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研究生(外文):Nguyen-quang Vinh
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Taiwanese Management Style at Taiwanese-invested Companiesin Southern Vietnam
指導教授(外文):Ron Chuen Yeh
外文關鍵詞:Taiwanese management stylemiddle manager.cross-culture managementTaiwanese-invested companies
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In recent years, Taiwan has become one of the largest foreign investors in Vietnam with over 1,400 projects, worth about US$ 7.7 billion. The place has been considered as an attractive and favorite long-term investment place for Taiwanese entrepreneurs. Appraising the effectiveness of management of Taiwanese business operations in Vietnam has become a significant interest not only to Taiwanese businessmen who have invested in Vietnam but also to Vietnamese government officers as well as to academic business students. With the aim of helping Taiwanese entrepreneurs to find out appropriate management style, the purposes of the study was to understand the perceptions of Vietnamese middle managers towards the current Taiwanese management style at Taiwanese-invested companies in southern Vietnam and then, supply suggestions for the improvement of the management. In-depth interviews were conducted to 10 Vietnamese middle managers; Mail survey was done with self-administered questionnaires sent to 300 addressed Taiwanese-invested companies in southern Vietnam. Results of statistical analysis showed that Vietnamese middle managers satisfied the current Taiwanese management style although the satisfaction level was not high. Furthermore, some relationships between demographic factors and satisfaction level were explored and suggestions for improvement of the management style were made. Taiwanese-invested companies can see the implication of this study as reference for the development of their managerial strategies in Vietnam.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and motivation 1
1.2 Research purposes, research objectives and research questions 4
1.3 Research scope and limitations 9
1.4 Definition of terms 10
Chapter 2 Literature review 12
2.1 Definition and classification of management style 13
2.2 Characteristics of certain management styles 21
2.3 Cross-culture management issues involving management styles 26
2.4 Taiwanese management style and its situation in Vietnam 31
2.5 Summary of the chapter 36
Chapter 3 Research methodology 38
3.1 Research process 38
3.2 Research methods 41
3.2.1 In-depth interview 43
3.2.2 Mail survey 43
3.3 Question design 44
3.3.1 In-depth interview 45
3.3.2 Mail Survey 45
3.4 Validity and reliability 49
3.5 Sampling design 50
3.5.1 In-depth interview 50
3.5.2 Mail survey 51
3.6 Data collection 52
3.7 Methods for statistical analysis 53
3.7.1 Qualitative analysis 53
3.7.2 Quantitative analysis 54
Chapter 4 Data analysis, findings and results 58
4.1 In-depth interview 58
4.1.1 Data analysis 58
4.1.2 Findings 60
4.1.3 Results 61
4.2 Validity and reliability test 68
4.3 Mail survey 69
4.3.1 Data analysis 69
4.3.2 Findings 80
4.3.3 Results 82
Chapter 5 Conclusion, suggestion and implication 85
5.1 Research conclusion 85
5.1.1 Vietnamese middle manager comments on the dimensions 85
5.1.2 Middle managers satisfaction with the dimensions 85
5.1.3 Relationship between demographic factors and satisfaction 86
5.2 Research suggestion 87
5.3 Research implication 89
Appendix A: In-depth Interview Questions 98
Appendix B: Self-administered Questionnaires – English version 99
Appendix C: Self-administered Questionnaires – Vietnamese version 104
Appendix D: Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam 1988-2005 109
Appendix E: Taiwan investment classified on category of career 1988-2005 112
Appendix F: Taiwan investment classified on category of area 1988-2005 113
Appendix G: In-depth interview responses 115
Appendix H: Management style model by Culpan and Kucukemiroglu 124
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