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Author (Eng.):Chen Kuan Ting
Title (Eng.):The Relationship between the Board Composition and the Ownership Structure on the Corporate Performance.
Advisor:楊敏華楊敏華 author reflink
advisor (eng):Yang Min Hua
Narrow Field:商業及管理學門
Detailed Field:企業管理學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
number of pages:81
keyword (chi):公司治理董事會股權結構
keyword (eng):corporate governanceboard of directorsownership structure
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  • Cited Cited :16
  • HitsHits:742
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公司治理 (corporate governance) 概念一般泛指公司管理與監控的方法。早在1970年代公司治理的概念即已出現,直到1997年亞洲金融危機發生後,這個議題才又被廣泛討論。理由是金融危機發生之後,各界所提出未來防制金融危機的方法中,強化公司治理機制已被公認為企業對抗危機的良方。而1998年經濟合作暨開發組織 (OECD) 召開之部長級會議中,更明白揭示公司治理運作不上軌道,是亞洲企業無法提昇國際競爭力之關鍵因素之一。2001年美國恩龍案 (Enron) 後陸續引發的金融危機,更突顯公司治理的重要性。是以,強化企業公司治理實為重要之急務。有鑑於此,證券暨期貨管理委員會 (證期會) 於1998年起即開始向國內公開發行公司宣導公司治理之重要性。
本研究期間為2005年 (民國94年) 的台灣傳統產業上市公司,樣本公司產業類別乃參考台灣證券交易所的產業屬性歸類。經整理後樣本公司家數為196家,而樣本公司資料來源為台灣經濟新報社財務資料庫(TEJ)。
The concept, corporate governance, has been emerging since the early 1970’s in response to the perceived lack of effective board oversight that contributed to the poor performance problems. In 1997 there were numbers of scandals and corruption within Asian financial markets that led to severe Asian financial crises. Inadequate corporate governance system has been concluded the major reason suffering the serious consequences on the Asian financial crises. The impact arising from Enron and Corporate America has now put the issue under a spotlight. Therefore, the attention to enhance corporate governance is being emphasized hereafter. Furthermore, OECD, in its ministerial meeting as of 1998, also pointed out the lack of corporate governance has been one of the root causes of the recent Asian financial crisis. The Asian financial crises provide lessons for Taiwan to esteem the importance of corporate governance. Knowing that inadequate corporate governance is identified as the key fact that Asian corporations could not build the competition in world financial markets, Taiwan securities regulator (Securities and Futures Commission, or SFC) has tried its best to emphasize the importance of advocating corporate governance to publicly held companies since 1998. It believes that greater transparency as to corporate governance is needed for enterprises to control risk.
The main findings of this thesis can be summarized as the follows:
1.The board size has a negative relationship with corporate performance.
2.The ratio of the outside directors on the board has a positive relationship with corporate performance.
3.The ratio of the stock holdings by the managers has a positive relationship with corporate performance.
4.The ratio of the stock holdings by the board and supervisors has a positive relationship with corporate performance.
5.The ratio of the stock holdings by the institutional investors has a positive relationship with corporate performance.
6.The ratio of the stock holdings by the block holders has a negative with corporate performance.

第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究背景…………………………………………………………1
第二節 研究動機…………………………………………………………4
第三節 研究目的…………………………………………………………6

第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………………7
第一節 公司治理…………………………………………………………7
第二節 代理理論…………………………………………………………17
第三節 董事會組成與公司經營績效……………………………………25
第四節 股權結構與公司經營績效………………………………………31
第五節 經營績效…………………………………………………………37

第三章 研究設計……………………………………………………………42
第一節 研究假說…………………………………………………………42
第二節 研究架構…………………………………………………………46
第三節 研究範圍…………………………………………………………49
第四節 分析方法…………………………………………………………53

第四章 實證結果與分析……………………………………………………55
第一節 基本統計資料分析………………………………………………55
第二節 迴歸分析…………………………………………………………58

第五章 結論…………………………………………………………………71
第一節 結論與建議………………………………………………………72
第二節 研究限制…………………………………………………………74
第三節 後續研究…………………………………………………………75

