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論文名稱(外文):Transnational corporation strategic alliance behavior-using biotechnology industry as an example
指導教授:李陳國 、 周少凱
指導教授(外文):Lee, Chen-Kuo
外文關鍵詞:Strategic alliance、Game theory、Environment factor、Partner characteristics、Alliance forms
  • 被引用被引用:3
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管理學觀點與經濟學觀點同時來分析策略聯盟(Parkhe, 1993a;1993b;1993c),本研究有兩個主軸目的,經濟學的角度探索策略聯盟產生、發展,演變、終結的原因,但是忽略策略聯盟其他影響因素,這是賽局理論假設條件下沒有考慮的因素,因此以管理學的角度分析企業環境因素與聯盟夥伴特性對於聯盟類型選擇,研究中廣泛性同時從經濟學的角度與管理學的角度來探討。經濟學觀點中跨國企業策略聯盟組織的不穩定性,其重要根源是由於合作夥伴行為的不確定性引起的。可以說,儘管人們都期待共同合作,聯盟組織並不會自動產生,因為「經濟人」的自利傾向和個人理性會降低合作的效率。因此,本文以「囚犯困境」的靜態賽局和動態賽局為研究對象,証明了跨國企業策略聯盟穩定存在的可能性。為了提高聯盟的穩定性,合作夥伴在行為上必須遵守以下原則:(1)正確區分競爭策略與合作策略(2)不能率先背叛合作夥伴(3)對合作與背叛都要給予回報(4)合作夥伴應該保持良好的合作聲譽。管理學觀點以實證性分析在生物科技產業研究調查環境影響力與夥伴特性對於聯盟類型的選擇。策略聯盟的類型藉由在台灣母公司的國內夥伴和國際夥伴運用羅吉斯迴歸分析出。而結果為市場容納量環境因素較強烈傾向於契約聯盟類型。以及夥伴的國籍正相關於契約聯盟類型。然而,當夥伴國籍和數量彼此相互干擾在環境因素和聯盟類型選擇之間時,沒有任何一個夥伴特性因素正相關影響聯盟類型的選擇。
Analyse strategic alliance at the same time with the management view and economics view ( Parkhe, 1993a; 1993b; 1993c), this research has two main shaft purposes , the economics view explores that strategic alliance is produced, developed, the reason to develop , ending, but neglect other influence factors of strategic alliance, this is comparable to the factor not considered under office theory assumed conditions, so analyse with the management view that chooses alliance's type in enterprise's environmental factor and alliance's partner's characteristic, extensive to come the discussion from economics view and management view at the same time in studying. Unstability organized in transnational enterprise's strategic alliance in the economics view, its important origin is caused by uncertainty of cooperative partner's behavior. We can say, though people all expect to cooperate together, alliance's organization will not produce automatically, because” economic people “ profit inclined to and personal reason will decrease cooperative efficiency since. So, this text is comparable to the office and comparable to the office as the research object dynamically with the static behavior of “prisoner’s predicament “, have proved the possibility existing in transnational enterprise's strategic alliance stability. In order to improve the stability of the alliance, the cooperative partner must observe the following principle on the behavior: (1) Distinguish the competitive strategy and cooperative tactics correctly (2) Can't take the lead in betraying the cooperative partner (3 ) and should keep good cooperative reputation in cooperating with betraying and both wanting to offer the cooperative partner of the repayment (4 ) The management view analyses in order to real example nature that studies and investigates the environmental influence power and choice to alliance's type of partner's characteristic in the biological scientific and technological industry. The type of strategic alliance uses Rogers to analyse with the domestic partner and international partner of parent company in Taiwan. And the result is inclined to alliance's type of the agreement more strongly for the environmental factor of holding amount of the market. And the partner's nationality positive correlation is in alliance's type of the agreement. However, when partner's nationality and quantity interfere each other in the environmental factor and alliance's type are chosen each other; there is no choice of influencing alliance's type of positive correlation of any partner's characteristic factor.
目 錄


第一章 緒論.........................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機............................................1
第二節 研究目的.................................................4
第三節 研究流程.................................................6
第二章 文獻探討....................................................7
第一節 策略聯盟之定義與動機 ......................................7
第二節 策略聯盟之類型與結構化....................................21
第三節 夥伴關係與夥伴選擇之準則..................................27
第四節 環境因素................................................35
第五節 影響環境因素與聯盟類型....................................36
第六節 影響夥伴特性與聯盟類型....................................38
第三章 研究方法.....................................................39
第一節 賽局理論................................................39
第二節 羅吉斯統................................................49
第四章 研究結果.....................................................59
第一節 賽局理論................................................59
第二節 實証分析................................................78
第五章 結論與建議...................................................84
第一節 研究結論與管理意涵 ......................................84
第二節 後續研究的建議 ..........................................88
註釋 ..............................................................89
參考文獻 ..........................................................91
附錄1-問卷 .......................................................101
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