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研究生(外文):Yu-Fang Kuo
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Attachment--Examining the Job Demand-Control-Support Model.
指導教授(外文):Jehn-Yih Wong
外文關鍵詞:Organizational AttachmentWork StressJob Demands-Control-Support Model
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隨著經濟的發展,各先進國的經濟環境與產業結構,從過往工業時期漸漸轉型為現今的服務經濟時代,而造就服務業成為具發展及前瞻性的產業。服務業是以服務顧客為導向的產業,因而與顧客直接接觸的員工,其重要性更為顯著。相對的,其在工作環境上面臨的壓力,也日益沉重。這些壓力不僅會影響到個人,也會影響到組織的績效與服務品質。因而本研究擬利用Johnson and Hall (1988)的「工作需求-控制-支持模式」作為理論基礎,針對服務業人員,建立工作壓力、工作滿意度與組織依附(組織承諾與離職意向)之相關因果模型,來探討員工離職的行為。研究中以懦撥~及航空業之從業人員為研究對象,並運用線性結構關係模式來探討模型中各變數間的關係。研究結果證實「工作需求-控制-支持模式」之兩壓力假說均成立,且僅在高同事支持下,工作滿意度會顯著影響員工的離職傾向。故本文的貢獻為:將Johnson and Hall (1988)的「工作需求-控制-支持模式」應用至服務業員工,針對在高工作壓力下的員工,提出一套適宜的管理方針。最後依據本研究之發現,提供實務人事主管於員工壓力管理上之建議。
Following by growth of economics, the economic environment and industrial structure in developed countries have chanded gradually from previous industrial period to service-economy period nowadays. Therefore, this trend leads the tourism has become a perspective industry. Tourism is a customers-oriented industry; hence, employees who directly contact with customers are more important than others. On the other hand, the job stress they bear is also increasing. The stress not only influence on individuals, but also the performance and the quality of service of the organization. Thus, this research is based on the model of Job Demand-Control-Support Model (JDCS) (Johnson and Hall, 1988). The targets of this study were to establish a causal model for tourism employees, which are the job stress, job satisfaction and organizational attachment (organizational commitment and turnover), to probe into why the employees leaving their jobs. This research took the employees form hotel and air industries as examples, and the structural equation modeling using LISREL was employed to test the relationships among the variables in the model. Results revealed two hypothesizes are examined, and job satisfaction will only affect turnover in high-coworker Support condition. Finally, according to the relationships we mentioned above, we will provide some useful suggestions for managers.
目 錄...................................I
圖 目 錄..................................IV
表 目 錄...................................V
第一章 緒論...............................1
1.1 研究背景與動機........................1
1.2 研究問題與目的........................3
1.3 研究流程..............................3
第二章 文獻回顧...........................6
2.1 工作壓力..............................6
2.1.1 壓力的定義..........................6
2.1.2 工作壓力的定義......................7
2.1.3 工作壓力模式理論....................8
2.1.4 工作壓力相關研究...................16
2.2 工作滿意度...........................16
2.2.1 工作滿意度之意義...................16
2.2.2 工作滿意度理論.....................18
2.2.3 影響工作滿意度的相關因素...........20
2.2.4 工作滿意度之相關研究...............21
2.3 組織依附.............................21
2.3.1 組織承諾定義.......................23
2.3.2 組織承諾之理論.....................24
2.3.3 組織承諾之相關研究.................25
2.3.4 離職傾向定義.......................25
2.3.5 離職傾向相關模式...................26
2.3.6 離職傾向之相關研究.................29
第三章 研究方法..........................31
3.1 研究架構.............................31
3.2 變項之操作性定義.....................31
3.2.1 工作壓力模式.......................31
3.2.2 工作滿意度.........................32
3.2.3 組織承諾...........................33
3.2.4 離職傾向...........................33
3.3 研究假設.............................33
3.3.1 壓力與滿意度之關係.................33
3.3.2 工作滿意度與組織承諾之關係.........35
3.3.3 滿意度與離職傾向之關係.............35
3.3.4 組織承諾與離職傾向之關係...........36
3.3.5 緩衝壓力假設之驗證.................36
3.4 問卷設計.............................36
3.5 研究對象與抽樣.......................41
3.6 分析方法.............................41
3.6.1 信度與效度分析.....................41
3.6.2 敘述統計...........................42
3.6.3 結構方程式.........................42
第四章 實證結果..........................43
4.1 信效度分析與敘述性統計分析...........43
4.1.1 問卷回收情形.......................43
4.1.2 驗證性因素分析.....................43
4.1.3 信度與效度分析.....................47
4.1.4 基本人口統計分析...................50
4.2 線性結構關係模式之結果...............52
4.2.1 整體模式之配適度檢定...............52
4.2.2 直接壓力模式估計結果...............53
4.2.3 緩衝壓力模式估計結果...............58
4.2.4 工作滿意度中介效果之驗證...........64
4.2.5 假說驗證小結.......................65
第五章 結論與建議........................67
5.1 研究結論.............................67
5.1.1 資料結構分析之結論.................67
5.1.2 結構方程模式分析之結論.............67
5.2 研究建議.............................69
5.2.1 管理意涵...........................69
5.2.2 研究限制與未來建議.................70
附錄一 工作壓力與組織依附之問卷..........82

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