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研究生(外文):Lin-Liang Jiang
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Adaptive Algorithm Application and Rapid Prototyping Automatic control system
指導教授(外文):Hsiu-Ping Wang
外文關鍵詞:Modified model reference adaptive controllerRapid Prototyping SystemPermanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
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本文主要研究適應性理論應用於快速成型機Z軸定位之永磁馬達位置控制,並配合YAG雷射機的運作,來達成快速成型機自動化控制之目的。定位控制法則部分,主要是使用修正型模型參考適應性系統(Modified model reference adaptive system, MMRAS)來設計位置迴路控制器,受控體(馬達)部分,使用永磁同步馬達取代傳統快速成型機控制上常用的步進馬達,以達成永磁同步馬達伺服控制,希望藉由以上兩點能有效地提高Z軸移動精度及控制性能;並且結合了鋪層系統、雷射系統與Soft PLC的整合控制介面,來完成快速成型機自動化之系統。定位控制系統模擬以Matlab®的M-file來撰寫,模擬結果證實可有效地提高Z軸移動精度及控制性能;實際硬體系統實驗結果也顯示,以適應性法則控制永磁同步馬達可有效地增加快速成型機Z軸定位之精度。經由我們所規劃的軟體介面和硬體架構進行實驗,一一驗證鋪層系統、雷射系統及Soft PLC的整合控制介面運作,實現Soft PLC順序控制程式,完成了快速成型機自動化系統。
The paper proposes the application of adaptive algorithm to Z axis position controller of rapid prototyping system with permanent magnet motor, and accomplishes the automatic control system of the rapid prototyping cooperated with the operation of YAG laser machine. In the control rule of position feedback loop, design with modified models reference adaptive system (MMRAS). In the plant rule of position feedback loop, use the permanent magnet synchronous motor to replace usually used stepper motor of tradition rapid prototyping control system and reach servo control of permanent magnet synchronous motor. With above improvements, expect to improve Z axis moving precision and control performance effectively. And then, combine paving layer system, laser system, and Soft PLC integrated control interfaces to achieve the automatic control system of the rapid prototyping machine. Simulation of position control system programs with the Matlab®. Results show the effective improvement of Z axis moving precision and control performance, and so does the experiment results. Through the designed software interface and the hardware system, precede the experiment to test and verify the paving layer system, laser system and Soft PLC integrated control interfaces. And then, Realize Soft PLC sequential control system and finished the automatic control system of rapid prototyping machine.

第一章 緒論..................................1
1.1 研究動機與目的............................1
1.2 文獻回顧.................................2
1.3 研究方法.................................3
1.4 論文架構.................................4
第二章 快速成型機硬體簡介......................5
2.1 前言....................................5
2.2 雷射簡介及規格說明........................5
2.3 鋪層系統硬體架構..........................10
2.4 平台電控系統硬體架構......................13
第三章 Z軸定位控制法則與模擬...................20
3.1 前言....................................20
3.2 永磁同步馬達電路方程式.....................20
3.3 永磁同步馬達數學模型......................21
3.4 PI控制型控制理論..........................23
3.5 修正型模型參考適應性系統...................26
3.5.1 模型參考適應性系統......................26
3.5.2 修正型模型參考適應性系統.................28
3.6 模擬....................................31
第四章 自動化系統軟體介面規劃..................34
4.1 雷射參數設定介面..........................34
4.2 Soft PLC控制介面架構.....................36
第五章 實驗結果...............................41
5.1 前言....................................41
5.2 實驗原理與方法............................41
5.3 田口式實驗法.............................43
5.4 量測方法.................................45
5.5 實驗結果.................................48
5.5.1 田口法實驗結果.........................48
5.5.2 傳統PLC型與PI控制Soft PLC型比較.........54
5.5.3 傳統PLC型與MMRAS控制Soft PLC型比較......61
第六章 結論與建議.............................68
6.1 結論....................................68
6.2 建議....................................69

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