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10.柯承恩 (民89)。我國公司監理體系之問題與改進建議(下).。會計研究月刊,第174 期,頁79-83。
11.俞海琴 (民83年7月)。內部人士持股比率與融資策略關係之實證研究。管理評論,第13卷第2期,頁79-98。
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13.徐翠梅著 (民91)。公司董監在企業監控問題中職務角色之研究。國立中山大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。
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1. Central Agency Problem and Corporate Value on a Concentrated Ownership Environment--Empirical of Taiwan stock Market
2. A study on the Characteristics of Board of Directors and Corporate Performance
3. The research of board system with firm performance
4. The Impact of Board Size on Corporate Value
5. The relationship between corporate governance and corporate performance
6. An empirical study of the relationship between family-related attributes in the board of directors and business performance --Institutional director''''s influence also examined.
7. 股權結構、董事會組成、資本結構與企業績效關係之研究
8. A Study on the Characteristics of Boards of Directors and Manipulation
9. An Empirical Examination of the Relevance between Corporate Governance, Accounting Information, And Equity Market Value
11. Board of directors characteristics and relations information exposition
12. The Study in Relationship among Corporate Governance Variables, Operating Performances, Value Added, and Credit Rating in Multi-National Securitization Offering Corporations.
13. An Empirical Study of the Relationship among Board of Directors Characteristic, Financial Policy and Financial Performance ─ An Example of Taiwan Public Listed Companies in the Electro-optical Industry
1. 10.柯承恩 (民89)。我國公司監理體系之問題與改進建議(下).。會計研究月刊,第174 期,頁79-83。
2. 9.柯承恩 (民89)。我國公司監理體系之問題與改進建議(上).。會計研究月刊,第173 期,頁75-81。
3. 11.俞海琴 (民83年7月)。內部人士持股比率與融資策略關係之實證研究。管理評論,第13卷第2期,頁79-98。
4. 23.劉韻僖、葉匡時 (民75)。強化國內經濟體質:企業監控之研究。經濟情勢暨評論,第5卷第1期,頁1-22。
5. 6. 史明輝〈動畫電影的數位革命成功佔據市場未來〉《數位視界》2002年5月,頁87-91
6. 8. 吳品賢〈漫談數位電影近況〉《數位視訊多媒體月刊》2003年元月號,第3-5版
7. 9. 李亦中〈交互與分野——中國數位影視的現狀及趨勢〉《電影欣賞》2004年3月,頁57-64
8. 13. 姚惠珍〈黃家三個男人讓布袋戲不只是偶戲——從路邊野台戲躍身數位電影的策略革新〉《商業周刊》2004年4月,頁104-107
9. 17. 楊一峰〈什麼是「電影」?電影數位化的現在及未來(1)〉《廣電人》2001年2月,頁26-28
10. 19. 楊祖珺 〈反思繪製數位傳播文化的理論盲點〉《中外文學》第34卷第3期(總399)2005年8月 頁15-42
11. 20. 葉明勳〈動態新美學新再現媒體〉《電影欣賞》2003年3月,頁70-72
12. 25. 遲嫻儒〈數位電影創意家侯德健把糖醋排骨變甜酸咕咾肉〉《管理雜誌》2004年9月頁118-122
1. A Study on the Relationship between the Corporate Governance and the Operating Performance ─ the Case of the Listed and OTC food companies in Taiwan
2. The Effects of Board Composition and Earnings Management on Firm Value: The Cases on SEC and OTC Companies in Taiwan
3. none
4. The effects of shares collateralized by board of directors on accounting earnings and firm performance
5. Institutional Ownership, Corporate Governance and Corporate Performance:Evidence from Group-Affiliated Firms and Non Group-Affiliated Firms in Taiwan
6. The Study on Effects of Board Characteristics on the Corporate Performance: A Case of Stock Exchange Market. and Over-The-Counter Market Listed Service Company
7. The Research of Announcement Independent Board of Director appoint which Influence The Company
8. a study for the impact of characteristics of the board of directors on earnings management
9. An Empirical Study of the Relationships among the Ownership Structure, the Independent Director and the Operating Performance of the Electronic Companies in Taiwan
10. The Study of Correlations Among The Characteristics of Bboard and The Wwnership Structure to Company Performance
11. Corporate Governance & Disclosure
12. The Determinants of Ratio of Independent Directors and Supervisors
13. Building a Corporate Governance Index for Firms in Taiwan
14. The Relationship among Corporate Governance, Employee Stock Optionand Corporate Performance—An Empirical Analysis of the TSE Electronic Industry in Taiwan
15. A Research of Relationship among Corporate Governance Mechanisms, Information Transparency and Announcement of Diversification-An Empirical Study of Electrical Industry in Taiwan
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