Knowledge is the most valuable resource of Post Capitalist Society. In the age of knowledge economics the core values of an enterprise lie mostly in the management of knowledge and the created added value.
The purpose of this study is to build “ a model of fulfillment of knowledge management theory” to find out the combination of sit ingredients: strategies, business process, culture, style properties, IT, organization, and HRM (Human Resource Management) in the process of knowledge activities in an organization. The concept of the knowledge worker and managing the next society by Peter Drucker, and the value chain model by Michael Porter, and the spiral theory of knokege by Ikujiro Nonaka are further integrated into our model of fulfillment of knowledge management theory.
Based on our model, the approaches to fulfill the knowledge management are 1. The organizational framework fit for strategies. 2. To intake the BPR methodology into business. 3. The clear and common guidelines of the knowledge management. 4. To nurture a knowledge management coordinator. 5. The knowledge marketing. 6. To use the groups to foster expected changes. 7. To build an integrated knowledge support system.
The results we have found in this study are: 1. Find out the knowledge workers in an organization to see if they are capable of their jobs in the percentage of job achievement.
2. In the aspects of organization, technique, process, and manpower support, the performance can only be greatly achieved if the killer application of the knowledge management and fulfillment is found. 3. Find out the key points to attain the goals, and implement the chain value management, and sharing, creation, and use of knowledge management.