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研究生(外文):Li-Shiang Huang
論文名稱(外文):Performance Analysis of Routing Path on Network
指導教授(外文):Yen-Jen Chen
外文關鍵詞:Switching PathsForwardingRouting TableARP Cache/TableAging Time
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封包在路由器內的交換過程被稱為繞徑(Switching Paths)模式,Cisco路由器有三種繞徑模式:Process Switching(PS)、Fast Switching(FS)、與Cisco Express Forwarding(CEF)。繞徑模式影響路由器輸出封包的效能,本研究以路由器的CPU負載為效能指標,分析繞徑模式對效能的影響。在繞徑模式中,PS的效能與其他二者相去甚遠,故本文主要分析FS與CEF的差異。FS將封包之routing information與封包將被送至之下一站的實體位址(即MAC位址)暫存於Route Cache中,對於相同目的地之其他封包,則透過讀取Route Cache內相關的遞送資訊,以縮短遞送時間。由於下一站的實體位址多是得自ARP Cache,當Route Cache與ARP Cache不同步時,Route Cache內不同步之內容需重建,此時FS之效能降至與PS相同。CEF則是將routing information與下一站的實體位址分別存於CEF Table與Adjacency Table,並且在處理資訊同步的問題時避免遞送效能降至與PS相同。Cisco宣稱CEF優於FS,然而在公開之技術文獻中並未說明造成差異之參數,經本研究發現,ARP Cache的Aging Time是造成差異的主要因素。本文的貢獻在於提供完整的實驗數據及方法,詳盡的告知繞徑模式在傳送流量的差異性,提供網路規劃時的效能參考依據,以有效的掌握路由器效能。
The steps of packet forwarding inside a router are a processing path, known as Switching Path. There are three kinds of Switching Paths in Cisco routers: Process Switching (PS), Fast Switching (FS) and Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF). Switching Paths affect the packet forwarding performance of routers; therefore, this research is to analyze the effects of Switching Paths on the router performance, indicated by CPU Load. Among Switching Paths, the performance of PS is much lower than other two, so the analysis is focused on the difference between FS and CEF. FS stores into Route Cache the routing information of a packet and the physical address of the next hop the packet forwarded to, and thus with retrieving the information from the cache it can shorten the forwarding delays of the other packets to the same destination network as the packet. Since the physical addresses of next hops are mostly got from ARP Cache, the content of Route Cache will be rebuilt once Route Cache and ARP Cache are not synchronized on physical addresses. The performance of FS is dropped to the same of PS at this moment. CEF stores routing information and the physical addresses of next hops in CEF Table and Adjacency Table, respectively. This helps to avoid performance dropping to the same of PS on the synchronization problem of the physical address information. Cisco declares the performance of CEF is better than that of FS, but has not explained in any open technical literature which factors cause their difference. The result of this research tells Aging Time of ARP Cache is the main factor causing the difference. The contributions are of giving a number of experimental data and analysis methods to explain the different effects on performance of Switching Paths in details. This provides the performance factors as the reference on network planning, and thus helps to handle the performance of routers.
明志科技大學碩士學位論文指導教授推薦書...................... i
明志科技大學碩士學位論文口試委員審定書...................... ii
明志科技大學學位論文授權書................................. iii
第一章 緒論..............................................1
1.1 研究構想..............................................1
1.2 研究目的..............................................2
第二章 系統架構原理........................................3
2.2 SmartBits.............................................3
2.3 Router簡介............................................5
2.3.1 Process Switching Function.........................6
2.3.2 Interrupt Context Switching.........................8
2.3.3 Interrupt Context Switching.........................9 Fast Switching(FS)...............................9 Cisco Express Forwarding(CEF)....................10
2.4 QoS Function..........................................11
2.4.1 QoS應用理論..........................................12
2.4.2 First-in,first-out queuing(FIFO)..................12
2.4.3 Priority queuing (PQ)..............................12
2.5 PRTG 簡介..............................................13
2.6 SNMP 概念描述..........................................14
2.6.1 MIB(管理訊息資料庫).................................14
第三章 研究方法............................................15
3.1 效能分析模型............................................16
3.1.1 Router Scale........................................17
3.1.2 Input Traffic.......................................17
3.1.3 Switching Modes.....................................18
3.1.4 QoS Strategies......................................19
3.2 實驗規劃方法...........................................19
3.2.1 Baseline Test.......................................19
3.2.2 Switching Mode Test.................................20
3.2.3 Detail Switching Mode Test..........................20
3.2.4 QoS Strategies Test.................................22
3.3 Measure Methods.......................................22
3.4 實驗環境建構............................................22
3.4.1 Environment of Baseline Test........................23
3.4.2 Environment of Switching Mode.......................24
3.4.3 Environment of Switching Mode in Detail.............25
