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研究生(外文):Chun-Yu Wei
論文名稱(外文):Estimate Medical Expenses of Old-Aged People in Taiwan Area ------Sampling from Report on the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure
指導教授(外文):Yu-Zhu Lan
外文關鍵詞:medical expenses of old-aged peoplereport on the survey of family income and expendaffording partly
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Due to science and technology have been significantly innovating, the life expectancy is lengthening, cause the demand of medical treatment has been running high. Individual must plans its future medical expenses appropriately in order to avoid influencing its career and financial plan. This research based on the data materials of investigating with family''s revenue and expenditure provided by the department of Directorate-General of Budget. Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, also, taking into consideration the analysis of the medical expenses and estimate, try to forecast for the future trend of the medical expenses of population over 65, furthermore, to remind individual to make proper financial plan. In the meantime, to understand whether commercial medical insurance still has further rooms for development.

The several important conclusions of this research can be summarized: the head of household education degree, the original wages of the employee, the expenditure of health insurance and labor premium by employer, other remuneration, income, and expenditure by employee not come from the original wages, the health insurance premium subsidized by the government, the average individual gross domestic product, year, the numbers of old people of each household, income and old age self-payment medical expenses all present positive correlation. Besides, eldly people have higher medical demand because of the health status, even raising health insurance rate and affording partly, the self-payment medical expenses of old age has still increasing continuously. The result of this research also shows the yearly average of self-payment medical expenses of old age is about NT$34,404, however, there is disparity with the statistical data from LIAROC (The Life Insurance Association of The Republic of China). It reveals that the commercial medical health insurance still has room for development.

There are some recommendations come out from this research: Make use of the medical project and medical treatment offered by commercial health insurance to recover the deficiency of national health insurance so as to improve personal medical quality. In addition, while suffering from cancer, senile dementia or other diseases that need nursing care, resulted in the huge nursing expense can be guaranteed by commercial insurance. So individual should look over its medical treatment is ensured, and consider its future demand in different ways, such as quality of medical treatment, nurse or nursing care in hospital. Hospitalization insurance can be the first choice when the budget is insufficient. The cancer insurance, the long-term nursing care insurance, or the great disease insurance could be the next choice if it can be afforded.
論文題目 I
論文口試委員會審定書 II
博碩士論文電子檔案授權書 III
誌 謝 IV
中文摘要 V
英文摘要 VI
目 次 VIII
圖 次 X
表 次 XI
第一章 緒言 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 7
第三節 研究步驟 8
第四節 研究大綱 10
第五節 研究範圍與限制 11
第二章 理論與文獻探討 13
第一節 相關理論 13
第二節 文獻探討 15
第三章 研究方法 28
第一節 資料來源與處理 28
第二節 統計方法與模型建構 47
第四章 實證分析 53
第一節 基本資料分析 54
第二節 平均數差異分析 62
第三節 相關性分析與因素分析 66
第四節 迴歸分析 74
第五節 案例研究 83
第六節 健保政策、教育程度、所得高低與老年自負醫療費用之分析 89
第五章 結論與建議 96
第一節 結論 96
第二節 建議事項 100
參考文獻 102
附 錄 一 105
附 錄 二 106
附 錄 三 109
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