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研究生(外文):Wei-Yau Jeng
論文名稱(外文):Store choice and Spending across Grocery Formats-The Case of Consumers in Taipei Metropolis
外文關鍵詞:Store Choice Across Grocery FormatsSpending
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近十幾年來,台灣地區的消費者購買行為產生極大的變化,促使食品雜貨業不斷地改變。細究這些型態的零售通路,在其經營之初,雖各自有其定位與經營範疇,但在同通路內競爭愈來愈激烈的情況下,為了擴大市場範圍,這些零售通路逐漸開始調整,擴大其產品種類與服務內容,從而造成今日這些食品零售通路所提供的產品型式彼此重疊。這種改變雖然方便了消費者的採購,但卻造成某種程度的跨通路競爭。本研究藉由複迴歸與邏輯斯特迴歸分析(Logistic Regression Analysis)探討影響消費者跨通路的商店選擇的影響因素?以及影響消費支出的因素?
In recently ten years, the consumers’ shopping behaviors have changed a lot in Taiwan and it made grocery stores that include other grocery formats change constantly. Those grocery formats had their own target market in original operate. In order to expand the markets, those grocery formats began to adjust their products and services when the same grocery formats at competed more and more. It made the overlap in their produce offerings in those grocery formats. It also made great change on the convenience of buying products, but it set up the competitions between those grocery formats at the same time. This study used Multiregression Analysis and Logistic Regression Analysis to find out what factors affect consumers’ store choice and spending behaviors across grocery formats?
The results of this research are as follows:(1) Consumers’ purchase tasks affect store choice across grocery formats. (2) Store attributes affect store choice across grocery formats. (3) The assortments affect store choice across grocery formats. (4) Marketing policy affect store choice across retail formats. (5) Demographic Parameters affect store choice across grocery formats. (6) Determine the single consumption when consumer choose the store.
At the management suggestions: Mass merchandisers should increase daily supplies products, the marketing policy is suggested to rely on discounts and the major market is the household with many family members. CVS should increase the products of dried goods, the marketing policy is also suggested to rely on giveaways and the major
market should be focus on the younger group of people. Furthermore, supermarkets are suggested to increase variety of the daily supplies products and fresh food, the products mapping could be ranged in a systematic way. It is not necessary to overuse the marketing policy; but concentrate on consumer satisfaction of merchandise to attract consumers. Pharmacies are suggested to increase the varieties of drugs, cosmetics and daily supplies. The products mapping could be ranged in a systematic way, setting up more stores in both residential and business area. Finally, the marketing policy is also suggested to focus on discounts, the major market of the younger group of people and households.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題與研究目的 3
1.3 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 商店選擇 6
2.1.1 商店選擇的行為模式 6
2.1.2 商店選擇的影響因素 12
2.1.3 消費者購物動機 14
2.1.4 商店屬性 18
2.2國內食品雜貨零售市場概況 21
2.2.1 量販店概況 21
2.2.2 便利商店概況 23
2.2.3 超市概況 26
2.2.4 藥妝店概況 29
2.2.5 食品雜貨零售各業態之比較 30
第三章 研究設計 33
3.1 研究架構 33
3.2 研究假說 34
3.3 變數定義 36
3.4 研究範圍與抽樣對象 41
3.5 問卷設計 41
3.6 資料分析方法 42
第四章 資料分析與結果 44
4.1 基本資料敘述性統計分析 44
4.1.1 樣本統計資料分析 44
4.1.3 商店特性敘述性統計分析 48
4.2信度與效度分析 50
4.2.1 驗證性因素分析 50
4.2.2 信度分析 54
4.2.3 效度分析 55
4.3 商店選擇分析 56
4.3.1 量販店的影響因素 56
4.3.2 便利商店的影響因素 58
4.3.3 超市的影響因素 59
4.3.4 藥妝店的影響因素 61
4.4 消費支出 62
4.5 研究假設驗證結果 64
第五章 結論與建議 68
5.1 研究結論 68
5.2 管理意涵 69
5.3研究限制 71
5.4 後續的研究建議 71
參考文獻 73
附錄一:問卷內容 77

圖1- 1 研究流程 5
圖2- 1 商店選擇的行為模式 8
圖2- 2 消費者購物行為的整合性模式 10
圖2- 3 商店的選擇過程 11
圖2- 4 跨通路商店選擇行為模式 12
圖3- 1 研究架構 34

表1- 1 量販店、超市及便利商店之比較 2
表2- 1 商店選擇模型研究彙整 6
表2- 2 商店選擇的影響因素 13
表2- 3 消費者購買任務之比較 17
表2- 4 消費者注重的商店屬性項目 18
表2- 5 商店選擇衡量項目 20
表2- 6 量販店之定義 21
表2- 7 便利商店定義 24
表2- 8 超市定義 26
表2- 9 超級市場經營型態 29
表2- 10 食品雜貨零售業態之比較 30
表2- 11 零售業各業態商品種類之比較 32
表3- 1 商店選擇與消費支出之變數操作性定義與衡量項 37
表4- 1 受測者基本資料 45
表4- 2 受測者的購買原因及物品 47
表4- 3 商店特性衡量問項敘述性統計資料 49
表4- 4 驗證性因素分析之基本配適標準 51
表4- 5 驗證性因素分析之整體模式配適度 52
表4- 6 驗證性因素分析之模式內在架構配適度 53
表4- 7 問卷信度之衡量 55
表4- 8 Logistic迴歸模型分析評估表-量販店 57
表4- 9 Logistic迴歸模型分析評估表-便利商店 58
表4- 10 Logistic迴歸模型分析評估表-超市 60
表4- 11 Logistic迴歸模型分析評估表-藥妝店 62
表4- 12 迴歸模型分析評估表 63
表4- 13 商店選擇影響因素彙整表 64
表4- 14 研究假設驗證表 67
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