was used as the improving method for rearranging the locations of RFID readers. The proposed method composes of five steps. In the first step, we assume the number of RFID reader is fixed and known in advance where the plant is a rectangle without aisles. The objective in the step is to maximize the area covered by RFID readers. Step 2 keeps considering the rectangular facility, but the objective is to minimize the number of RFID readers and also maximize the area covered by RFID readers. Rectangular-shape plants with aisles were considered in step 3 and step 4. The third step has the number of RFID readers known in advance and its objective is to maximize the area covered by RFID readers only. In contrast, the fourth step minimizes the number of RFID readers and maximizes the area covered by RFID readers. In the final step, we try to find the optimal locations for RFID readers in a general-shaped aisled plant. The goal is to use the least number of RFID readers and to cover as much area of a plant as possible.

In order to enhance the practicability of the proposed approach, a computer program was developed based on the proposed GA algorithm. The program can be used as a tool for evaluating the performance of the planning results and for planning the facility layout problems of a plant which requires an RFID system. The simulation results show that the proposed heuristic method has very high performance for RFID facility layout planning within reasonable computation time.
摘要 i
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緖論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究內容 3
1.4 研究步驟與進行流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 無線射頻系統 7
2.1.1 RFID 系統的發展 7
2.1.2 RFID 系統的組成元件 9
2.1.3 RFID 系統的規格標準 10
2.1.4 RFID 系統的應用 12
2.1.5 RFID 系統應用的限制 17
2.1.6 RFID 讀取器的配置 18
2.2 設施規劃問題 21
2.3 基因演算法 22
2.3.1 基因演算法的組成元素 24
2.3.2 基因演算法的控制參數 34
2.3.3 基因演算法的運作流程 35
2.3.4 基因演算法的應用 37
第三章 問題模式 39
3.1 研究假設與限制 39
3.2 問題模式 40
第四章 研究方法與實證研究 42
4.1 基因演算法 42
4.2 RFID 讀取器的配置 48
4.2.1配置固定數目之 RFID 讀取器於矩形廠房空間 48
4.2.2配置未知數目之RFID 讀取器於矩形廠房空間 57
4.2.3配置固定數目之 RFID 讀取器於具走道的矩形廠房空間 62
4.2.4配置未知數目之RFID讀取器於具走道的矩形廠房空間 68
4.3配置 RFID 讀取器於具走道的一般化廠房空間 77
4.3.1實際廠房RFID 讀取器之配置 77
第五章 模擬與討論 83
第六章 結論與建議 87
參考文獻 89
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