3.4.4 Environment of QoS Strategies.......................27
第四章 實驗結果分析..........................................29
4.1 Result of Baseline Test................................29
4.1.1 Result in Process Switching of CPU load..............30
4.1.2 Result in Fast Switching of CPU load.................31
4.1.3 Result in Cisco Express Forwarding of CPU load.......32
4.1.4 Result in NetFlow of CPU load........................33
4.2 Result of Switching Mode Test..........................36
4.2.1 Two Flows Test in Medium Packets.....................36
4.2.2 Multiple Flows Test in Medium Packets................37
4.3 Result of Detail Test in Switching Mode................39
4.3.1 Result of Detail Test in Process Switching...........40
4.3.2 Result of Detail Test in Fast Switching..............42
4.3.3 Result of Detail Test in Cisco Express Forwarding....44
4.3.4 ARP Cache Size Test..................................45
4.3.5 ARP Aging Time Test..................................47
4.3.6 ARP Aging Time Table.................................53
4.4 Result of QoS Strategies...............................53
4.4.1 FIFO&PQ Test in 2000 sessions.......................55
4.5 ACL test of QoS Strategies(Small flow)................57
4.6 ACL test of QoS Strategies(Big flow)..................58
第五章 結論..................................................60
表1 繞徑模式之整理表.................... 18
表2 Table of Baseline Test ........... 35
表3 Aging Time Table.................. 53
圖1 SmartBits的外觀圖.........................3
圖2 SmartBits之應用程式之一....................4
圖3 SmartBits之應用程式之二....................4
圖4 路由器介面圖...............................6
圖5 Process Switching Function...............7
圖6 Interrupt Context Switching..............8
圖7 二元樹(FS)..............................9
圖8 Trie(CEF)..............................10
圖9 FIFO Mode................................12
圖10 PQ Mode..................................13
圖11 效能分析模型..............................16
圖12 ARP Cache Test...........................21
圖13 Aging Time ...............................21
圖14 PRTG 觀測圖...............................22
圖15 Environment of Baseline Test.............23
圖16 Environment of Switching Mode............24
圖17 Multiple Flow............................25
圖18 Environment of Switching Mode in Detail..26
圖19 Different Frame Size Test................26
圖20 Different MAC Source Test................27
圖21 Environment of QoS Strategies............28
圖22 Configuration of Packet Loss.............29
圖23 Analysis in PS of CPU load ...............30
圖24 Analysis in FS of CPU load ...............31
圖25 Analysis in CEF of CPU load..............32
圖26 Analysis in NetFlow of CPU load..........33
圖27 Analysis in NetFlow with CEF of CPU load.34
圖28 Result of FS Test in Two Flows...........36
圖29 Result of CEF Test in Two Flows..........37
圖30 Result of FS Test in Multiple Flows......38
圖31 Result of CEF Test in Multiple Flows.....38
圖32 實驗環境更改架設圖.........................39
圖33 Detail Test in PS1 .......................40
圖34 Detail Test in PS2 .......................41
圖35 Detail Test in FS1 .......................42
圖36 Detail Test in FS2 .......................43
圖37 Detail Test in CEF .......................44
圖38 Change 2021 MAC source...................46
圖39 Change 2022 MAC source...................46
圖40 Change MAC Source 26.....................47
圖41 Change MAC Source 27.....................48
圖42 Change MAC Source 28.....................48
圖43 Change MAC Source 29.....................49
圖44 Change Before Aging Time(MAC 24)........50
圖45 Change After Aging Time(MAC 24).........51
圖46 Change Before Aging Time(MAC 2000)......52
圖47 Change After Aging Time(MAC 2000).......52
圖48 Result of FIFO(QoS).....................54
圖49 Result of PQ(QoS).......................55
圖50 Result of PQ&FIFO(QoS).................56
圖51 Correct result of PQ(Small flow)........59
圖52 Correct result of FIFO(Small flow)......60
圖53 Correct result of PQ(Big flow)..........61
圖54 Correct result of FIFO(Big flow)........61
[1] SmartApplications User Guide Version 2.50 January 2002。上網日期:94年10月。網址:http://www.spirentcom.com
[2] Mark A. Poplar著,林慶德、張天杰譯(民90)。CCNA網路概論:路由器與交換原理,台北:旗標。
[3] Switching Paths Overview.(n.d.).上網日期:94年10月。網址:http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/software/ios121/121cgcr/switch_c/xcprt1/xcdovips.pdf
[4] How to Choose the Best Router Switching Path for Your Network.(n.d.).上網日期:94年10月。網址:http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/105/20.pdf
[5] Quality of Service (QoS) Networking.(n.d.).上網日期:94年11月。網址:http://www.cisco.com/en/US/tech/tk543/tsd_technology_support_category_home.html
[6] PRTG Traffic Grapher.(n.d.).上網日期:95年3月。網址:http://www.paessler.com/download/prtg
[7] Simple Network Management Protocol. (n.d.).上網日期:95年3月。網址:http://www.snmplink.org/
[8] Congestion Management Overview. (n.d.).上網日期:94年12月。網址:http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/software/ios122/122cgcr/fqos_c/fqcprt2/qcfconmg.pdf
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